Zim and Dib ZADR Mpreg Rated M for good reasons

"Gir, damn it, get back here!" I yelled before racing after him. Zim laughed as Gir kept running with Dimitri and Zula's favorite toys. I sighed and went over to Zim sitting with him and the kids. The couch was still purple but now it was leather because poor Dimitri couldn't take human food well. His food had to be extremely spicy or so sweet it was more sugar than food otherwise he got really sick.

"Here take Zula, she wants her daddy," Zim handed me our lovely child and I held her happily even if she was cry loudly in Irken. She calmed down almost immediately when she settled into my lap. Her pearly green skin reminded me so much of Zim it was like a little clone. Dimitri was green too but his was a soft green faded almost. They both had claws for fingers but they both had five fingers on each hand.

"So daddy what did you do today?" Zula asked still speaking Irken her feelers flicked back and forth messing up her purple hair in its little pig-tails, it was like my mom's hair. Poor little Dimitri's hair was like mine even has the odd lighting like flip. He did make it work better for him though, sort of like a third antenna.

"I was helping my father in his lab doing REAL SCIENCE." I spoke these words with venom. They knew it wasn't directed at them but they still shuddered. Zim was used to my moods but couldn't hold back his shudder when I spoke fluent Irken.

My father had kicked me out when I said I wouldn't do his REAL SCIENCE, I was gay, and Zim was my lover. I won't even go into how that happened. Let's just say it led to my precious children here and move on. The only reason he and I talk now is because I gave in and I'm now helping in his lab getting twenty-five dollars an hour. Zim aimed a sympathetic smile in my direction because he knew what it was like being kicked out of your home. He still didn't talk about it much, as if it had happened recently.

A small pale green hand reached over and patted my head. When I looked up, Zim was holding both Zula and Dimitri in his arms making their way over to sit in my lap. I happily scooted back so they could have more room. We cuddled Zim, Zula, Dimitri, and I knowing we didn't really need anybody else just each other.

Later that Night

The twins had fallen asleep in our laps so I helped Zim carry them to their beds. We had to make sure they were laying face down and touching because they would roll in their sleep to touch each other. They both had paks like Zim but they didn't need them to survive.

"Come on Dibby lets go to bed," Zim offered me his hand, I took it happily. Zim led me to our bed were he collapsed with a hearty sigh. I laughed falling onto the bed right next to him.

"Who knew…?" Zim muttered.

"Knew what?" I rolled over to look at him as I spoke.

"I dunno," he looked out the sky light in the roof. "That being a parent was such hard work," I snorted at this. "Or that we could have such beautiful children."

"I knew our children would be beautiful because they have such a beautiful mother." I kissed Zims perfect lips with each word.

Zim placed one hand on my hip; the other slowly dragged his claws up and down my back, tracing my spine. I shuddered my breath shaky. After the kids had been born Zim had been to angry to touch me and this sudden closeness brought small eager gasps from me. I placed his legs around myself, forcefully rolling my hips into him. Zim let out a low moan. I ground into him harder and began rubbing one of his soft feelers gently.

Zim began pushing at my cloths whimpering when they didn't budge. I kissed him fervently before pulling back yanking my shirt off. I fell on his lips like a starved man who just found water. Zims tongue found mine. It went on like that for a while only parting when I pulled Zims long tunic over his head. He hissed pulling me down again, kissing me lavishly. I wormed both of us out of our black skinny jeans. Zim rolled his hips down to meet mine. I felt him pulsing against my stomach, this drew a moan to my lips. Gripping his hips I thrust in without preparing him, but I knew he could take it, and he screamed for me. Clenching around me. I kissed him again.

That Morning

I woke up first to find Zim curled up in a ball his face all blue, blushing against my chest. It brought a warm smile to my face. He was like this after our first time too, sex always seemed to bring a more innocent side out. I kissed his forehead and went down stair to make breakfast. Zim came down a little later putting his arms around me and resting against my back.

"Aw tha mastars show they luv!" Gir yelled waking up the kids. Zim sighed angrily.

"Gir, go out for tacos." Zim instructed with a cold stare. Gir scream happily running past me as I went down the hallway to get Dimitri and Zula. When I came back down Zim had finished making our babes their breakfast. They weren't completely awake when I placed them in their chairs but the smell of a good breakfast woke them completely. The way they ate their food you would think we starved them.

Zim and I shared a look then laughed a little. Zula has gorgeous blue Irken eyes while Dimitri had lovely brown human eyes. Guess that makes up for the Irken tongue that means he always has to make his own food, while Zula could eat anything and typically did just that. Neither of them had a nose. I thought they were the most perfect children in the world.

I sat at the table while they ate and Zim finished making breakfast for us. I couldn't help but stare at my also very perfect wife. Zim wore the apron that had started this all. Oh to be young again:

"Zim let me in!" I was yelling and banging on the door angrily only to

finally be let in by a miffed Gir.

Zim stood behind the robot seething, I could see the anger just pouring off of him.

"Why are you here?" Zim growled holding a spatula menacingly in my direction.

"Zim you know why I'm here."

"No Zim does not explain Dib-beast or get out."

"Zim I was there okay you can't keep me out forever."

Just that Sunday I had been over at Zims hiding in the wires on the

ceiling when Zims Tallest called. They said Zim was never to call again, that he had been banished not sent on a mission, and he wasn't an invader. Never had been. Then they were gone. Zim was alone in the world just like me I had thought. Zim was in shock he stared at the screen for hours.

I eventual fell from my perch but he didn't notice. I left him standing there. When I got to school the next day he wasn't there. Mrs. Scarlett said he was out on sick leave and wouldn't be back for a few weeks. A week passed and no Zim so I went to get him. When I showed up he was were a really fluffy apron and holding a spatula. I walked in and hugged him. Zim broke down in tears I held him and we had an unspoken truce to never speak of it again.

I spent the rest of the school year and that summer after it going to

Zims house and just watching TV.

Zim and I got close enough to know which movies we liked best. Zim always had a bowl of popcorn or something out but he never ate any of it. I like to watch scary movies and by that I mean really mushie chick flicks. They made Zim jump, shudder, and sometimes yelp. Other times we would watch alien movies that Zim would laugh hysterically at. I would relax arm across the back of the couch and Zim would lean against me. It wasn't till the next school year almost started that we realized this but it didn't bother us.

We got closer still as the next year brought a new onslaught of bully's. Zim and I took comfort in each other. I began spending so much time over at his house that I had a few things over there in case it got late and I would just spend the night. Things got a little crazy one morning after I had spent the night on Zim couch I woke to find Zim making breakfast in that really fluffy apron. I don't know what came over me but I went to him resting my head on his and my hands on his hips like it was the most natural thing to do.

He stiffened almost immediately. When he did relax he went about his routine as if it hadn't happened. I sighed and turned him around. He gave me big startled eyes as I kissed him. The next thing I knew we had missed school, Zims bed was comfortably warm, and I was happily content to stay right where I was.

AN/ I wonder if I should make this its own story, hmm it's a thought I just have no idea what would happen to them. Review; tell me your thoughts on the matter. Who knows what might happen.