Falling Up

Chapter 6

Author's Note: Yay! 11 reviews! Thank you all so much for the support and as a reward… here's chapter 6! As a heads up I'm starting school again Monday so I won't be able to update until the weekend because of testing, and in two weeks I'm leaving the country so I'll be packing. Before the story begins I would like to reply to a couple of reviews here:
Tomi's Little Jenna: Haha I did play Black Ops! It was fun… then I died… Anyway I read your e-mail but I didn't get to go totally edit everything because I'm suppose to go to bed (It's only 9:30… damn mother)… but yeah once I get the chance I'll review the changes. Thankies!
Magiccatprincess: No, Wayne's not a werewolf and there are no werewolves in this story. I was considering it at first but then I confused myself with the actual plot. However this chapter does explain why Wayne was able to hurt James.
KorreySmithson06: Haha well thank you for rethinking your decision and reading this! And I totally know what you mean with Spanish and English, Spanish is a way easier subject when it comes to grammar than English. And Black Ops is amazing so far!
Fairydoll: Well thanks for breaking the button… XD
Demon'sAngel17: After reading you review I didn't want to update only to see you and others cry XD I'm a sadistic person but I had to write this or else my editor will kill me.

Disclaimer: I do not own BTR.

Kendall watched as James fell to the ground and in a second Kendall ran to his side. He held his hand out to touch him but pulled back. If he saw correctly the teen he had a crush on just bit and killed a classmate of theirs. He hated Wayne but he would never expect that wannabe to actually pull a knife on them and never expected James to attack and bite. The blonde looked at the other body on the floor and looked at James one last time and touched his shoulder. James was cold but most vampires were anyway.

Even though the park was dark he could somewhat see the blood stains on James' shirt. Lifting his shirt up Kendall could barely make out the stab wound. He wanted to get James to safety but he couldn't take him home or else his mom or Katie would kill him. He could take him back to Carlos' house but he doesn't want to risk revealing that he's a hunter. Sure he can drag James to Logan's house but now Logan would be involved in the accidental murder.

Kendall scratched his head in frustration and looked around the park. Up ahead was a forest where he and Logan played at as children and decided to carry James there. But what about Wayne? Kendall left James' side and ran up to Wayne's body. The knife was still in his neck which covered the bite marks James gave him. Yet he still had two teeth marks on his arm. Using Wayne's jacket Kendall removed the knife, slashed the arm with the bite and placed the knife back into his neck. Now it would just look like a gang attack or something, just as long as it doesn't look like a vampire attack.

The blonde ran back to James and picked him up, surprised on how light the boy was even though he was taller. Making sure that there was no one patrolling the area Kendall ran into the forest with James in his arms.

Kendall was surprised that the little area where he and Logan played as children was still there. The grass was taller but there were no new trees growing. He gently placed James in the clearing and turned him so the vampire was lying on his back. Kendall suddenly jumped when he heard his phone ring, which he didn't realize he had in the first place. Looking at the caller I.D it was Logan calling him. "Hey, what's up?"

"Great news, I was studying the blood stains we found and it's not human blood. In fact it's a substitute blood, probably what the vampires were using." Logan explained over the phone. Kendall was relieved that Logan had all the technology to figure this out in just a couple of house. "But there's more." Logan said. "I decided to test out the differences between the fake blood and the real one and it was pretty well engineered but there's a missing element. Though the blood is able to substitute the hunger of the vampire doesn't give all the nutrients a vampire needs to… well be a stereotypical vampire."

Green eyes looked down at the unconscious pretty vampire. "What does that mean?"

"Well you know how vampires can run, jump, almost fly and heal themselves? Well they are able to get that power by drinking out blood. The substitute is used to quench the thirst for blood but it doesn't help them run, jump or heal a vampire like our blood does."

"So you're saying that they are actually weaker because of the substitute."

"Yup, actually this thing makes it easier for their capture if they're so weak. Should I contact your mom or the VHA?"

Kendall's eyes widen at the thought of James being taken away. "N-no! Not yet…"

"Not yet? Hey you alright-

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just don't tell anyone else about this information just yet. I want to try something first."

Kendall could hear Logan sigh over the phone. "Whatever you say."

"Thanks Logan." Kendall hung up but didn't put his phone away as he used it as a flashlight to exam James' body. Lifting the shirt up once again he looked at the stab wound. He wasn't bleeding anymore but the wound was still flesh. Then he noticed the bruises covering his six pack and touched them. He saw James cringe but didn't wake up. So he needs real blood…

Kendall wiped his mouth hoping that he still had some blood but it was dry. He realized that James needed some real blood in him fast and started to look around the ground for something sharp. Finding a small but jagged rock and sliced his hand. Kendall gasped at the sting but he threw the rock away and held his bleeding hand to James' mouth. "Come on… wake up already."

A couple of drops fell on James' lips but none got in. Kendall used his other hand to part James' lips and allow the blood to drop inside. He pulled his hand away and a second later James opened his eyes and shot up gasping for air. Kendall smiled and hugged the vampire in full relief that he's alive. James was still confused but hugged Kendall back. "W-what happened to me?"

"Wayne stabbed you and you fainted, but you're okay now." James released Kendall and touched where he was sure the wound was. But when he lifted his shirt he could see the stab wound closing and the bruises disappearing. James licked his lips and looked at Kendall in confusion. "I gave you some of my blood."

"What? Why?"

Kendall shook his head and rested on James' shoulder. "You need it to survive."

"But I have a-

"It doesn't work; you need real blood in order to heal."

James touched Kendall's shoulder and forced Kendall to look at him. "Thank you, but how do you know about this?"

The blonde gave a weak smile and held his bleeding hand to James' lips. "I'll tell you later. But for now you need to feed." James gave Kendall a sympathetic look as if trying to talk out into doing this. But Kendall's green eyes were stubborn and wouldn't let James go until he drank his blood. Nodding James leaned and licked Kendall's hand before sucking the blood. As he did this Kendall gave a light kiss on the vampire's head until he was done.

Before James lost all control he released the hand and wiped his lips. "Thanks again."

Smiling Kendall reached over and gave James a quick kiss on the lips. "Any time you're hungry just come to me."

However James shook his head. "No, I cannot do that. I can't rely on human blood anymore."

"But this fake blood is making you weaker! If I just ran away you would have died."

"Speaking of death, what happened to Wayne?"

Kendall turned away from James. "Well you killed him…"

"That much I got. So where is he? Did you hide his body?"

The blonde shook his head. "I made it look like a fight gone wrong. I slashed through the bite marks that way when authorities find him… well you get the point."

James was silent for a moment before looking Kendall in the eye. "Why are you helping me?"

Kendall stared back and smirked. "Because I have a thing for hot vampire brunettes." Kendall's hand was suddenly on the back of James' neck as he pulled them closer into a fierce kiss. James was surprised at first but then closed his eyes and moaned into the kiss. He felt himself being pushed on his back but allowed it to happen as Kendall took control. James opened his mouth and allowed Kendall's tongue to taste him but pulled back when he remembered he just drank some blood. However Kendall just laughed as he touched James' cheek. "It's okay, I don't mind the taste."

"You're so weird."

Kendall leaned again to kiss him. "But you love it."

"And I don't know why."

Later that night both boys ran back to their homes. Sure Mrs. Knight yelled at Kendall for being out for so long but Kendall didn't mind since all he was thinking about was his James. He smiled to himself as he was finally able to kiss those sweet lips of that sexy vampire.

As for James he just snuck back into his room. No one seemed to notice his absence but he didn't mind. Yet as he went to bed he couldn't help but think how he fell for Kendall's charms. Just two days ago he was creped out by that smile but now, now he actually liked the guy. Sighing to himself James closed his eyes in hopes of getting to sleep with the taste of Kendall's blood still in his mouth.

The next morning at school James was putting away his books in his locker when he smelled a familiar blonde trying to sneak behind him. "Kendall, I know you're behind me."

"Aw, you smelled me didn't you?"

James shut his locker and turned to face the shorter boy. "Hey, you gave me the blood, now my senses are slowly coming back."

Kendall stepped closer and hugged James. "Well that's fine with me." The hockey player pulled James by the collar to give him another kiss when he heard a whistling.

"So you two finally got together." Carlos said smiling. "I suspected something did happen at the store when James was moaning Kendall's name last night."

A huge blush appeared on James' face. "I-I was so not moaning his name!"

"Don't deny Jamie." Kendall teased as he kissed him again.

Logan was laughing too but he became silent. "Sorry to spoil the moment but did you guys listen to the news this morning?"

"No, what's up?" Kendall asked.

The smart boy had a pity look. "Wayne was found dead this morning in the Palm Woods Park."

Kendall and James tried to hide their guilty look but both knowing that it was their faults he was dead. "Really? What did they say?"

"Well my dad was called in last night and went to the scene." Carlos explained. "So far it seems just foul play, possibly a gang attack. They can't seem to find the two guys that always hang around him though."

James gave a silent sigh of relief. So far they were buying the story and with Carlos' dad covering the case he could be home free.

"James Diamond and Kendall Knight to the principal's office please." Kelly's voice in the intercom called.

"Shit…" Kendall cussed as he took James by the hand. "See you guys later." Both boys ran to Gustavo's office but nervously approached the door.

"Boys get in here!" The principal yelled. James and Kendall jumped but grabbed the door handle and twisted it open. They could see Gustavo looking through files while Kelly was brining him coffee. Kendall shut the door and the man looked up. "Good, come and sit down." The found two chairs and quickly sat. Gustavo removed his reading glasses and looked at the boys, first to James and then at Kendall. "Okay, let me just get to the point. On the news today Wayne-Wayne, or Wally, was found dead at the Palms Wood Park, next to the housing where you both live. And as far as I know, James is a vampire."

Both the boys' eyes widen before James started to laugh and try to talk them out of it. "What, pft no! Vampire hahaha, that's a good one sir."

"James, we know you're a vampire. I smelled you when we first met." Kelly simply explained.

"Y-you're a vampire too?" Kendall exclaimed.

Kelly nodded. "But wait, how come I wasn't able to smell that you were one?" James asked.

Kelly took out her bag and searched through her pocket and pulled out a perfume bottle. "This brand covers the smell of a vampire. But it wasn't design to do that, it really is just perfume."

Kendall and James gave an "Ohh". "The point is Carlos' father told us about the murder and he knew it was from a vampire. Actually the knife actually killed Wayne but he was bitten." Gustavo explain. "Whether it was foul play or not I want you two to be careful. James do you know about Phil Hawk right?"

"Kind of, last time I heard about him he tried to steal a blood ration back in Seattle, but that was a while back."

Kelly nodded. "Well he's not a suspect of the case yet, but he was seen again trying to kidnap a gang of teens from the south side of Minnesota about a week ago. They escaped but there is a chance he can strike again so you two have to be careful."

James nodded. "Thank you Kelly, but how come Kendall may be in danger?"

Kendall turned away from James and stared out the window. Gustavo looked at Kendall with a stern glare. "You haven't told him yet?"

"Well… I didn't know you knew it either!"

"Tell me what?" James asked now looking at Kendall. The blonde didn't move.

"Kendall, it's better to tell him now than later."

Kendall felt James tug at his shoulder so he turned around to face him. James had a confused look in his eyes with a mix of fear of what Kendall is going to tell him. "I-I…"

"Kendall, what is it?"

"I… I'm so sorry James."

"Sorry for what? Kendall please tell me." Kelly and Gustavo could feel the tension arising and tried to convince them that they had to go to class. "Kendall."

Green eyes turned away. "I'm sorry James, but last night I knew everything about a vampire because I'm a vampire hunter." Kendall knew James' heart just fell and broke when James released him. "James, please let me explain-

"I have to get to class." James didn't even look at him as he left the office. Kendall sighed and threw his head back.

"We- we're sorry Kendall. We thought you told him."

"It's fine Kelly, I should have told him. I need to get to class too. Oh, can you keep my mom updated on this Hawk case?"

"Will do." Gustavo confirmed as Kendall left the office.

The vampire hunter knew lunch was going to be awkward and only five minutes into lunch it became the most uncomfortable place to be in. James sat on the other side of the lunch table with Logan and Carlos in the middle of James and Kendall. Jo and Camille sat on the other side and both girls noticed the tension. Camille pulled out her cell phone to text Logan. 'I thought you said they were dating!'

Logan received the message and quickly texted back. 'I thought so too! I don't know what happened but this is really uncomfortable.'

James gave a long sigh since he was able to tell Logan and Camille was texting about him and Kendall and stood up. "I have to, um, talk to my English teacher about my assignment. See you guys later." He pushed his chair in and went for the exit of the cafeteria with Kendall quickly following him.

"James, James please slow down and wait up!"

"Just leave me alone Kendall." But James felt his arm being grabbed and then spun around to face Kendall. The blonde didn't say anything as he dragged him outside to the back of the school where no one can find them. Seeing that Kendall wouldn't release him James shot a glare. "What?"

"James, would you just listen to me please? I can explain everything."

The vampire pulled his arm but didn't leave. "Okay then, explain."

Kendall sighed and pulled James to sit with him on the ground, ignoring the lightly covered snow grass. James was still pouting, even though Kendall found it cute, but knew he had to explain quickly or else James would leave. "Yes, I am a vampire hunter and I regret not telling you sooner. But trust me I have little interest in hunting vampires, especially when I met you! After I heard how weak you guys were and how you don't attack because of the fake blood I was planning to stop training!"

"So you were still training?" James asked annoyed.

"Y-yes, I was but not anymore! And I suck as a hunter anyway!" The brunette still didn't look convinced so Kendall took his hand and kissed it. "Please believe me James. I have no interest in killing you or your family. Hawk may be a problem but I will not let business get in the way of our relationship."

As much as James wanted to push Kendall down and leave he just couldn't. He knew that Kendall was telling the truth and he didn't want to fight with him anymore. "I… we can help you catch Hawk." James simply said.

"So does that mean you'll still go out with me?"

"You're going to have to take me on a date Saturday, the whole day and you're paying for everything." James was still pouting but the blush was obvious. Kendall blinked a couple of times before laughing and hugging James.

"Thank you!" Kendall kissed James on the lips then on his forehead. James turned away in embarrassment but allowed Kendall to kiss him on the cheeks.

Author's note: Well I hope you enjoyed this. Besides the fact I may not be updating as fast I still have all the ideas. So please review if you want to see their date and the battle with Hawk soon. I can't say more because I'm going to be busted soon so good night and happy… holidays? Whatever review. If any confusion or questions I'll re-do this note so things will be cleared.