You better love me for this. I have a 9:30 am class tomorrow yet here I am, updating for you all. I tell you one thing, I better get some god damn reviews for this. Hmph! I'm kidding lol. ... Well, partly. I would like some reviews.

All For Love


For Love

It was warm out, the sun shinning and the leaves of tree tops rustled as a light wind blew by. The sky was painted a soft blue, white puffy clouds scattered here and there. The air was even fresher, easier to breathe than the polluted city air. Naruto noted all of that as he stepped out of his car.

"Shikoku..." Naruto said to himself, peering around the main street of the village.

"Uzumaki-sama," a feminine voice called to him.

Karin, his red haired secretary climbed slowly out of the passenger side of his car, closing the door carefully and peering around the street. There was a soft humming about the place as people went about their every day lives, smiling and chatting with one another.


The fiery-haired woman cleared her throat, pushing her glasses up her nose once before speaking again. "Where would you like to try first?" she asked him. "Her job or the house?"

Naruto looked down at his shoes – black Gucci loafers. His mind was filled with thoughts of his white eyed wife. He missed her greatly. He left the city knowing that winning her back was not going to be easy. He had allowed her to be away for nearly five months now and there was no doubt in his mind that she was probably happy where she was. However, he couldn't ignore the tight feeling in his chest, the turning and twisting in the pit of his stomach that happened whenever he thought of her happy in a place where he was not present. He knew, understood perfectly well, that he had not been the best husband to her.

He remembered the way her skin looked, marred by blemishes and bruises he himself had placed on her. She looked so broken, worn and tired and it was his fault. A woman of her youth shouldn't look as she did... Those eyes. Those, broken, empty white eyes. He wasn't sure how he was going to do it, but he knew he had to show her that he could change. He wanted to change for her, he wanted to be the reason she smiled again. No one could replace Akira, but perhaps they could have more children. They were both still young and they could afford a child for sure. They could rebuild their marriage and that love of theirs could take human form once again.

"Her home," he said after a while. He didn't want to cause a scene.

The two got back into the car and took off again, Naruto listening to the directions she fed him. It wasn't long before they arrived at Hinata's home. A traditional red stoned Japanese house that had been turned into a duplex with an upturned roof. There were green trees and shrubs all around the estate and a birdbath in the front, just behind the gate.

The two sat in the car for a long while, Karin flashing curious glances at the blonde every now and then – she was smart enough to speak however.

Naruto turned off the engine and leaned back in his seat, staring out the windshield. Hinata was so close yet so far away from him at the same time.

"Naruto, I love you," she said to him, water filling her cloudy eyes. "No other man can or ever will make me as happy as you have. I'm grateful to have met someone like you, to have a man like you love me is incredible. You've been there for me when I needed you most and made me feel like life is worth living. Every morning I wake up and I'm glad to see your face next to mine. I'm more than willing to give myself to you – my life to you. You are the man I know will love me more than anyone else ever has. You mean everything to me and nothing could ever change that. I promise to make you as happy as you make me. I promise to be a good wife to you and to always hold you higher than anyone else. I promise you myself forever."

Naruto could feel the pressure at the backs of his eyes building up. Hinata had been so beautiful that day. He remembered the look her stormy eyes held, the love that radiated from her as she recited her vows to him. She had been so happy that day. Clad in pure white, she was the most breathtakingly beautiful woman he had ever seen. He could hardly believe that such a woman believed in him and loved him with everything that she had. He wouldn't have been surprised to find that it had all been a lie or a fantasy and that he was just sleeping in his bed or in a comma some place.

He let go of the stirring wheel and dug into his right pocket, pulling out a little black swede box. He thumbed the top, rubbing his digit against the material for while before pulling it open. Inside sat a series of white diamonds fashioned into a flower formation and held by a platinum band to form a ring.

His last hope.

This ring was the last thing he could give to her other than his heart. That's all he had. His heart and the ring. He wanted one last chance to make things right. He wanted to give her the life she deserved and make up for all the mistake he had made, all the wrong he had done to her. She was a special kind of woman. Who was he to treat her in the way that he had?

It took him a while to get it, but he did now and all he wanted was his wife back. He wanted to make better between them and start their family again. He owed her that. He owed Akira that.

"Are we going to go in side?" a voice asked, disrupting his thoughts.

Naruto didn't look away from the ring immediately. His cyan eyes blinked a few times before he shut the box and slid it back into his pocket.

"Yeah," he said at last, unbuckling his seat belt and climbing out of the car to win his woman back.

Hinata sat perched by the breakfast bar, watching as Sasuke clumsily flipped a pancake, a bright smile plastered to her lips.

"Don't make that face at me," Sasuke told her, fumbling around with the pancake, a frustrated look claiming his features.

"You're doing it wrong, honey," she told him, giggling softly.

Normally, Hinata wasn't one for nicknames in a relationship, but with Sasuke she couldn't help herself. He always looked so flustered and at a loss for words when she got like that. It was cute. Usually, she was the awkward one between the two of them so it was nice to know that she affected him in the same way that he did her.

"How am I doing it wrong?" he asked, sulking as he flipped over the pancake to see that it was burned.

"Here, just let me do it," she said to him, sliding down from her stole and walking around the bar.

"No, get away from me, I can do it," he argued, lifting up the pan and the spatula as she came around for them.

"Sasuke!" she exclaimed, smiling and reaching up for the cooking utensils, grabbing his shirt and standing on her tip-toes. "Don't be like that."

"I don't need your help, I can do it," he told her, frowning at her.

She grabbed at his collar, pulling him down so that they were face to face. His black eyes stared into her white ones and he was lost. She knew how to get him, what to do in order to have her way when it came to Sasuke. She was just as cunning as any of his other girlfriends had been, Sasuke discovered, despite her demure demeanor.

He lowered his arms slightly, tilting his head down, his lips descending on hers slowly. Hinata allowed her eyes to drift shut as she anticipated his kiss, moaning in appreciation as his lips met hers. She pressed herself against him and deepened the kiss and as if on cue he set down the pan and spatula on the stove.

His strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he parted her lips with his tongue, exploring her mouth. His endeavor earned him a few dreamy sighs and soft moans from his small girlfriend, her hands wandering around his back, searching for and groping the muscles she found there.

"Sasuke..." she whispered against his lips as they broke apart for air.

He slid his hands down to grab her by the back of her thighs, lifting her up and placing her on the counter. Her hands delved into his hair, pulling him down again and dipping her tongue into his mouth, searching for his in return. His hands traveled up, caressing and feeling on her curves.

"Sasu – "

The sound of the smoke detector going off interrupted the two of them, Sasuke pulling back first, his eyes landing on the frying pan.

"Shit," he swore, pulling himself from her and tending to the blackened pancake, fanning away the smoke.

Hinata smiled at him, watching as he dumped the hotcake into the trash and began washing the pan, giving up on their breakfast all together.

"I love you," she said to him.

Sasuke tossed her a glance before turning his attention back to the pan. "Of course you do."

Hinata didn't take offensive to his comment however, instead she nudged his arm playfully. "You love me too."

"I do," he said simply, scrubbing the pan.

The sound of the door bell ringing alerted the both of them. They didn't get visitors too often, neither of them succeeding in making too many friends. The towns people were friendly enough, but the two of them weren't exactly social butterflies. They spent a great deal of their time together, too wrapped up in their own world to really give a shit about what went on on the outside.

"I'll get it," she said to him, sliding down from the counter.

She straightened out her clothes first, a little embarrassed at what had just transpired between the two of them. Had it not been for the smoke detector going off, they would have most likely ended up in their bed room, rolling around under the sheets. It was a good thing she had gotten birth control from the local convenience store, she wasn't ready for any children...not yet.

Without asking who was there, she opened the door.


She could feel her throat closing up, as if there wasn't enough air. Her stormy eyes widened in fear – pure, genuine fear. It was as if the past five and a half months had all been a dream and now she was waking up. It had been a fantasy, none of it was real, except for Naruto. Naruto was real and he was there, staring down at her with those cyan eyes that she had tried so hard to forget.

"Wh-what are you...doing here..." she asked slowly, stumbling on her words.

The blonde cleared his throat, looking down at his wife's expression. She looked absolutely horrified. He already knew he would not be welcomed, but her face solidified it.

"I... came to speak to you," he answered.

He knew better than to tell her he was there for her, to take her back to that cold, miserable mansion of theirs. That would only scare her away.

The wife's white eyes shifted around uneasily, unsure of where to look. She was shaking her head a little, trying to get her breathing together because it felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her.

"Why?" she whispered, her hand holding onto the door knob as if it were the only thing keeping her from melting under his gaze.

Naruto shifted uncomfortably. He had practiced a million times how he would approach her. He envisioned himself ever so eloquently, persuading her to come back home to him. The blonde imagined himself convincing her that he could and would do better, that he would be able to win her heart back. They could start over again. They could be happy again.

But as he looked down into those fearful eyes of hers, he was reminded of all the unforgivable things he had done to her.

It would be harder to get her to willingly come back to him – but that's just it, he didn't want to force her back. He wanted her to come back on her own. He wanted her to see in him all that she had when she decided to marry him. They could fix this, he knew it, he just needed her to give him a chance.

"Can I come in?" he asked her, his voice gentle and careful.

"Who's at the door?"

Hinata tore her gaze away from Naruto to find Sasuke approaching, drying his hands with a towel. Apparently, he had finished tending to the pan and was more interested in their guest.

Naruto peered inside, his eyes widening at the sight of the male coming into view. He recognized him, and apparently he did as well for the raven haired man he was positive that was living with his wife, narrowed his eyes at him.

"You," Naruto said.

He was her boss. He remembered seeing him that day he had came to her job to pick her up. He had been speaking with her when he arrived. Naruto remembered how unhappy he was that his wife was to be working on a Saturday, the one day he had off. He planned on spending time with her on that day, however this man had gotten in the way of all of that.

So he had been the one helping her. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the two were now involved. What man would go this far to help a woman he wasn't interested in? Hinata most definitely was a quality woman, Naruto knew this and it was a huge part of the reason why he had married her.

"Hinata," the male said, using her name so casually and wrapping his arm around her waist. "Don't be rude, invite him inside. We don't have guests often, you know."

Hinata gasped softly, looking up at Sasuke who had been staring Naruto down, a calm expression on his face. She looked back to her husband, her heart beating rapidly. She knew that with Sasuke here, Naruto couldn't hurt her, but she was still scared. Her arms were shaking and her legs felt wobbly. Her mind was telling her to slam the door and lock it, bolt it if she had to – do whatever it was to keep this man away from her. She gave into Sasuke however, she knew it would be futile trying to make it all go away. Who was she kidding? She was going to have to deal with Naruto someday. He wasn't the kind of man to just simply let go of the things he wanted or thought belong to him. Her last name was proof that she was Uzumaki Naruto property and he was here to claim what was his.

"C-come in..." she said softly, the two of them stepping aside and allowing him into their home.

Naruto stepped inside, looking around their apartment.

It was modest – a cozy little place. The were whites and blacks tossed around the room, complimenting each other instead of contrasting as one would expect. There were pictures in picture frames placed around the living area, ones of scenery and some of the two of them and family members of Hinata's that he remembered. In some the two of them were together, her smiling and him looking cool and distant, yet happy nonetheless. It was the home of a happy couple, that he could tell.

The door clicking shut behind him was enough to draw him out of his thoughts. He turned around to find his wife holding onto this man's arm, her white eyes watching him hesitantly.

"So, Uzumaki-san," Sasuke started, "What brings you here to Shikoku?"

It was all Naruto could do not to roll his eyes. This man knew damn well why he was here so why was he fucking around with him? He came to get his wife. He didn't appreciate that she was sucking onto this man like that either. He kept his cool though. He had to show Hinata that he wouldn't explode. He had to make a good impression if he was going to get her back.

"I came to speak with my wife," he replied, keeping his voice calm and natural.

He studied her carefully. She looked a little different. Her skin was pale yes, but not ghostly like it was five months ago – there was more color in her. Her hair had grown out some, a lot longer than he liked it, but it fit her. She wasn't wearing bangs anymore either. Her dark hair was parted down the middle and even on both sides.

Sasuke looked down at Hinata, noting how she shifted uncomfortably beside him, her tiny hand holding his arm for support. He took her hand in his and she looked up at him.

"Give our guest a seat, okay? I'm going to make coffee for us," he said to her before letting her go and walking into the kitchen.

He had known this day would come. Eventually, Naruto was going to show up looking for his wife. Sasuke was actually a bit surprised that it had taken so long. He knew Naruto would have no trouble finding her however, unlike him, Naruto could easily throw his name and money around to get what he wanted from people.

Hinata cast Sasuke a nervous glance only to find that his back was to her as he worked in the kitchen. Hesitantly, she turned her attention onto her husband who was looking at her with an unfamiliar expression.

"H-here..." she said, gesturing to the sofa.

Sasuke knew of her trouble with her husband, and he knew what he looked like and who he was. Why on earth had he invited him inside? Hinata couldn't figure it out. She would have preferred to slam the door in his face – she should have done so when she had the chance. Instead, he was sitting down on her sofa, looking around her new home.

"Did you decorate it?" he asked her, his voice gentle.

Hinata was silent for a moment or so before she spoke up. "We... did it together," she said to him, sitting down in the chair across from him.

Naruto nodded his head. It was nothing like their mansion, filled with antics and designer labels. This home was completely different. It was more lived in. It was warmer too, their was life in this modest apartment. Part of him couldn't understand why she'd give up their nicer things to live a simple life like this one. Part of him understood indeed.

"Ah. It's nice..." he told her, truly meaning it.

Hinata swallowed past the lump that lodged itself in her throat. They were being civil so far, talking, but not at all about what was really on both of their minds. She looked up, her eyes finding the kitchen again and looking for help from Sasuke. His back was still to her however, offering little if any assistance. Finally, her white eyes met with her husband again.

"What...are you here for, Naruto?"

The blonde was taken aback by his wife's new found confidence. She had been so quiet and demure these past few years, even when he arrived, she had been that frail woman he had grown accustomed to. He had forgotten that such a Hinata had existed.

"I miss you," he admitted without hesitation. "I miss you to the point where my throat gets tight and its hard to breathe."

Hinata clenched her teeth together tightly and closed her eyes.

"I want you to come back," he continued. "I want to make things better, to change. I'll change. I have changed."

His cyan eyes studied her face as if seeing her for the first time. His wife was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was kind hearted and understanding of people. She believed in them, more than he ever did and that just might be a fault of hers. She was trusting and saw the beauty in everyone and everything around her. She made the best of life. She would forgive him for all that he had done, he knew she would. She would take him back. It would take some time, but Hinata would take him back.

"I want to do this over, me and you," he told her, leaning forward and gently taking her hands in his, lacing their fingers together causing her to open her eyes. "I want to start over. I want to give you the life I neglected to these past few years. You deserve so much more and I want to be the one to give it to you, Hinata. There's no one out there, no one in this world who is more meant for me than you are. You have to understand that. I need you."

The backs of her eyes were stinging by now, her heart beating rapidly. She wanted to believe him, god she wanted to, she just couldn't put herself back in that same position once again.

"Naruto, I –"

"Hear me out, please," he cut in, his eyes begging her.

She nodded and that's when Sasuke made his appearance, setting down a cup of coffee for each of them and standing by his girlfriend. Naruto locked eyes with him and didn't need anything but common sense to tell him that he was disliked and unwelcome despite of the fact that is was his idea to let him in.

Like Hinata, Sasuke wanted Naruto nowhere near them. The only difference was, Sasuke understood that this had to happen. There was no way they could live peacefully, either of them, without settling it. Hinata would always be looking over her shoulder, watching her back, fearing that Naruto was coming after her if they didn't come to an agreement. While he was tempted to hurt the blonde, he knew that it wouldn't do him or Hinata, most importantly, any good. Naruto was a powerful man, he could do anything to them if he wanted to.

Clearing his throat, Naruto starting again, ignoring how Sasuke placed a reassuring hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Lets get married. Again," he suggested, pulling from his pocket the black velvet box from before.

Hinata's eyes widened as he opened the case, revealing the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.* It was a bundle of diamonds, assorted together in the shape of a flower's bud. The white diamonds glistened and gleamed and she had a moment of weakness and touched it. Ice cold.

Naruto's heart thumped hard, taking her action as a good sign. "We'll get married and start over. We'll live the life we were supposed to. I'll give up politics if that's what it takes. We'll move some place else, Thailand. You love Thailand. We'll go there and we'll start our family again."

Family. The word snapped her out of the trance the diamonds induced and she pulled her hand back as if it had burned her. Her mind began swirling with thoughts of Akira. Their Akira. Her Akira. Her baby.

Her hand moved to her belly, rubbing it subconsciously as if missing the child that was once inside.


Naruto nodded his head, ignoring the jolt of pain that went through him at the sound of their son's name.

"We'll have more children, Hinata," he told her.


Naruto stared at her, his heart sinking into his stomach. "Why?" he asked softly. "We can be happy again, Hinata."

She was shaking her head by this time. "No... no..."

Sasuke looked down at his girlfriend, watching as the tears began rolling out of her eyes. He reached for her hand, holding it in his and offering her the comfort she needed from him. He couldn't fight this battle for her, she had to over come this on her own, however, he wouldn't leave her alone. He would support her always.

"I can't go back Naruto," she told him. "These past few years... these past few years have been hell. Hell, Naruto. I can't take it anymore. That's why I left. You can't just... buy people. You can't just throw fancy gifts at me when ever you fuck up. A new dress, a bracelet, a trip to Mexico, a week at a spa, a fucking engagement ring, Naruto, god."

Naruto stared at her long and hard, ignoring the stinging sensation at the back of his eyes. "I'm not trying to buy you..."

"Yes, you are," she told him, her white eyes filling with tears. "You've always done that, even before we were married. You used money to make things better all the time. You always say you're going to change but instead you just try and buy your way out of it."

She held onto Sasuke's hand tightly for strength as the words came bubbling out of her throat. All the things she was too afraid to say to him, all the thoughts she kept to herself, it was all coming out now.

"And... you can't replace Akira. You just... can't, Naruto," he voice was soft, cracking as soft sobs escaped her. "You can't...replace him."

"Hinata – "

"No!" she screamed at him. "Just... just...stop it, okay? Stop it..."

Naruto studied her, watching as the tears fell freely from her eyes. He had came here, expecting her to come back to him and instead, it was the exact opposite.

"Pl – "

She shook her head. "I can't go back with Naruto," she said softly. "I' don't want to. It's been years since I've been this happy... I'm not giving it up. I... I want a divorce, Naruto."

Two years later

The sun was out that day, clear, cloudless skies overhead. The summer air was warm at last after months of dry heat. Shikoku was getting ready for it's annual festival again and the town's people were humming with joy, readily preparing for the tourists.

Hinata walked down the street to her apartment, the one she shared with Sasuke, carrying a few shopping bags in her hands. Sasuke had gotten good job in the next town over and often didn't make it home until mid-evening. Hinata liked to use that time to prepare something nice for him.

She walked inside, placing her keys down and made her way into the kitchen and set out to prepare his favorite meal. Time went by easily, the day progressing nicely and it wasn't long before Sasuke arrived.

"Hinata?" he called, smelling the scent of food coming from the dinning room.

The male walked inside to find her setting the table, a pleasant look on her face.

"Hi," she said to him, setting down their glasses.

Sasuke smiled at her, watching as she rubbed the ring on her finger subconsciously with her thumb, smiling at him with genuine delight. She always made coming home worth it. He wouldn't be able to find a better woman if he tried to. Hinata was everything he had ever wanted and he was glad to say that she was his wife.

He remembered the way she cried when he presented her with the ring. It was the sweetest, happiest tears he had ever seen. She had kissed him over and over, telling him how much she loved him and how she was lucky to have met him. Their wedding had been a simple one, different from her first one he was told. There were only twenty guests and the ceremony took place at her cousin's estate. Her father had offered them a new house, one far nicer than their one bedroom apartment, but the couple had kindly refused. They liked their small living quarters. It was enough for the two of them to share comfortably, but that was all about to change.

Sasuke made his way over to his wife, gathering her in his arms and pressing affectionate kisses to her lips.

"How are you, Uchiha Hinata?" he asked, smiling as she rubbed her nose to his.

"I'm well..." she answered, nibbling her bottom lip.

"What is it?" he asked her, sensing something was on her mind due to that dreamy smile she was wearing.

They might have still been in their honeymoon stages, but Sasuke knew that look had absolutely nothing to do with sex. She had a secret and probably a good one.

"Not yet," she told him, breaking apart, "let's eat first."

Sasuke nodded, but was not fully ready to let the subject drop. She knew something he didn't and despite himself, he was itching to know.

The two ate peacefully, dancing around the subject that was eating away at both of them.


"Hn?" she asked coyly, sipping on her glass of water.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes slightly. "Don't dick around with me... what's going on?"

Hinata giggled softly, setting her glass down and sitting up straight. "Guess."

"You know I don't like this game..."

"Baby, just guess," she encouraged him, standing up and beginning to clear the table.

"Your sister is coming to visit?" he inquired as she walked into the kitchen.

He couldn't say that he was ready for another visit from Hanabi. She made it quite clear that if he ever took one step in the Naruto direction, that she was coming for his genitals.

"Nope," she answered him, coming back into view.

She leaned against the door frame a bit, smiling happily at him.

"You won the lottery?"

"No, of course not. You know I don't gamble..." she responded, rolling her eyes playfully. "Guess again."

"Hinata..." he said, getting a bit testy.

"One more guess and I'll tell you, promise," she insured.

Sasuke was beginning to think that she knew he would get it wrong. She was just doing this for her own amusement.

"You want to move back to the city?'

She giggled. "We might have to."

A skeptical Sasuke arched his brow at her. "Why?"

"I'm pregnant. Thirteen weeks."

Sasuke stared at his wife for a long time, his eyes falling away from her smiling face and focusing on her tummy now. It was rounded.

"You're not shitting me."

"I'm not," she said, rubbing her belly.

He smirked a bit. "And here I thought you were just getting fat. They say when women settle down they start letting themselves go."

"Sasuke!" she exclaimed, nudging him.

He laughed out loud, enjoying the blush that crept across her face.

"I am not 'letting myself go'" she argued.

"I know, baby, I know," he said, taking her wrist and gently pulling her into his lap.

He held her close, rubbing his hand up and down her belly, feeling the life, the love, growing inside of her. His child.

"I love you," he told her, leaning his head up and pressing a light kiss to her lips.

"We love you too, Uchiha Sasuke," she assured him, a bright smile tugging at her lips.

The End

The end! The end! We did it! *throws confetti into the air* yaaaaaaaay! Okay, so I'd like to thank everyone who has read this story from start to finish. I hope I have satisfied you in more way than one *perv smile*. Anyway. I hope you all like the way I handled the confrontation. I didn't want Sasuke to get all bent out of shape, Hinata has to take care of her self sometime. It's been emphasied over and over in the story that she relied on other people to fight for her. I wanted this last chapter to demonstrate her standing up for herself to Naruto at last. I wanted to demonstrate her growth as a person. I hope I did that well. Anyway, leave me a review, you know that I'm a slut for them.

*Curious about the two wedding rings in this chapter? I'll be posting pics of them on my profile so check them out. Oh and be sure to vote on my poll. I'm changing my pen name.

Love always,
