Missing Scene: Kill Switch

Part 2

by Trycee

Time Line: Season 5: Kill Switch episode

Disclaimer: I do not own the X-Files, it's owned by Chris Carter. This is written for fun not profit.

Scully stood against the bathroom door breathing heavily as her face reddened. She exhaled and then stepped off from the door and headed back into her kitchen, into her laundry room where her washer and dryer lay, tossing his clothes in and started the washing cycle.

Mulder stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in jogging pants and a t-shirt with his wrist exposed, the bandages had come off. "Scully?"

She glanced up from her laptop she had placed at the kitchen table. "Oh, sorry Mulder. I thought I had wrapped them sufficiently."

"Its okay", he smiled. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"Of course, " she said, pointing towards the kitchen chair.

He sat down and she pulled out her medical supplies and re-bandaged his wrist. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I actually am."

"Anything in particular?"

"A sandwich and some ice tea sounds like heaven right now."

"Okay," she said, touching his arm. "Why don't you go rest on the couch and I'll bring it out to you."

He nodded and then retreated into the living room. She made him a sandwich and brought him his tea.

"Skinner'll be stopping by soon. I've got to finish up our report on this whole incident. If you need anything,either just help yourself or let me know, okay?"

"Thanks," he said, biting into the roast beef sandwich.

Scully returned to her seat, glancing over her shoulder towards Mulder's outline and then began typing on her report. She could hear him switching channels until he found a sports station and then she tried to push him out of her thoughts and concentrate on the report.

Two hours passed as she typed and was surprised to feel Mulder standing behind her. She glanced up, turning her head upward and was shocked at the closeness in which he was standing. Her back was touching his arm as he stared over her shoulder at the report. He said nothing as he read her words and she turned back to the page, waiting for him to say something but he didn't, instead he placed his hand on her back and a shiver went through her body at his touch. They continued to say nothing as he read each word as she typed. He stepped back away from her and she sighed, missing his touch. He smiled to himself and then moved towards the fridge. She watched as he poured himself more tea and then sat back down on the couch.

Scully could feel that Mulder in his round-about way wanted her to stop typing and talk to her. She pressed the print button and grabbed up the report and then sat down close to him, her leg touching his. He turned off the television and then turned towards her. She looked up into his eyes. "Mulder, what happened in there? Will you tell me now?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," he said, pursing his lips.

He recounted the hallucination he had when the machine had strapped him in. She didn't respond, instead she reached out and touched his arm, nodding. "Mulder",she said softly. "It's okay."

"I know what happened. I know what it means," he said, glancing over towards her. "It was tapping into my subconscious. Meshing together all those thoughts and fears to try to force me to give it the kill switch."

"Yeah", she said, rubbing her finger over his arm. She quickly snatched her hand away, realizing how intimate that motion was. Mulder didn't seem to notice, he was instead staring off at the wall as the computer generated images coming back to him.

"I...I know that it was my anxieties over hospitals. My fantasies of blond bimbo nurses."

"Blond bimbo nurses is your fantasy, Mulder?", she said a little dryly.

"No", he said, looking her over. "Not any more but they used to be from all my porno's."

"Yeah," she said, clearing her throat. "That's not an unusual fantasy for men."

"It's an old fantasy," he reiterated. "But its still in my subconscious. And also there was the fear of losing a limb. I know that's why the machine chose that fear to trick me. Its the one that scares me the most!"

"I thought you said you wanted a peg leg?"

Mulder smiled shyly. "Yes, but losing both arms and legs, Scully..."

"Yeah that has to be scary."

"It was so real, Scully. Unbelievably real. I'm still not sure my arms are actually here."

She returned her hand to his arm. "I can feel them. They're very real."

"Yeah. And you were there. Like I said, kicking butt. You kicked the hell out of those bimbo nurses."

A smile crept over her face but she tried to suppress it.

"I know you're happy to hear that, huh Scully?", he said, watching as she tried to hide her smile from him.

"Okay,yes I'm happy about that. For a lot of reasons."

"But the reason you were there is because you are who I lean on, Scully. You were my savior and I guess I think of you as a kind of super-woman."

"Superwoman, Mulder?," she laughed. "Are you serious?"

"I'm very serious," he said laughing back. "You're small but fierce. You can handle anything and I knew you'd come for me and find me."

"But you said that I then started demanding the disk from you and you kicked me into the wall!", she said with a pout.

"That was the machine Scully. But there's truths to it. I guess my biggest fear besides losing my limbs is that..."

"I won't be there to rescue you?", she said surprised.

"No, that you won't care", he said quietly. "That's one of my major fears."

She reached up and touched the side of his face. "No Mulder. I could never not care about you."

He sighed contently. "I know, I do know it. So that's why I started screaming for you and then it shot me with something that knocked me out for a bit."

"I'm just glad you're alright."

"It still feels so real...", he said, looking at his limbs. "If it weren't for the slight pain in my wrist I'd think I was still there."

"You need something for it?"

"No, I'll be alright," he answered.

There was a knock at the door so Scully opened it. Skinner smiled and stepped in past her. He eyed Mulder a second and then sat down next to him. "What happened exactly."

"Sir, Mulder had a pretty traumatic experience."

"No, its okay, Scully," Mulder said, as Scully's mouth opened and then closed.

Skinner looked at them both. "Alright. I'm here on my lunch break so spill it so I can get something to eat."

"You want me to fix you something?", Scully offered.

"No,thanks. I have plans."

"Oh," Mulder said, shooting Scully a knowing look. "Well, sir. Esther Narin thought she could upload her consciousness into the computer."

"Is that even possible?", Skinner asked.

"No one knows", he answered looking over to a skeptical Scully.

"I doubt it," Scully sighed, sinking down into a chair across from both men.

"So she basically released the hold the Kill Switch had placed and restarted the computer so it would kill her. Flr what? An attempt to upload her human consciousness into a computer before it killed her physical body? Is that what you're saying?"

"Yes," Mulder nodded.

"How bad is he hurt?", he asked Scully, noticing the bandages on his wrist.

"He'll be back to work tomorrow morning," she said, looking Skinner in the eye.

"Is the report ready?"

"Yes sir. Let me print it out for you."

Skinner waited at the door until both Agents had signed off on it. He turned then to Scully. "Take good care of him!"

"I will sir."

He nodded and stared back at Mulder, a look of pure jealously showing on his face. 'Lucky As Always Mulder,' he thought to himself. Mulder smirked and Skinner glared at him. He turned back to face Scully. She noticed the exchange between them and looked at them both curiously, before Skinner walked out of her door. She sat back next to Mulder. "What was that about?"

Mulder shrugged. "Oh nothing."

She knew it must've been a guy thing so she decided to drop it. "You need anything?"

"Just your company. If that's okay?", he said, turning the television back on.

Scully smiled boldly. "Mulder, sure. I'll even order us take-out if you want or I could cook us dinner. What are you watching?"

"That's a football game, Scully," he chuckled.

"Ugh, Mulder, no movies? Just football?."

"Scully, I'm hurt," he whined, lifting his wrist for emphasis and then smiled back.

"Okay. I'll baby you this one time, Mulder. Let's watch football."

Mulder grinned sitting back as Scully maneuvered to sit closer to him. He unmuted the tv and she tried to pay attention to the boring game in front of her. She then stood up and made her way into the kitchen. Mulder watched her and was delighted when she returned with a bowel of popcorn. "Its not a movie or anything I would normally ever watch but here's the popcorn anyway."

"Scully, I'm hurt," he continued to whine on purpose.

She picked up a kernel and threw it at him. "You know. I feel really guilty about this whole case, Mulder."


"Because I didn't believe you or Esther Narin."

"Oh?", he said, as she popped a few kernels into his mouth.

"Such a baby," she smiled. "But mainly. I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

"It worked out in the end," he said, grabbing up a handful of popcorn. He placed a few popped kernels in her mouth. "We're friends Scully. We have arguments like anyone else. The most important thing is that we trust each other and we're there for each other."

"That's true", she said staring at the screen. "Okay, Mulder. I can't do this. Turn the channel!"

"No way", he smiled. "Scully, I'm hurt!", he said, shooting her his best puppy dog eyes. "You promised you'd take care of me."

"As soon as your wrist heal Mulder and there not THAT bad, I'm gonna pay you back!"

"I'm looking forward to it," he said, kicking back and placing his feet on her coffee table. She slapped his leg and he dropped his feet back to the floor. "Geez, Scully, what a little Miss Kick Ass."

The End

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