Believe Everything

Part 11

by Trycee

Time-Line: 2 yrs After IWTB

Disclaimer: I do not own the X-Files. It's owned by Chris Carter. This is written for fun not profit.

Scully followed Monica into the guest room where she was staying. Both women sat down on the bed and Scully could see Monica was very shaken up by what had occurred between her and Doggett so she gave her a quick hug. "Monica," she said in a calm voice. "What happened?"

"Basically I admitted that I still loved him...He pulled me into his house...I let him," she smiled shyly. "We were kissing and had already shed most of our clothes when I thought, this isn't the way I want to start or stop my life with someone...I can't cheat...Carlos deserves better than that...and so I told him no...I told him I needed to get my head straight...and that we'd talk tomorrow morning on my way to the airport..."

"Are you okay?", she said, looking into her friends eyes.

Monica wiped a few stray tears. "Am I fooling myself? I mean...can I really be in love with John all these years? Can I really have been so stupid to have almost cheated on Carlos? I mean...Can I even be happy with John? Or even Carlos? I'm not sure how I feel right now...I love Carlos, I do...but I always hoped for that crazy?"

Scully shook her head. "It took me 7 yrs, Monica, to admit that I loved Mulder and act on it...I hid my feelings from him for so long I had fooled myself into believing that we were just 'partners'...just 'friends'...but everyone knew we were more than that. He told me he loved me once and I thought is was a side-affect of his medicine...or so I told myself...but deep down I knew it was true. Mulder showed me in every way that he loved me. I got jealous when other women were around him...I played off all of his attempts and jokes until I was miserable and I couldn't take it any longer...Love can last a very long time and the fact that you never married Carlos and was waiting for John, should tell you something, Monica. "

"But what about Carlos," she sighed. "Did you ever want to be with someone else when you were waiting for Mulder?"

"Sometimes...", she sighed. "I got tempted ended badly and Mulder was crushed because of it...I never slept with him but I didn't tell Mulder that for a very long time...There was an immediate wall put up between us because he thought I didn't feel what he felt...He thought that even during my cancer...when I finally told him it broke that wall down again...It wasn't easy...We had a lot of hurt feelings especially when his ex came back into the picture...but we finally got it right...and that's all that matters...If your not truly happy, Monica...You owe it to yourself and Carlos to break it off. If you truly love John...then you need to work things out...somehow..."

Monica smiled appreciatively to her friend. "Thanks Dana...Well...I guess you and Mulder won't be coming for a wedding in Mexico after all..."

"Maybe we will...", Scully smiled. "I'm glad you came here...I wish we had more time...but Mulder and I are leaving tomorrow too."


"I better get him out of here before he ends up in trouble again," she chuckled. "He'll get in plenty enough trouble at home..."

"What about his business...or MUFON?"

"He gets in less trouble with Believe Everything...believe it or not,"she smiled.

"Pah ping pung," Monica said mimicking a drum.

"I think he understands the MUFON thing puts us in danger...I think he gets it now...At least I hope..."

Monica nodded. "Yeah that would...The last thing you need is a bunch of Super Soldiers at your door..."

Scully shuddered internally. "Yes I know...or the Syndicate...I'll see you in the morning, Monica...If I don't get in the room soon, Mulder won't sleep very well..."

Monica smiled and nodded. "Night Dana...And thanks again for inviting me to come...I needed this break..."

"The next time I have a fight with Mulder...maybe we should go to Hawaii," she giggled.

"Its a date!", Monica laughed.

"Night...", Scully said, closing Monica's door behind her.

She walked into the bedroom and could see Mulder laying on the bed with the t.v. On low. "Where've you been?", he asked, muting the t.v.

She leaned over and placed a kiss on his soft lips. "I love you you know that?"

"I do...", he smiled. "And I love you..."

"I'm gonna change so I can join you...remember no hanky-panky tonight...We can do that in our own home..."

"Scully...We've done it practically everywhere...including your mother's home..."

She snatched up her bedclothes and headed for the bathroom. "Be right back..." When Scully came out, she slipped under the covers and snuggled up to Mulder. She noticed he had on his reading glasses and a smile spread over her lips. "Mulder...did I ever tell you how long I've loved you?"

"No, tell me...", he said mimicking their earlier conversation.

"You know how long..."

"Maybe I want you to tell me," he laughed.

Scully kissed his lips and laid on his massive chest. "Since the day I walked into your office changing my life forever..."

"You weren't in love with me then...", he chuckled loudly.

"It was absolute lust...especially with those glasses on...this incredible, sexy man with lucious lips...You didn't notice how I looked at you?"

"Sorry, I was a little distracted...", he said, pulling her up to him and hungrily attacking her lips. She snaked her hands around the back of his neck, pulling him until he was on top of her.

"We have to be very quiet...", she whispered.

"Scully...we tend to be very loud..."

"We can't, Mulder...We have to be very quiet... or else we can't...We'll have to wait until we get to our own home...I don't want my mother hearing us..."

"Okay...", he said, pressing his lips to hers.

Maggie sat in the kitchen and she could hear the rhythmic sound of a bed rocking and she got up, rolling her eyes and turned off the kitchen light. "Those two...", she sighed, heading for her back bedroom and turning the television up loud.

The next morning, Monica sat at the kitchen table sipping on a steaming cup of coffee as Maggie cooked breakfast. "Thanks again, Mrs. Scully for everything..."

"Monica...You are welcomed...Anytime..."


Scully had showered and dressed and entered the kitchen. She kissed her mother on the cheek and then sat down with a hot cup of coffee and cream next to Monica. "Busy night again, huh?", Monica said out-loud.

"Monica!", Scully said shocked.

"I know I had to turn up the television on volume 60 myself," Maggie said, shooting a look at her daughter.

Scully looked like she might fall back out of the chair. "Mom?"

Maggie placed a plate in front of her daughter. "You should be starving..."

Scully's cheeks turned a crimson color as she looked at her normally stern but lovingly, devout Catholic mother. "OH MY GOD!"

Maggie chuckled. "Dana...Bill and Tara have been here before...You think you and Fox are the only ones that have had sex in their parents home?"

"Omg!", Scully repeated.

"Breathe Dana," Maggie smiled. "Bill and Charles and their wives both did...and even Missy and her boyfriend...Your late to the game...", she said, heading back to the counter.

Scully felt dizzy with embarrassment but Monica reached over and touched her hand. "'s okay, really..."

"Dana, I'm only teasing you. You can't possibly be that embarrassed.", Maggie said, from the stove. "Now where's Fox?"

"He's coming down," Scully said shyly unable to look at her mother.

Mulder came into the kitchen and could tell that something was up. "What's going on?"

"Oh we were teasing Dana about you two making the bed rock again last night," Monica said with a smirk.

"Oh that...", he said, walking over to kiss Scully on the cheek. "I'm not embarrassed about that...", he said with a wink to Monica.

She laughed but Scully's head dipped lower and her face got even redder. He walked over and placed a kiss on Maggie's cheek. She smiled and handed him a plate with bacon, scrambled eggs and toast. "Thanks, Mrs. Scully..."

He sat down next to Scully and then leaned back over to kiss her on the lips. She allowed him to kiss her but was still clearly embarrassed. Monica watched them with a smile. "So, Mulder...your going home today?"

"I probably have a few cases to work on when we get back..."

Scully looked up at him with worry in her eyes and he coughed a little. "With Believe Everything...not MUFON."

She smiled and then began to eat her food. Maggie placed a cup of coffee in front of Mulder and then sat down to eat her own breakfast. "Did you make a decision Monica?", Maggie said turning her attention to the taller dark haired woman.

"Yes...Yes I did...John will be pleased...", she smiled.

Mulder looked confused but decided not to be nosey. He was sure Scully would tell him later.

"As a matter of fact, he should be here in minute."

"Oh?", Mulder finally asked.

"I'm going back home today...", she smiled in his direction. "Carlos and I have a long talk that I'm not looking forward too," she sighed.

"Your doing the right thing...", Scully added.

Just then the doorbell rang and Monica jumped up heading towards the front door as if it were her own home. Maggie smiled at that, she was glad Monica felt comfortable. A few minutes later, both Monica and John came back into the kitchen. Mulder stopped eating long enough to shake John's hand. Scully too shook his hand as did Maggie.

"Well...Thanks again for everything Mrs. Scully," Monica said as Maggie stood up and hugged her. "Like I said...your welcomed any time..."

"Thank You..."

Scully stood up and hugged her friend tightly. "Thanks again for coming Monica."

"I didn't do anything," she said matter-of-factually.

"Actually you did...and thanks...Remember Hawaii..."

"Hawaii? What's in Hawaii?", Mulder asked turning towards them both.

Scully shot a look to Monica and they laughed to themselves never answering him. "Bye!"

They waved as the two of them walked to the door where Monica had placed her suitcase. The door soon shut closed behind them. Mulder then turned to Scully..."I'm missing something aren't I?"

She shook her head and smiled at him, reaching out to touch his cheek. They were locked into each-other's gaze forgetting that there was another person in the room.

"Ah..Hmmm", Maggie said interrupting.

They blushed but then Scully answered him. "Monica is choosing John..."

Mulder's eyebrows raised but he didn't push the conversation any further, he wasn't that interested in their love life, just his and Scully's. "What time do we leave for home?"

"Well...After I help mom clean up, we can head out..."

Maggie smiled appreciatively. "Thank You..."

"Are you sure you were okay with me popping up on you and then bringing Monica here and then John?"

"Dana...Do you know how many times your brothers did that? I'm fine with it...I barely get to see you Dana... or Fox...Any excuse to see you is well worth it to me. But I prefer that you two are on better terms the next time."

Mulder nodded. "We're working on it...I love her so much..."

"I know you do...I know my daughter is in good hands...Every couple fights...", Maggie smiled. "But never let it tear you apart," Maggie said directly at them both. "You'll make it. You both love each other and that's what matters...nothing else does..."

Baltimore Highway:

Monica sat in the car as John headed on the highway towards the Airport. There was a tension between them and she didn't like it. She reached her hand over and slipped it into his. "John...", she began.

John squeezed her hand tightly. She could see his shoulders were slumped and he was deathly quiet.


"Yeah?', he said, quietly.

" will we work this out? Will you come there? Will we visit each other ever so often? How will it work?"

John was rigid until the words sunk in. "Did you just..."

"Yes I did," she smiled. "I'm calling it off with Carlos...I think I'll put in a request for a certain agent I know whose skills are greatly needed in the X-Files division in Mexico City. I think I need a resident debunker," she smirked. "How's your Spanish?"

"Horrible...I can name off the Taco Bell menu but that's it" he said with a grin. "You mean it?"

"I do...", she smiled. "I'm going for it..."

John slowed the car down and pulled over on the side of the highway. He put the car in park and then turned to Monica and reached out and wrapped his arms around her. "Monica...I..."

"Just Kiss me...John!",she said with a smile.

John leaned in and kissed her tenderly. They continued to kiss until they realized that ten minutes had gone by. "We better get you to the airport," he smiled.

Maggie Scully Residence:

Scully wrapped her arms around her mother who was just as small as she was. "Thank You again mom..."

"I love you Dana..."

"I love you..."

Mulder hugged Maggie tightly. She kissed him on the cheek. "Take care of yourself Fox...I'm depending on you to care of her."

He nodded and then grabbed up their bags, placing it in the back of his truck. Scully waved to her mother and walked over to her car. "I'm following you home, Mulder...Lead the way..."

He smiled and then came over to kiss her on the lips. "I'm following you this time."

Scully recognized the double meaning and smiled her love to him and then slid into her car and waited until he got into his truck. They pulled off heading back to their home in Virginia...together.