Reviews for The Hidden Truth
DayMoon89 chapter 2 . 5/5/2011
I really liked your story though I liked it from Aang's POV better but they were still very good.
Kyogre chapter 2 . 11/14/2010
I'm always up for more ZukoxAang! And reincarnated, destined lover is a guilty pleasure.

But be careful not to fall into back cliches~~ though lots of fluff and angst on all sides would be appreciated. Don't worry about sticking too close to the episodes and the series itself! As long as the general flow is the same, details are just details!

Zuko is always in denial, the poor dork. But don't let him stay that way too long. Come on, Aang, just kidnap his prickly butt! Like, say, at solstice. Or Pohuai.

And speaking of solstice, what about Roku? I mean, that was such a great opportunity for great-grandpa to bestow some sense! And also speaking of Roku, was his wife his destined lover, or did he perhaps miscalculate a bit? I mean, Sozin had such scorned lover vibes going... (Which, of course, makes the whole situation of shared descendants all the more... hilarity ensuing.)

I can't wait to see where you take this~~~

(PS: You spell "foolishness" wrong in the second chapter;)