Hey people I know this is weird that I am still writing under this profile even though I have another one but my fans sent me some messages asking me why I wasn't writing and when I said I had a whole new profile that got them confused so I will be posting all of my stories on both sites. So Sorry for the confusion. Enjoy.

I don't own Twilight, or any of Eminem's songs

I'm Not Afraid

Everyone in life has a purpose. No matter how small or big it's there. If you change just a few people's lives it could spread throughout the entire world. This is what I had to do, I had to make a stand, fight for others lives before my own. That was my job, my purpose. Everyone followed them, did what they were supposed to, but I didn't. I stood out and when you are in a place like that, let's just say it doesn't make a good impression.

"Ms. Swan." A voice says. I look up to see an overweight cop sitting in a metal folding chair. Right behind him was a huge mirror but I knew what was behind it. "Can you elaborate on what happened."

"They took us, beat us, raped us, tortured us. It's not something you see everyday and something that will leave you scared for life."

"And how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"But you just said." He said struggling for words.

"Yeah and."

"Weren't you scared?"

"No. I'm not afraid of them, not anymore."

"And whose them?" I chuckle bitterly.

"You don't want to know."

"Yes I do." He persisted.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me." I lean forward looking him dead in the eye. "Who are they?"

"Not who but what."

"What are they?"
