I was standing in Alice's room grabbing all of Alice's credit cards out of the drawer and her platinum debit card and stuffing them in a trash bag. I ran into Alice's closet and grabbing a fist full of accessories and all of the clothes I could fit into a trash bag, threw them down towards the piano, and starting walking. Leah was already grabbing the rest of Edward's music and all of his records, tapes, and CDs.

I smiled down at them with they're gasoline soaked trash bags on top of the piano. When- Crash! Alice jumped through a window to break into her own house, that's mainly what Jake and Leah were here for. They turned into wolf form and started tearing up the rooms for a momentary distraction while I headed for the stairs.

I cannot believe him! I thought to myself storming down the stairs of the Cullen Mansion. . He promised! He Promised! For some reason, the tears wouldn't come. Iknew this was going to happen. He left you once why couldn't you see he was going to do it again. I was inwardly cursing myself when I heard the footsteps.

"Bella wait!" Alice called.

"It's too late for that, sister." I spat reaching the landing. The footsteps sped up. I smiled at the railing in front of me. Oh, what the hell, I'll regret it if I don't do it, I thought. I jumped onto the railing landing on my bottom. Whoosh! I started zipping down the railing. I giggled. This is the most fun I've had in a while.

"WEEEE!" I screamed no longer able to control my merriment. Smiling evilly, I leaped daintily off of the railing before walking over to the piano in the sitting room.

"Bella," His voice shouted over the sound of Alice screaming at me, "don't do it." I took the garbage bag I had brought over from my house and dropped it on top of the piano. I pulled out some matches before turning on them.

"What Edward?" I asked in my sweet, innocent voice while striking a match against the side of the box. They shrank away room the flames as I waved it in front of them. "I'm just doing something I couldn't POSSIBLY get hurt at doing. It's just a little fire." I dropped the match on top of one of the gasoline soaked trash bags and stepped away. "Oops, now it's a big one."

I smiled as they lunged towards only to pull away. I smiled even larger at them at them. They looked at the piano and gasped. The flames spelled the word "Cheater". I couldn't help myself, I laughed a hard, cold, empty, satanic laugh before turning and walking to my truck. I could see what was left of Edward precious Volvo and Alice's Porsche that the other wolves had taken care of. I hopped into my truck and paused, smiling wider.


She smashed her rearview mirror because starting today she was never looking back.