I love all the reviews! Thanks for reading this! Hope you enjoy the epilogue!

Two years had passed since the day Penelope Garcia had stood up during a wedding and confessed her love for her best friend. She had never regretted it. Ever. She loved having Derek Morgan as her boyfriend, her fiancée' and now he was about to become her husband.

The church was decorated in assortments of flowers, and filled with people from Derek's family, the team, and Penelope's brothers and their wives and children.

Pen took a step back to look in the mirror one more time. She could hear the music starting to play by the organist and knew her cue was coming. Her bridesmaids -JJ and Emily- were starting to walk down the aisle, and in a few seconds Hotch would be walking her towards Derek to give her away.

She pulled the veil over her face, walked to where Hotch was standing and linked arms with him. And then, to a song that sounded like a death march, made her way down the aisle. To Derek, the man she would do anything for.

And as Derek watched Penelope walk down the aisle in a custom made wedding dress and her red curls perfectly fixed on top of her head he knew those two years ago when she stood up it was the best choice of her life. And his. Because this was the best day of his life by far.


The preacher man finally spoke: "Speak Now or forever hold your peace."

Pen's heart nearly stopped beating as she waited to make sure nobody was going to stand. She kept wondering if Tamara would, but Derek had her and her posse banned from the-their-ceremony. This was her day, and a day Tamara Barnes was not allowed to intrude on or ruin. And finally the preacher turned to Derek and said the words he had been waiting since the day they first met:

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Derek Morgan. Derek, you may kiss your bride."

And as soon as their lips touched Penelope knew that this was the beginning of the rest of her life.


I know, kinda short. And cheesy. But what did YOU think? Review Me?