Reviews for All For Love
RamonaFlowers25 chapter 10 . 8/7
RamonaFlowers25 chapter 3 . 8/6
I want sasuke to kick narutos ASS. For realzies.
jeyelsee chapter 10 . 7/23
This was really heavy yet very realistic as well. I loved how the story went and ended. Great work!
Guest chapter 10 . 6/5
Such a beautiful story. I cried while reading it. Domestic violence is a terrible thing.
xeris chapter 10 . 4/15
beautiful simply beautiful
xeris chapter 1 . 4/15
wow just wow I say, I never pictured Naruto as such a vicious person since he is always portrayed as the saviour and all. I just love this different approach .. I absolutely love It. truly is a nice change of pace
Loveanju chapter 10 . 3/3/2019
I thought this story would end in a tragic way, I'm glad to see that it did not happen. Thanks for the story.
H A M B O . 1 7 chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
I'm already hooked.
DAngel7 chapter 10 . 12/8/2018
This story was trully emotionally heavy.. you managed to portray the emotions so well they were pouring out of each sentence. It was a bit heavy to read sometimes but then again the topic- abusive relationships- it's not exactly 'a walk in the park' and you did manage to portray it very well.
I am happy that you did show a light at the end of the tunnel and made it a light and happy ending. I don't think I could of been able to bear it otherwise. Well done.
I do hope you have other SasuHina stories as I would love to read more of your writing.
DAngel7 chapter 9 . 12/8/2018
oh my.. the beginning of the chapter was hinting at the climax, the anticipated face-off, but the ending was just hot, and I mean hot! You managed to handle it delicately and naturally yet still make if hot! Bravo! I kind of love it, thank you for putting it here!
DAngel7 chapter 8 . 12/8/2018
Well done, her settling down there was natural, and SasuHina's reunion was done perfect, so flawless. You also managed to get me scared too.. when Kiba (I assume) called her 'Lady Uzumaki' and followed her calling her that got me scared, I got goose bumps!
DAngel7 chapter 7 . 12/8/2018
I'm glad you finally revealed something of her past, its so strange to see that they have been trully happy and normal people. It makes it hard to understand how is it possible to turn that way, to this kind of people.
I'm looking forward to see how Hinata will finally handle herself and everything on her own (I really think she needs to, instead of depending on always someone else as it would make her stranger). I am glad that Sasuke is not planning on giving up on her too though.
DAngel7 chapter 6 . 12/8/2018
The way you portray this from three point of views is flawless and smooth. I like that we get to see Sasuke's feelings and thoughts, and how easy is for him to get attached to her and her warmth. I also liked Naruto's.. even if his is kind of scary to read- the thought process of an abuser is scary thing.
Hinata... She truly has a baggage and I wonder if she will need to either see someone for the psychological trauma or she just need to make a change in her life to heal naturally from that victim weak personality.
DAngel7 chapter 5 . 12/8/2018
Finally she did something.. even if it's just running out of the house without proper clothes or even money on her, but in her state I can't blame her.
I am looking forward how Sasuke will play in her life...
DAngel7 chapter 4 . 12/8/2018
I was glad to see Hinata finally say something back, but honestly my sympathy for her is disappearing, her thoughts are starting to annoy me - if you don't like something change it. I know it may be wrong to blame the victims but honestly she is making herself a victim so that is her own fault. She may be scared but she can walk out... instead of taking the abuse. Maybe it's easier said than done but I can't feel sympathy for someone who stays in this abusive relationship and just stays the victim without doing anything to change it.
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