So this time around I've decided to do a fic that delves into L on a level all his own. This fic takes place a few years prior to the Death Note Series, so he is around the age that Light is now. He lives on his own, but is in constant contact with Watari for soon to be obvious reasons. So what is a detective to do when he has no cases to solve?. . . Who said online dating! . You guys are awful. Anyway, I don't own Death Note, but I wish I knew a real life L. So Read and review, cause that will earn you cookies, which encourages me to bake, which in turn makes L happy. And that is why we're here, right? To eat cookies with L.
L found himself in a wondrous predicament one day when he had finally finished his case. It was the normal drab sort of case where the culprit was ignorant and left clues like mud prints over everything he touched. At least that is how it seemed to L. The Police, on the other hand, had been baffled for weeks with no leads. It took the detective less than a day to track down the man responsible and gather usable evidence to convict him of a tag team of crimes; armed robbery, arson, grand theft auto, and murder. All in all he felt under stimulated as he sat back from his computer and looked for once at the room around him.
It was bare, save the myriad of electronics he used when viewing video/audio tapes. Two separate laptops were on standby, not to mention his personal console. A TV was set on mute, a commercial for toothpaste running. A plate sat on one side of his console, a half eaten carrot cake lay skewered by a fork. Half a cup of tea perched on its little plate on the other side. The area was silent of noise other than the steady hum of the machines. A single window allowed the half cloudy day to provide constantly changing lighting.
Sitting on the floor, L managed a whole two minutes before his mind wanted to shred something to pieces for lack of something to do. His shadowed eyes scanned the room for something he might have forgotten to do. But of course, there was nothing. So he turned back to his laptop and flipped on the screen. Deciding to indulge in his one and only vise, the detective scrolled down his bookmark list and found his site. He had to blame Mello for this surely. It was his fault, knowing L couldn't resist being curious. Signing on to Facebook, he brought up his wall. Though it contained no real picture of him, he opted for a picture of a cookie instead; it did contain his alias name. No one online really thought he was L, the super detective who cracked the insane cases. Everyone believed he was a big fan, posting bits of news he found amusing from each case on his wall. He had many people who commented on them, wishing the real L good luck while unaware that he was getting their well wishes directly.
After sifting through the various requests for him to join Farmville, or some other silly game and deleting them all, he looked then to his messages. Most of the time people just left comments, but today he was interested to note that there was something in his inbox. Clicking to it, he saw a message titled, "I challenge you."
"This could be interesting," he murmured as he drew his bunched up legs closer to him. Pulling his plate closer with a single fingertip, he lifted a teetering bite of cake of cake to his mouth as he simultaneously reached for the mouse. Opening the message, L read the words carefully while he chewed the moist pastery.
Dear L,
I know you are him, the guy who solves the mysteries nobody else can. I also know that you are bored, or at least when you aren't working. You wouldn't be here if you had something better to do, right? I am too. So why not play a game? See if you can find me. I'll give you clues, but not many. Don't want to make it too easy. Who knows, maybe we'll be closer than we think?
Dropping his fork back onto the plate, L quickly clicked the reply button. Then he stalled, fingers poised above the keys. Should he say no? No one knew about his identity, maybe this was a ploy to get information out of him. That didn't sound right to him, after all the person didn't say anything about wanting to find him. And despite his attempts at being distant and vague while online, it was apparent that this person honed in on his boredom. Resolution began to settle in his stomach, letting the key strokes fall lightly while a small smile brightened his shadowed face.
Dear J,
I do not know who you are. I accept your challenge.
Sending the message before he decided against it, he then sat back on the carpet. As he watched the screen and thought he subconsciously chewed on his thumb. He was not a friend of this person, so unless he went to their profile, he could not easily monitor their online status. Just as he thought about sending a friend request, a reply was received. Surprised at how quick they answered, he waited a moment before opening it. Another blip told him that someone had sent a friend request. Before he read the message, he opened the tap for pending requests and accepted the invite. Then he went directly to J's profile.
L hadn't known what to expect, but this was not it. J's profile was blank like that of someone who just joined. Which raised the question, did they join Facebook merely to pose him this challenge? There were no pictures, nobody in the friend list besides himself, or even basic information. The only thing listed was in the quote line below the profile picture. It said, "Come find me."
After searching the profile for any useful info and finding none, L returned to the message from before. Opening the page, he then stared at the two words in disbelief.
Happy Hunting
A mystery, one that just might prove more entertaining than any he had dabbled in recently. L hunched forward towards the screen, a smile playing on his lips. He couldn't help but feel like this was going to be fun.