By Spiritedghost
This story deals with an AU. Buffy and all the usual Scooby's exist.
Summary: Season seven. This is a sequel to Atonement. It deals with the further discovery of what Spike has become following his Trial at the end of season six. if you have not read Atonement, it will be helpful as this story takes place 3 months or so in the future time line of Atonement. For those of you who love, Angel and the gang from LA they will be joining the Sunnydale gang. As I have stated before sit back and enjoy the ride!
The Usual Disclaimers: Buffy The Vampire Slayer and all characters belong to their creator Josh Whedon, EM, and UPN. I receive no profit for any of my writings depicting those same characters, just the pleasure of taking them out to play on occasion.
Spoilers through Season 6.
Rated PG 13 for now, later M for Violence, Language, and Sex
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Special thanks to my beta readers, Jackie and Dene' for showing me the errors of my way! To which I give to them my many thanks.
By Spiritedghost
Chapter 1
Training Room In The Magic Box
Both the Slayer and the Bleached Blonde Vampire face each other wearing blindfolds. Each are covered with a light layer of sweat and breathing heavy, she smiles as she listens to his labored breathing and not for the first time is in awe at his need to breath. As they circle each other listening to the others position she speaks, "You know your not really a true vampire any more, lover."
He growls playfully at her as he spins without warning, going low, his right leg extended catching her behind her knees, she goes down and comes up in a forward roll. Her right hand open palmed strikes him square in the nose. "Damn it Slayer, must you always go for the nose." His right hand comes up feeling it and comes away bloody. He licks at the blood and growls.
She follows up with a backhand to his head; he ducks and spins his left hand extended. She catches it, going low and throws him over her head. He lands in a heap against the wall and slides down it groaning, "That's it Summers the kid gloves are coming off."
He removes his blindfold as she does the same simultaneously. Both move without thought, she grabs him by his open black shirt, falls back with all her weight and he goes over her. She holds onto him and ends up on top. Faster then thought his right hand goes behind her head and he grips her hair tightly as he brings her face to his and kisses her for all he is worth. Wanting more contact she tightens her hold on him and whimpers deep in her throat at the want that crashes through her body.
A male voice from behind them makes an ahem sound, "As Dawn would say, get a room you two, you came here to spar not make out."
His lips reluctantly pull away from hers, "Bugger off watcher! Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to stare?"
The man removes his glasses and nervously starts to clean them with his handkerchief. Buffy slowly, reluctantly, gets off Spike and looks over at Giles. Then impishly she kisses Spike softly and pulls him up with her. He moves behind her, his arms going around her waist and her arms going around his.
"Yes, quite, so this is how you two practice is it?"
"Giles, have you found anything yet as to why Spike came through the trials kind a part human and part vamp?"
"No, not yet. There has never been anything quite like him with the exception of the DayWalker mentioned in the prophecy, I told you both about."
"I told you before Watcher I am not going into the sun to test that theory of yours. Last time I touched sunlight I almost burned to death. It was not pleasant and I am not doing that as your little test."
"Honey, I told you I saw the light hit you in the back that morning at the crypt."
"And I told you, Slayer it was a trick of the light. I may have a bleedin' soul but I am not human."
"Then how come you reflect in the mirror?"
"He does what in a mirror?" Said a stunned Giles.
She grabbed his hand and led him over to the mirrored wall on the other side of the room. "See he is all reflectiony." She said proudly as she smiled at her lover.
Giles walked over to join them his eyes never leaving the mirror. "This is remarkable."
He stared at his reflection in the mirror, "Oh bugger this, my roots are showing."
Buffy tried hard not to laugh and then lost it, Giles joined in and the souled vampire growled at both of them. "It's not funny. I look all poofy."
She tugged on his arm and he turned towards her. "I think you look sexy."
"I think I am going to be sick," said a disgusted Giles as he walked out of the training room.
"I want to go home pet."
"Come on, fang face, let's go home and make some cocoa. That will cheer you up."
"Do I get the little marshmallows?"
"Yes, baby, you get the little marshmallows," and so went the playful banter as they left the training room.
"Did you two remember to turn the lights off," said an amused Giles as he watched them together, thinking only on the Hellmouth.
"Oh, bugger this, no I did not turn off the lights, bill me Watcher."
"Spike I ask you to do one thing and you can't even do that. Why?"
"I'll tell you why, I'm evil."
Buffy rolled her eyes at the two, it had been going on like this for weeks, since he finally excepted that Spike was souled and that they were not giving each other up. He had to admit his Slayer had never seemed happier and Spike; well he had changed in a way that was not suppose to happen to a vampire. He was able to feed again off humans and to Gile's knowledge he had not done anything to harm a human since his return. Not counting the encounter with the biker, but then Gile's had to admit that the biker had deserved getting his hand crushed. In fact since his return he had lost a lot of his cruel streak. Something the Watchers Council said was impossible for a vampire to do. Showing concern and genuine affection.
Now the reflection thing; he was not a normal vampire, not that he ever was. This bleached blond vampire was always capable of such love and devotion and now this compassionate vampire had gotten a soul. At first it had unnerved him and he refused to believe but as time went by he had proven he could be trusted.
"Your not evil Spike, just take her home and watch over her."
He smiled a genuine smile not his customary smirk but a genuine heartfelt smile. "Always Watcher, with my life or unlife or whatever it is I now have."
She watched the exchange with such love in her heart it threatened to overflow. She for her part had never known a love like his nor had she ever allowed herself to love so freely in return. As she reflected on Angel and Riley she realized before Spike she never really understood love and devotion. He was her everything. He had rescued her from herself when she had come back to life. She smiled as she thought it was now her turn to rescue him from his tumulus emotions.
"Say good night Spike," She said to him as she moved him towards the door.
"Good night Spike!" He said in response and she mouthed good night to Giles.
"Night you two." He said as they walked through the door out into the dark of night. He had much to ponder this night. He shook his head as he went about and locked up the shop for the night. Remembering the light in the training room he walked to the back of the shop and turned it out saying to the dark room, "You're not evil anymore Spike. I always suspected that Buffy was your soul, but I never once thought you where hers."
He smiled once more and walked to the front of the darkened shop it was time for him to leave as well.
The Next Morning
She watched him sleeping from her place beside him on the bed. She was on her side propped up on her elbow. She caressed his face as he grimaced and broke out in a sweat. She whispered words of endearment to the tormented vampire beside her. He never heard her so locked in his dream of the past. He was witnessing himself impale someone with a railroad spike. He saw himself laughing. The part of him watching his dream felt like he was going to throw up.
He opened his eyes in terror and got out of bed running for the bathroom. Buffy got up to follow worriedly. As she followed him into the bathroom she heard him retch. This had been going on for 3 weeks now. He would sleep for an hour or two and then get up and race into the bathroom hugging the porcelain bowl for dear life as he threw up and then went into dry heaves.
She would kneel beside him and rub his back. Telling him it would be all right. "I love you, baby. We'll get through this together. You're not alone. I'm right here with you."
Funny she thought to herself she use to be so afraid anyone she loved would leave her. Now she knew he was afraid she would leave him. Get tired of his trying to cope with what he had become.
One night as they lay in bed after making love he had broken down and cried, confessing to her his fears of her leaving him or forcing him to leave her. He thought she would realize he was still the same as he always was and force him away. She told him she loved him and that would never happen. She told him he was her heart and her soul mate.
She held his shaking body to her own and told him he would never have to worry about her not wanting him again. Never. She would rather stop breathing the air she needed then leave him or force him from her. She told him over and over again he was her love and he fell asleep that night believing her and dreaming of a life with her for the first time secure in her being with him and not having any regrets.
That was almost three weeks ago and here they were together on the bathroom floor and she held him comforting him. His breathing finally slowed as he started to calm. "Come on baby, let's go back to bed."
He nodded as she helped him up and cleaned his face with a wet washcloth before she led him back to their bed. He was asleep almost as his head hit the pillow. She held him and kissed his face gently as she caressed his face with her hands, shortly after she followed him into the sweet peace of sleep.
Please review it feeds the soul and keeps the Slayer and Spike from coming to look for you. I know you do not want a brassed off Slayer and a pissed off Spike to come looking for you. Besides this story is almost complete at this point in time. The more you review, the faster I post! (grins evilly) thanks for reading and seriously I do like feedback good and bad.