Title: Havana

Rating: T this chapter. M overall for language and smut. Lots of Eliot smut.

Disclaimer: I don't own Leverage or any of the characters associated with the show. I only claim ownership to the character that I created. Also, no profits are being made off of this story. It's only for your entertainment.

Author's Note: This is my first time publishing a fic so I'm nervous, but I hope you guys like it!

Chapter 1

"This is going to be weird guys," Parker flopped down at the team's briefing table, shoulders hunched, arms pulled into her chest, frowning.

"Aww c'mon Parker it won't be that bad," Hardison slid into the seat to her right, his arm around the back of her chair.

"It's only a month Parker. And it's not like we're completely splitting up and calling it quits," Sophie stepped down from the kitchen, gesturing as much as her full cup of tea would allow. "It's just a little vacation. A little time to recharge, is all," she sat to the thief's left and reassuringly rubbed a hand across her back. "Look, everyone is looking forward to something. I can't wait to go back to Venice. It's been years," the grifter propped her head in her hand, her voice taking on a dreamy quality. "And Nate, what are you looking forward to?" She took a sip of her tea, angling her big brown eyes towards the team's leader.

"Having you all out of my apartment," Nate said cheerily as he made his way down the spiral staircase from his bedroom above. Sophie immediately shot him one of those you're not helping looks that she seemed to always have on hand for him.

"Um, I think you mean my apartment. I do own this building, in case you all forgot," Hardison quipped. "Look Parker, it's not like we have to split up, I mean, you could stay at my place for a while if you wanted. We'll get some of that cereal you like…the uh…Cinnamon Sugar Overload…"

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch," she corrected him, eyes brightening just a little.

"Yeah, some of that, and we'll play video games, get you set up on World of Warcraft. Girl, you ever wanted a penguin for a pet? Look no further. I can make that happen for you right here," by now Parker was beaming, although Hardison suspected it was more from the promise of sugary cereal than the video games.

"See, I told you this wasn't going to be so bad," Sophie smiled. "What about you Eliot? What are your plans?"

"Hmm?" Eliot growled, looking over his shoulder at the team from his spot by the window where he had been surveying traffic. "Actually, Hardison, can I talk to you about that?" He said, almost hesitantly, uncrossing his arms to seem a bit less menacing.

"Yeah sure man, what's up?" Hardison moved around the briefing table, meeting Eliot by the desk where he kept his laptop.

"I need to ask you for a f…" Eliot stopped himself before he said it.

"You need a what? Oh, a favor? A FA-VOR from Alec Hardison?"

"Hey, just, shh, shut up man, would you? It ain't like I actually want to ask okay?" Eliot grimaced at the thought. Before he went on, the hitter glanced around at the other members of the team. Nate and Sophie were in the kitchen having some kind of deep conversation and Parker had turned on the television, thoroughly engrossed in some food show, most likely because cartoons weren't on at 8:00 at night. Satisfied that no one was paying them too much attention he turned back to Hardision, who had already popped open his laptop and was waiting for Eliot to continue. "I need you to find someone for me."

"Say please."

"Look man, I ain't gotta ta…"

"You want to find her don't you?" Hardison countered.

"How did you…" It wasn't worth arguing. "Okay, okay. Pl…please," the word tasted a bit sour to him.

"That's better. Now, what's her name?"

"No, finding her isn't going to be that simple. What's your security clearance again?"

"Level 3 NSA, FBI, and CIA, thank you very much," Hardison was obviously pleased.

"That's great but she doesn't work for any of those," Eliot paused just long enough for Hardison's ego to deflate a little. "But Level 3 CIA should get you there." Hardison wordlessly began hacking away into the CIA database.

"Name?" He prompted when he reached the appropriate screen.

"Audrey Goddard," Eliot whispered, almost afraid anyone else would hear. He didn't even know why it mattered so much. It wasn't even her real name.

"Damn, Eliot," Hardison felt his heart skip half a beat at the picture that flashed up on his screen. The woman in question stared back at them through big emerald green eyes that provided a stark contrast against her dark bronze skin. Thick dark hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders and one corner of her full mouth was turned up in the slightest smirk. She looked almost Indian, but something was off. Her features were different, a bit more exotic, and absolutely gorgeous. "Wherever this girl is I might just beat you there."

"She'd break you first and ask questions later," Eliot was secretly pleased that he could make Hardison jealous. "She's an assassin, Hardison. That's what she does."

"Well, you know I could probably sweet talk her a bit first and…"

"FOCUS," Eliot slapped the Hacker's shoulder to prove his point. "Plus, I happen to know that you ain't too good at talking when you're staring down the barrel of a gun."

"Oh, she's that kind of girl. Hell, well I'm sure I could work something out."


"Alright alright. Pushy. Let's see," he scrolled down the page, eyeing her list of skills. "Hand to hand combat, highly proficient with firearms and knives, perfect sniping record, authorized use of swift and deadly force… Eliot this woman is James Bond. Except, hot. And a girl. And did I mention hot?"

Eliot was now hunched over to get a better view of the screen, and doing his best to hold in a grin. "Yeah, I know. But where is she."

"Getting there," the hacker quickly sorted through past missions, looking for the latest entry into her dossier. "Here, Havana, Cuba. Took out her mark…" Hardison glanced at the date on his watch, "Today. She took him out today. Assuming she hasn't left already, she's in Cuba."

"Where's she staying," it was an urgent statement, not a question. He had no idea how Hardison would find that out, considering the care that she and the government would have put into securing her location. But he also knew that if anyone could find such information, it would be Hardison.

"Give me a second," the hacker was furiously clicking away at his computer keys. "I'm running all of her listed aliases through guest lists at Cuban hotels. Nothing man. This girl is careful."

"Yeah, well she's one of the best," Eliot eyed the multiple rosters currently open on the screen. Most of the names were men, allowing for immediate elimination of several hotels. He was scanning the list for The Parque Central when a name caught his eye. "There, Olivia Murdock. Pull that up."

Within seconds Hardison was in the hotel's database, pulling up the guest profile. "Olivia Murdock, checked in this afternoon to a Standard Room, number 219, paid for in cash, of course, used a Guyanese passport as a form of identification."

"That's her." Eliot smiled.

"Wait, how, did you know that?" Hardison felt a little defeated.

"When she drops off the grid like that the only way you can ever find her is to know the woman, not the agent. Murdock was her favorite character from The A-team. Olivia was the name of her first cat, who she rescued off the road after she'd been hit by a car. But of course, not many people know that. Which is how she likes it." Eliot stood upright. "I need a flight to Cuba."

"On it. I can get you onto a private plane that leaves," Hardison checked his watch again, "in an hour. 9:30pm. The next scheduled flight out from here isn't for a week. Get your ass to the private airport; the ticket will be ready at the counter. What IDs do you have on you, because you don't have time to get back to your apartment."

Eliot flipped open his wallet and sifted through a few plastic cards, searching for an identity that wouldn't raise eyebrows on a private plane. "Got it. Roy Chappell."

"Perfect. One round trip for an ex baseball player coming up."

"Thanks man," Eliot slapped Hardison on the back and made a move for the door.

"Hey, Eliot," Hardison gestured for him to lean in a bit. "Dude. You get laid, you owe me big time."

Eliot laughed. "If I get laid, you're gonna be the last person to know about it," he pushed his hair out of his eyes and set off for the door.

"Dude, BIG TIME!" Hardison called after him. With a quick goodbye to the rest of the team, Eliot was gone.

More to come very soon, hope y'all enjoy!