I'm back! tehe! So the next part of the Epilogue is up! Thought everyone could use some fluff~ Enjoy!

True friendship is not being inseparable, it's being separated and nothing changes.


Germany had never known just how much he had missed Italy until the man was back in his life. They had spent the last several days just enjoying each others company. It was like nothing had changed at all, yet every had changed. He was different. He could still see the traces of the old Italy the Italy he had somehow not even known existed, underneath the bubbly exterior of his friend. Yet, there were times when he couldn't see at all. As if it hadn't ever been there to begin with. He and Italy spoke about many things in those few days; friends, past memories, their childhoods. They had even spoken about the Italy's change in demeanor.

Germany could never have expected just how important he had been to the brunette. Just what he had meant. To think that his 'death' had thrown him into such a spiral devastated him. So much so, that when he had heard those words come out of his Italian's mouth he had jumped up and grabbed the smaller man's hands proclaiming that it would never happen again. He would never leave Italy's side again. Not for war, not for any one. They would be together always. Italy had just started to cry, a small smile gracing his lips.

Those few days had been a roller coaster of emotions for both of them. Now it was morning. Germany was awake as he always a at 5:30 am. Italy on the other had, was still passed out. His thin arms practically glued to Germany's as they both lay on the small bed in Italy's apartment. The blond was in his boxers and a white tank top, while his companion lay in just his boxers. The sheet was wrapped around the smaller man, giving him the appearance of a sleeping angel. At least that's what ran through Germany's mind every time he glanced at the man.

He sighed and closed his eyes. Just what was he supposed to do now? Everyone thought he was dead. He had died. He had been buried. Was this just a mental break? Or was it truly real? Was he human now? Or was he still a personification? If so, was he still North Italy? Or some new sovereign land he had yet to hear about?

"Awe~ My little Feliciano~ He is so cute when he sleeps~ Don't you think so, Germania?" His bright blue eyes snapped open at the new voice. He would have jumped up at the attacker, but oddly he reconized the voice. Also, it would mean disturbing his angel.

"Stop being a pervert Rome." A deeper voice said. He quickly looked for the speaker only to see a tall man with long blond hair standing in the doorway with his back to them.

"But Germania! My little Feli is just to cute~!" Rome said as he went back to fawning over his grandson. Germany just sat there in shock. Rome was once more in their room and this time had brought a friend. Germania. Why did that name sound so familiar? Germany's eyes widened as a memory burst to the forefront of his mind.

"O-opa!?" He said surprised, still trying to keep quiet enough so not to wake up Italy.

"Ja." Was all the man said, still refusing to turn around. It was then that Italy chose to wake up. The brunette didn't even have a moment to think before he was pulled from the bed, and Germany, onto the lap of his grandfather, who proceeded to pet his head.

Both Germany and Italy sat looking at each other in confusion. Neither were expecting the current chain of effects. A cough had Germany looking up at his grandfather.

"Ludvig. Come." The man began to walk away from the room. Germany slowly got out of bed and began to follow, sure he was experiencing a mental break. He could her Italy asking who the man was and heard Rome answer back. Their conversation grew steadily quieter as he moved further away. None of this made any since to him. Just what was going on?

He followed his grandfather into the living room. The older man turned at looked him in the eye.

"Do you know vhy ve are here?" Germany shook his head.

"Nein." Germania sighed.

"I didn't dhink so. And dat idiot Rome is of no help." Germany got an odd sense of deja vous at the situation he found himself in. Or rather from his grandfather's actions. Hadn't he said something similar about Italy?

"Ludvig," His attention focused on Germania. "Italy is sdill a personification." Well that answered one question. "Slowly over the lasd several years he has regained the condrol of his lands from his bruder. Slowly enough dat the other probably doesn't even realize id happened." Still only answered one question. "He has been given a second chance. Don'd led him vaste id." They both stood there staring at each other. It had been a very long time since they had spoken to each other. Or rather since Germania had even been alive. The silence in the room seemed to grow tangible as the moments ticked by.

Germania smiled softly at his grandson. "I am proud of you. Of all of you." He wasn't one for sentiment, but who knew when this kind of chance would come up again. He needed to say it. He had been wanted to for so long. He turned back to look at the bedroom. It looked like Rome was finished. That meant he had to finish up here. "Ludvig. Help him. And congratulations." Before Germany could ask what he meant Rome walked into the room.

"Germania, do we have to leave so soon?" The long haired man simple sighed and began to head for the front door dragging a protesting Rome behind him. Germany couldn't help but think it was strange how much they acted like Italy and himself. Before they made it out of the apartment, Rome shouted back at him.

"Take care of my little Feli, kay? Oh and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" So that's where France gets it from, was the on;y though Running through Germany's mind as he tried to ignore the strangeness of the situation.

"Germany?" He heard Italy call out softly behind him. He turned and smiled at the sleepy Italian. "Can we go back to bed? It's to early to be up." Germany smiled.

"Of course." Together they walked back into the bedroom an got into the bed. Italy snuggled up to Germany and was out in a matter of moments. Germany on the other hand knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. But he was okay with that, content with watching his angel sleep. Keeping the nightmares and the pain of the world away from him.

As he watched the smaller man sleeping beside him, he began to think of everything that had happened. Perhaps he did know what his Opa had been saying. After all he had just gotten the love of his life back. Now all he had to do was reintroduce him to the world. But that could wait until tomorrow. Or the next day. He was just going to enjoy the time he had with Italy while he could.