You know what song I absolutely love? SAFTEY DANCE! :D we can dance, we can dance, everybody check your hands *clap clap* ROFL. Random yerr but I'm a little hyper :P STUPID TALKING FRIDGE. Lol. I joke.

And... heh heh, the last chapter wasn't going to be the end :P *evil laugh again* it's sort of like the beginning to the whole 'Disturbed' part :P

Warning: *cough cough* beginning will bore your brains out :P


I stood in front of the Elders. They looked amused and shocked that I was here.

"Hm, what brings you to our humble abode?" Aleksander said. I always hated him. He was a pig face ass wipe and that's making it nice, I fear for your innocent ears if you heard the rest...

"I've been found," I said half breathless half annoyed.

Their smiles disappeared only to be filled with rage. Ophelia screamed out loud, the humans on the Earth below us would probably be having a thunderstorm now.

"How could be as stupid as to slip like that! You know that if the Dyah find you, you are gone!" She screamed. (A/N: I was stuck for ideas so I went to my own book that I was writing and took ideas from there :P Dyah means lost in Arabic – just to let you know)

"I didn't mean too, I just..." I just what? Put my brother's life in danger? I just almost killed everyone in that room for the sick joy of it? "I just lost it Ophelia."


"Enough Ophelia!" Aiden ordered her. She was immediately silenced. Aiden looked at me fondly. And cracked a smile. "We all make mistakes, we must forgive Syeira for hers, after all, she is the princess of sorts."

I couldn't help but growl. My stupid name left me with a title I didn't want – Princess. Syeira meant princess.

"Surely she must be punished?" Aleksander said through clenched teeth almost spitting his venom at me.

"For what? Getting angry? There is a chance that the Dyah don't even exist, we have not heard of them for over millennia."

I shook my head. "They could not have simply vanished, it's impossible."

"Why young one?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know, I feel like they're watching my every move."

"But you used to feel like that all the time when you first came to us, you were the first true spirit wolf in a long time, bred by two spirit wolves. You felt like an outsider."

I sighed and turned away from them prepared to depart. Doesn't it suck how just because their old, you can't smash their skulls in? I mean you could, but it's frowned upon. I shook my head and sighed. "Goodbye Elders, best regards to Mikayle." (A/N: Said like Mik-aye-leh) And I left without a backwards glance.

Paul POV

We couldn't hear her, although we saw her, we couldn't help her and she disappeared in this black mist. I felt ashamed but confused at the same time.

Sam walked through the door frowning. "Old man Quil reckons he's got nothing on what happened."

I sighed in frustration. "What are we going to do?"

Embry spoke up. Poor bloke had spent most of the afternoon pulling his brains out. "We wait for her to come home and.. talk to her."

I growled. "No one is pressuring my sister into giving answers, make that a clear warning."

Embry started shaking. "She's my imprint Paul, I need her to be alright, if I can't comfort her in every way possible, I want to know why."

"Ease up lover boy, I'm her brother, I'll comfort her just fine."

"It's your fault any of this even happened, tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now, you practically hurt her!" Embry said a tremor rocking through his body more violent than before.

I batted my eyelashes at him with a sneer on my face. "Because you love me with un denying passion."

I heard Jared muffle a laugh but that wasn't before Embry shoved my off the kitchen chair onto the floor facing the hallway. "I'll show you love, like Bella said to Jake," he grumbled. "Murder, the ultimate crime of passion."

Jacob laughed.

Embry brought his fist hard down onto my face and we heard a crack, I quickly popped it in pace with what little time I had before Embry went for round two, but this time he was stopped in mid air by the sound of a gasp at the front door. We all looked up to see Syeira shaking her head standing at the open door.

"I leave for a few hours and already you're trying to kill each other?"

She's back! I grinned wildly at her and jumped up knocking Embry to the ground and ran to her crushing her to death in a hug.

Syeira POV

"Can't... Breathe!" I cried out.

My little freak brother put me down and patted my head. I almost growled at him.

"I'm not a dog," I muttered pushing his hand away. Something about the way Paul froze was off. Then it hit me. Fuck. Did he see me phase?

Sam walked up to me and inspected me closely. "She's hasn't grown or anything like we all did."

I twitched. "Huh?"

Paul sighed. "Syeira, don't play dumb, you just turned into a werewolf."

I froze this time. Fuck. He did see me. I laughed nervously. "You don't see scared."

Now he laughed. "Why would I be scared?"

I looked at him like it was obvious. His booming laugh just roared in my ears.

"This is funny is it? I turn into some freaky creature of the night who at any moment could turn around and rip you limb from limb and you laugh you ass off?" I growled, low and threatening.

His laughter immediately cut off. Good boy. He looked at me seriously. "Didn't you hear us? We tried calling your name, you were right there, you did hear us at all?"

I gasped. HOLY FUCK. The grey Paul wolf actually was Paul. "The black wolf?" I whispered.

"Sam," he said looking at him.



"I didn't hear you, I assumed it was a different pack trying to challenge me..."

"Challenge you?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'm part of the Ekhteh tribe or pack or whatever, I'm the alpha." (A/N: Ekhteh in Arabic means sisters)

No one spoke.

Awkward much?

"So you're an alpha?" I asked Sam. He nodded slowly.

"What's your territory?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't really have a specific one, when a group from the Dyah rock up in town, we usually hear about it in the news reported as mass deaths or something and come investigate, we try to get rid of the problem as soon as possible, but sometimes there can be complications."

"A little while ago there were killings in Seattle, did you hear about them?"

I nodded sadly. "We were forbidden to go."


"One of the Elders said it wasn't safe, that it was something more dangerous than the Dyah, something no one has heard of in centuries, but no one was told what."

"So what are you exactly? Or who are you?" Leah asked quietly.

"I am Syeira Jacobs, alpha of Ekhteh tribe, daughter of Michael Jacobs and Maria Rose. One of the first two spirit wolves to ever mate."

Paul shook his head. "Dad's wolf gene skipped one and mum can't be a werewolf, she isn't Quileute."

I sighed. "You're a wolf are you not? You get it from dad, mum may not be Quileute, but she is of the Semetic culture, legends say wolves raised there, funny enough her genes skipped her too, we become spirit wolves when two werewolves make a young through imprinting, like finding soul mates. It's rarely happened because most female werewolves are never able to have kids after their first transformation."

"Does that make me a true werewolf too?" Paul asked.


"Why not?"

"First born, always."

"You're not seventeen," he scoffed.

I sighed. "We're fraternal twins dip shit, I was born first."

"Oh." Was all he said.

Embry took my hand. "So you know about imprinting?"

I grinned. "Yeah, at first when I heard Paul say it in his sleep, I thought that it was nonsense, but now I remember the way you look at me, it's the same way dad and mum used to look at each other, well until one of the Elders reversed the imprinting."

"You can do that?" Embry asked upset.

I nodded. "But only if you break the rule."

"What rule?"

"You don't challenge the alpha unless it's guiding new wolves along their Taliba."

"Taliba? Like Taliban?"

"Taliba means seekers of knowledge, your Taliba is when you go around the world seeking information from other packs."

"So you know you're my imprint?" Embry asked.

"Yes," I grinned. "And no, there is no such thing as double imprinting Sam."

A couple of people laughed.

"Wait, you listen in on me when I sleep?" Paul asked a little peeved off by the idea.

"Only that once."


"Oh and Paul?"


"Why the fuck do you dream about evil gummy bears?"

Everyone laughed at the shade of red he blushed.


I hate how it's like Embry and Syeira get back together all lovey dovey, do you reckon I should pull them apart? For yes to break them up, say yes or w/e for no, say no... it's simple :D


You likey? :D

Review! :D Remember... yes or no :P the most wins.