Angry. That is what the boy in the smallest bedroom on Number 4 Privet Drive was feeling. He wasn't angry because his godfather, the escaped but innocent Azkaban prisoner Sirius Black, was dead. He wasn't angry because he was stuck at a place he didn't want to be. He was angry because of the conclusion he had come to about his life after three days of deep thinking. That conclusion was that he was nothing more than a weapon to Dumbledore and a stepping stone to his so called friends.

-Flashback 3 days ago-

As Harry was walking back from the loo, he heard Hermione say to Ginny "Can you believe we almost died, all because we so blindly followed Harry to the Department of Mysteries just on a whim?"

"Yeah, look what happened to Sirius. That could have been us if we hadn't gotten that extra auror training last summer when we were inducted into the Order last summer."

-End flashback-

That was all he needed to hear. He stayed away from them for the rest of the trip. When he returned to the compartment to retrieve his trunk they asked him where he had been. "By myself," he had replied to them. Though that wasn't completely true; a few minutes after he found a compartment all to himself, Marietta Edgecombe walked in. She was surprised to see Harry sitting in the compartment; she hadn't noticed him until after she had closed the door. For the first twenty minutes neither one said a word. Then, Marietta told Harry that she was very sorry for betraying him and the DA. He had asked her why she did it and she told him that her mum worked at the Ministry of Magic and Umbridge was threatening to have her mum fired. At first he didn't know if he should believe her or not, but then he decided that she wasn't Granger or Weasley and should at least be given the chance to prove herself as such. Just as they were stopping at Platform 9 ¾ he asked her why, at first, she didn't seem to like him. Marietta slightly blushed at that, but it was enough for Harry to notice. She told him that she would tell him at a later date. In the end Harry walked off the Hogwarts Express with Marietta's owl address.

That had all happened three days ago.

Once he got back to Privet Drive he sat down and started to think about the past five years of his life. After thinking for so long he realized that it was far too much of a coincidence that the Weasleys just happened to be at King's Cross Station talking about muggles where any one could over hear. Despite what Hermione may think Harry had read Hogwarts, a History several times; it stated that muggle-born students would be escorted to Diagon Alley by a Hogwarts professor. Sure, he wasn't muggle-born but he was raised by them. So, shouldn't a professor have shown him Diagon Alley instead of Hagrid? Harry was brought out of his musing, thinking, and planning when a bird flew through the window. Now, while most wizards sent post by owl, he had never received a letter by a raven before. As soon as he took the letter from the bird, it flew off. He looked down at the letter and saw that it was a black envelope with two double-headed axes crossed over each other and a 'G' in between them in silver ink. It was the seal of Gringotts bank. 'What could they possibly want? I've never received anything from them before.' Harry thought to himself.

Dear Mr. Potter,
The reading of Sirius Orion Black's Will shall be held this Saturday June 6, 1996 at 11:30. Since you are the main recipient you are to be here at 11:30 as the will can not be read without you.
Sincerely, Rookfoot
Gringotts Wills and Inheritance Department Head

Harry stood there looking at the letter. Before he had a chance to let it sink in, a second owl flew in, dropped its letter and left before he had put the letter from Gringotts down. On this second letter was the seal of Hogwarts. 'I bet I know what this is about.' He thought just before opening the letter.

Dear Harry,
I hope you are doing well after Sirius's death. I told the goblins at Gringotts not to bother you with the will as you were still grieving and that I would take care of everything.
Sincerely, Dumbledore

After reading the letter from Dumbledore, Harry was fuming with anger. So much so, that the air was crackling with magic and his eyes were glowing. It wasn't until Hedwig hooted that he stopped. 'Why haven't any owls from the Ministry shown up? What a minute… the Ministry can only detect wand magic, not wandless or magical auras. I think I know how I'll be getting to hear that will.' Harry then went over to his desk pulled out a piece of parchment and started writing.

Dear Rookfoot, (Gringotts Wills and Inheritance Department Head)
I have received the letter about the will reading. Immediately after I received the letter, another owl arrived with a letter from Dumbledore stating that I shouldn't go and that he would take care of everything. He told you in his letter to you that I said it was okay for him to over see the will on my behalf. Well, that is a lie; I said no such thing. In fact I would like the reading of the will to be moved up without him or anyone else knowing. Could you please also provide me with a portkey? Dumbledore has people watching the house to make sure I don't go anywhere.
Sincerely, Harry Potter
P.S. Do most wizards get a bank statement? I've been wondering how much I have in my vault.

Harry then folded the letter and went to Hedwig's cage. "I need you to deliver this letter to Gringotts as fast as possible and then what for a reply. Can you do this for me, girl?" he asked her. Hedwig hooted once and bit his finger affectionately then stuck out her leg once Harry had finished she flew off like a bullet.


Su Li was glad to be home for the summer. It wasn't that she didn't like school, but with Umbridge there for her 5th year it was a little difficult. She was now in her room about to go downstairs for lunch when an owl flew in and dropped a letter. She picked up the letter and instantly knew it was from her cousin, Mai Li, by the handwriting.

Dear Su Li,
How are you in England? I've heard that England's last dark lord has returned from the dead. Things are not much better for me here in Japan; father has run into some trouble with the Ministry and if he does not pay them the debt he owes them, I am to be sold as payment. He has until this Saturday. I know I'm probably asking too much, but do you know of a way to help me?
Your cousin, Mai Li

'I always know that uncle of mine would get his family in a position like this. Now, how do I help Mai?' After thinking about it for a few hours Su finally had an idea; she would ask her fiancé for help, although this meant she and the other girls would have to tell him that he was engaged to them. 'I will send an owl to Daphne and Susan tomorrow asking for help in telling him.' And with that, Su went downstairs for lunch.


Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott were in Susan's room, talking about the latest issue of Witch Weekly. "Can you believe all the stuff they put in here about him, after all that's happened?" Hannah asked. "Yeah, it really is filled with nothing but lies about him." replied Susan. "Hey, I got the camera ready." she added. She and Hannah got into position and waited for the flash.

After the flash, Hannah asked Susan "Do you think Tracey was right? Should we tell him?"

"I really don't know, Hannah; we can owl Daphne and Padma tomorrow and ask them what they think." answered Susan.

-Later that night-

Harry had just finished supper and was walking into his room, when he saw the envelope from Gringotts. Picking the letter off the bed; he tore the envelope open to read the letter.

Dear Mr. Potter,
The matter you have brought before us has raised many questions. Especially the part about your bank statements. Since you are the main recipient of the will only you need to hear it. This letter will become a portkey and bring you to Gringotts portkey chamber tomorrow at 10:30 sharp. I hope to see you then.
Sincerely, Rookfoot
Gringotts Wills and Inheritance Department Head

'This is perfect. There's a guard change five minutes before 10:30 tomorrow and it's Mundungus' turn tomorrow and since he doesn't have a job the next guard change won't happen for another 8 hours. If my theory on wandless magic is correct then this is going to help me greatly,' thought Harry as he finished packing his trunk. 'Well, tomorrow is a new day for me, so better get plenty of sleep. Because tomorrow I start living for me.' And with that, Harry was asleep.

-Meanwhile across the darkened land-

A forest on an Isle:
"Do you see that, sister?" asked a figure to the other. "Yes, I do, dear sister. Mars is unusually bright tonight. As well as Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and the Sirius star. Something will be happening soon."

A place between realms:
The shadowy creature was looking into the distance as it ruffed it feathers. 'The darkness is changing. What is happening?' it asked, as it continued to gaze at the between realm.

A forgotten place:
"Did the two of you feel that?" a small glowing red being asked its fellow small blue and green companions. "Yes," answered the blue one. "The elements have started to shift," replied the green one.

A darkened bedroom:
A young girl sat cross-legged on her bed with her eyes faintly glowing white. "So, you have now come to the crossroads of your life, Harry. What path will you choose?"

Suddenly a voice shouted. "Luna, time for bed." Luna Lovegood then climbed under the covers of her bed and went to sleep wondering what path Harry Potter would choose.