When Zuko saw him for the first time, the rush of emotions was nearly painful. There was so much flowing through him – pride, adrenaline, victory, dominance, happiness, fulfillment…but that wasn't all. There was affection – who wouldn't want to smile looking at that face? Disbelief – how could this scrap of a kid be the feared Avatar who caused the great Firelord concern? He was an innocent… Simple happiness. But for what, Zuko dared not discover. He would assume it was because he would have his honor restored, his fathers love…he knew it wasn't that at all. But above all else, was an indescribable feeling emitting from the depths of his soul and that soaked into his very bones, a feeling akin to belonging, rightfulness, but so much more. It encompassed more emotions then Zuko knew he had- more emotions than Zuko knew to name. All he knew, for sure, was that after all this time, he had found him. After what had felt like centuries, he would finally be his. And Zuko would die before he lost him.

And then..he lost him. Through his own fullishness and arrogance, the Avatar was lost to him. His blind anger was able to dull the stronger feelings beneath the surface, but they could not vanquish them. He felt…alone again. Bereft. He wanted the Avatar back, for himself, for his company, for the feeling of unity – with himself, with the world, with..Aang – that the Avatar inspired. Not that Zuko would ever admit it, least of all with himself.

Without being entirely conscious of it, Zuko looked toward the stars, vowing before the universe and the spirits that he would find the Avatar again – nothing would stop him from getting to Aang.

What he would do after that…Zuko wasn't sure. And that insecurity inspired fear greater than the thought of facing his father, or Azula. Greater even than the idea of fighting the Avatar in his all encompassing power. Almost as great as the fear of losing Aang. And Zuko did not appreciate these conflicting thoughts-feelings. They went against everything he knew, everything he had been taught and had taught himself. They went against everything he fought for, everything he had come to terms with over his life.

And so, like he had done so many times before, Zuko pushed his emotions back, and let his anger burn through him, drive him, focus him. He would capture the Avatar, he would make him his. He would complete this tasks his father had set before him, he would regain his honor and title. And he might keep the Avatar, for the fun of it.