Reviews for Falling Up
cicibunbuns chapter 6 . 7/19/2015
Need more cute Vampire Romance!
SummerDawn0928 chapter 6 . 6/12/2013
I absolutely LOVE this story pls update soon!
Doomedphsyx2030 chapter 6 . 1/23/2013
Oh please update soon, I want to know what happens!
Doomedphsyx2030 chapter 5 . 1/23/2013
Kames is a hot pairing! I keep going on YouTube and watching videos of Kames! But I love the story so far, and I've not even finished it yet!
Chey21 chapter 6 . 1/19/2013
Love it!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/22/2012
you have got to continue this story, it was getting so good!
USAGirlXD chapter 6 . 9/5/2012
Wow... I just found this story and it's GREAT!
First: Kames ist really cute togheter
and second: I LOOVE Vampires!

Honestly a wonderful FF! Love to
Bye bye xD
whitewolf1992 chapter 6 . 7/11/2012
this is a good story, you should go on with it )
Yeeellyy chapter 6 . 4/4/2012
Awww ... They get to fight Hawk ! But i hope something happens to Kendall *wink,wink* haha ... Love this story please update soon !
Fetchruffruffmanlvr chapter 3 . 12/27/2011
When you said Cargan would be in the story, I thought " Does that mean Logan will be the vampire and Carlos the human or vampire hunter?" "Will they fall in forbidden love?" a ton of questions reeled through my head. But they just fall in love with Kames supporting them, or something like that. I haven't read the rest of the story but it seems good. BTW could you add a backstory to Carlos and Logan's relationship? They seem (in my opinion) rushed. What's Logan, is he a vampire hunter or just a regular human?

- Fetchruffruffmanlvr (HUGE suporter of Cargan)
Hey chapter 6 . 11/24/2011
In three days, it will have been a year since you updated this. Can you please write somethig as in like you're never coming back or at least a dinky chapter. It would soothe a lot of your readers. :(
Rhett9 chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
I love this. I hope to see it update soon.
Hellllllo chapter 6 . 8/20/2011
Ok. I'm EGBW13. this story is amazing and i think about it so much and i just wish you would update. Please?
XxLunerMoonxX chapter 6 . 6/23/2011
This is too cool! It reminds me of the t.v show Angel xD

Hope you update soon. I'm really wanting to see the battle and the date.
Anna Hood chapter 6 . 5/29/2011
This is a really good story you need to finish it i really love it.
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