The trouble with Chibi's

Chapter 3.

Luna felt humiliated as she laid on the worn out orange mat beneath her body. Her body turned on her left side, facing her sister who kept her eyes closed. Her lips subdued into a frown as her eyebrows knitted together, " Psst…sis! Are you seriously sleeping? You've got to be kidding me. ", She murmured softly to the younger sibling, frankly annoyed enough to cause a disruption.

Sakeri peeked open one hazel eye, a small smirk playing on her lips, " No. But I have a plan, just keep your voice down, wouldn't want to attract attention would you? ", She replied hastily while closing her eye again, pretending to sleep. She could hear the soft footsteps of their ' teacher ' making her way towards their direction. The siblings grew quiet, drawing their eyelids closed immediately and letting out soft breaths of air as if fast asleep in nap time land. Pfft…as if!

Their teacher made a quick stop between Luna and Sakeri, crouching down slightly. She peered at both of their faces, before breathing a sigh of relief. It wasn't an easy task to get them down for a nap, nor was it to get them to play fair and nice with the other children. They just didn't want to cooperate with her or anyone for that matter. At the very least, she could relax for a short time while the kids slept. A small smile turned at the corners of her mouth. She watched the siblings for a minute longer, before leaning up, standing to her full height, and taking a seat back at her desk.

Sakeri popped an eye open, as Luna did the same. Glancing in one another's direction, they each regained their confidence and mischief within moments. The youngest nodded her head at her sister, before sitting up. She put her hands at her face and began to let out a sob. It was heartfelt and painful, one that any mother would be upset to hear. She was a good actress, that was for sure. Luna watched her sister in action, " Ready for phase three, when you are. Just give me the distraction. ", She mouthed to her sister, closing her eyes again as she listened to the teacher heading back over in their general direction.

The sweet lady of only 28 years bent down at the knees, gently lifting a sobbing Sakeri into her embrace, " Sweetheart, what's the matter? Is something wrong pumpkin? ", She asked in a tone of concern, as she brushed the girl's hair out of her face. She heard crying before, but nothing compared to this. Her eyes saddened as she held her closer, " Sakeri, honey, it's okay, I promise. Whatever it is, you can tell me, I'm here to help. Did you have a bad dream? Do you want to talk about it? , " She continued to question the girl while walking to her desk. As she took a seat in her brown colored swivel chair, she sat Sakeri in her lap, stroking her hair lovingly to encourage her to speak.

Sakeri let out a few sniffles, before her balled fists moved from her eyes, " I couldn't sleep, I've been having bad dreams for awhile now. My uncle hasn't even been nearly as nice as you. He just tells me to go back to sleep, teacher. But it really bothers me, I can't and no one cares. ", She sniffled out as she released a few more crystal like drops from her hazel colored eyes. Her bottom lip trembled, oh how she knew how to play people. Her eyes stared up at the teacher innocently, still saddened and dampened by tears.

Her teacher of course felt guilty, brushing away the remaining tears with her gentle fingers. She never liked seeing kids cry, " I care Sakeri, you can talk to me about it. We can get it all settled out, and then I can talk to your uncle about being more attentive towards you. He really shouldn't have turned you away like that. That was really mean of him. ", She said empathetically to the young girl sitting in her lap. A soft sigh escaped her lips, this was going to be a longer day then she thought.

But to be able to help a child and brighten their day, made her happy that she had at least accomplished in helping her students. Since she was a little girl, all she ever dreamt about was having her own class full of students, to teach them and help them through everything they did not understand. She was more than delighted to have gotten the job many years later down the road. She would have made her father proud, had he not died from a brain tumor when she was just ten years old.

Luna rolled over to her right side, her piercing blue eyes watching her partner in crime distract the teacher. She waited a few minutes longer, just to make sure her entire attention was diverted to helping Sakeri with her bad dreams. She moved into a crawling position, edging her way off her mat. She cringed when she nearly bumped into another one of her class mates. Another inch more and she would have knocked into them, waking them from their slumber. She continued on her way nonetheless, inching closer to the desk at the back of the room.

Something shiny and silver caught her gaze, Hanging from a hook off the side of the desk. She could just make out the keys to every door in the school. Not every teacher was privileged to have one, but this teacher was a remarkable exception. She froze in her spot as a gasp was heard. Her head slowly shifted to the side, to catch the gaze of another class mate. Amanda. Down right annoying, whiny, has to get what she wants, Amanda. Her pigtails sat in her hair perfectly, just as they did this morning when she arrived.

Amanda stared long and hard at Luna, " What are you doing? ", She asked non too quietly out of curiosity. If everyone had to be sleeping, then why was Luna awake?

A sweat drop rolled down the back of Luna's head as she giggled nervously, " Oh nothing…my sister just woke up from a bad dream. She's having a hard time falling back asleep, I promised her I would find her toy that she sleeps with, to calm her down. ", She answered back evenly, hoping Amanda would just shut up and go back to sleep.

The pigtailed girl frowned at Luna and snorted, " What a big baby, crying over a nightmare. Pahlease! ", She replied as she threw herself back down on her mat. Her eyes closed in seconds, her hands yanking the small polka dot blanket back over her form. Luna glared at the pigtailed girl, before shaking her head. Her eyes darted to the teacher, who thankfully remained distracted. She shuffled further towards the back, stirring two more people along the way.

With the persuasion of candy in order, the two kids that had woken up. Laid their heads back onto their beds and pretended not to notice anything. She held back a sigh, holding her breath even as she neared closer to the set of keys dangling innocently near her reach. She stopped again as she heard another noise, her breath hitched a notch. Why did everything have to be so complicated? She nearly moaned as the teacher sang a lullaby to her sister. Sakeri would never fall asleep to that! Her small hand reached out to the keys, fingers just barely grazing the cold metallic frame of the keys to freedom.

Just as she was about to snatch them off the hook. Someone picked her up from her hiding spot on the side of the desk. She came face to face with an unfamiliar face. Must be another teacher, she thought. She played off her innocence by giggling and tugging at the chain around the unfamiliar person's neck/ Ms. Haruka arched an eyebrow at Luna before a small smile graced her lips, " Now shouldn't be up playing. You should be taking a nap like everyone else. ", She mumbled softly to Luna before setting her directly back on her mat. Her blanket was placed over her body, eyes on her full force.

She could feel the movement of another body being placed closed to her mat, instantly knowing it was her sister. They had failed at their attempts, but that in no means meant that they were giving up. Still refusing to take their naps, they laid there with their eyes half open, grunting in impatience. When was it time to go home?

Three and a half hours passed before freedom came swiftly. Nuriko showed up at their classroom, fifteen minutes late. His hair was disheveled, eyes looking some what tired. With a worn out looking Hotohori and Tasuki along side of him. Who would have known, that they would go through with their words? Which would be in vein, by the time they concocted their plan to perfection.

Hotohori picked up Luna in one arm, and Sakeri in the other. They seemed to have had a rough day themselves. He grinned cheekily at them, they in return glared hatefully back. Nuriko was pulled to the side by their teacher upon arrival. He ran a hand through his hair, as his face turned from exhausted to annoyed in seconds. He nodded a few different times as the teacher explained a certain situation that arisen during the girls' stay.

Nuriko grimaced outwardly as the teacher lectured him on how to properly handle girls. Obviously not all men had enough brains to be more gentle on them. He turned his back to her after the conversation ended, slowly heading towards the door. The teacher smiled to Luna and Sakeri, waving goodbye fondly to them, " I will see you both tomorrow morning. Get some sleep girls! ", She said enthusiastically as her eyes glittered happily.

Once they all piled into the car, Luna and Sakeri being placed in the middle of the back seat. Nuriko took the driver's side, Tasuki sat in the back with the girls while Hotohori occupied the passenger side. Luna grinned evilly as did her sister. They waited until the car started and got on the road, and then waited a little longer for the guys to relax and let down their guard.

Luna started the first assault on Hotohori, banging her new found squeaky play toy mallet against his head. Tasuki scolded her, grabbing her wrist to stop her. Luna scowled at him before bopping him on the head with her mallet a few times. She regained her posture and returned to her new found happiness. Annoying the hell out of Hotohori with her mallet.

Sakeri smirked as she attacked the back of Nuriko's head with her own mallet, only hers had silver bells attached to it, something she found in the daycare and decided to glue on to her new weapon of mass destruction against guys. She continuously banged the toy against his head, over and over again. Regardless of how Nuriko growled and snapped at her to stop, " Damnit! I Said enough! ", He yelled out in anger as he swatted the mallet away from his head, steering the car with one hand.

It continued on all the way to the house they all resided in. Oh was revenge a bitch.