Authors Note:

Hi! I already have this whole thing written, so I'll try to upload one each day! :) I've had this idea in my head for about a week, so, you know… finally getting it out feels good. This is kind of a filler story to cover for the fact that I don't really feel like updating my other stories right now… *chuckles weakly*

Hope you enjoy it!

-Ten Lies Courtney Told Duncan-

Summary: "Ugh, you stink!" / "I really wish you'd go away." / "I hate you." / And the lies just keep piling up.

Chapter One: "You Make Me Sick."

Courtney walked into the library, feeling right at home. This was her reason for leaving school as soon as the bell rang- to come right here. She absolutely loved the library. You could sit down and read whatever you wanted, anytime. Courtney had actually been enjoying herself with a good book- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. It had been on her reading list, and although she had already read it before, she had this thing for revisiting books. It was like when you watched a movie for the second time, one that you haven't watched since you were little. You notice all the hidden jokes that you couldn't understand when you were smaller, and you soon realize that the plot was much more complex than you had thought at first watch. By the time you're done, you could have sworn you'd seen a different movie- at least a much different one than the one you had watched as a child.

As her little voice in her rambled on and on and books and whatever, she herself noticed that he usual chair was, in fact, not so empty as it always was. Who would dare take her favorite spot?

But, oh, why did she ask that? Of course it was him. Duncan turned an eye to her, his baby blue's twinkling as he grinned at her. "Princess? What a pleasure seeing you here!" He snickered, leaning back in- again, she thought- her chair. Hers, hers, hers, god dammit! Wasn't the library hers? Wasn't this space hers? Wasn't that damn chair hers?

"Oh, is this your seat?" He quipped innocently, but she knew him too well. His green Mohawk hung over his head as the ends of his mouth turned up in a smirk, a slight peek of white teeth showing. How had he known that was where she sat? She tried to wrack her brain, although she already knew the answer. Duncan always watched out for her. She had seen him walking into the library a few times, pretending to read books (yeah, as if, Duncan reading?) and looking at her from under his lashes.

She tried to pretend like it was an annoyance, as though his presence bothered her. The truth was that his form in the back of her mind soothed her, and made her feel quite safe. It was really flattering- though she would never admit it. "Yes, that is my seat, you ass! Get up!"

It was then that she heard it. A loud ripping noise. She stared at Duncan, literally in shock. She then growled. "Did you seriously just… fart… in MY chair?" Duncan was now in hysterics, not paying the librarian any mind (she was asking them to please, please be quiet). Dear lord, if the look on her face wasn't worth that damn fart! He had been holding it in just for her…

"You make me sick!" She yelled, letting out a frustrated noise. "Get out of my chair!" He got up from the chair, presenting the chair to her like it was a throne. She huffed and sat, but then got up abruptly. "EWW! Smells so bad-"

Duncan just laughed. Courtney sighed angrily. Yeah, there was no way she was going to be able to read that book. Not with that pig here. "You are so gross!"

He was disgusting, that much was true. But she was lying when she said that he made her sick.

Authors Note:

*snorts* Yeah. I made a fart joke. DEAL WITH IT :)

Thanks so much for reading!

First Draft Finished: 1/6/2011
Final Draft Finished: 1/6/2011
Published: 1/9/11
Fandom: Total Drama series
Disclaimer: Total Drama Island and all its characters are property of their respective owners.
©2011 Cereal-Killa