This is just a little something I wrote in class because I was so bored that I was thinking about chewing off my foot for entertainment lol

I own nothing apart from Syeira :D and tbh I don't really care if it's hated I was just curious to see what would happen if I posted it :D

I'll tell you something simple enough. Life's a bitch then you die. Any questions? Yeah, I have one. If we know that life is going to kick us down, why wait it out and live through the horrors? I'm Syeira, in my language, it means princess. Urgh. I get really pissed off when people call me princess. So apparently my mum is kicking me out of the house, why? I may or may not have said a few unkind words to her new boyfriend... so now I'm being sent off to live with my dad and older brother Paul. They live on a small little reservation in Washington called La Push. It's quiet and rains every day. Something for me to get used to. I'm coming from Australia. The land down under, the extremely warm and bright gorgeous red desert land I used to call home. I lived in the Alice; my mum ran a little pub there. So the cold would be a huge change for me. I sighed and leaned my head back against my seat on the plane. I hate planes thanks to a certain show called Plane Crash Investigators. But I love the feeling of flying. Whether it's jumping off the rocks one time when we took a holiday at Coogee Beach, running or riding on my motorbike, I loved the wind in my hair. But on a plane, there is absolutely none of that. Sigh. Something you may or may not be able to tell from me is that I'm a girl with rules. It would be wise to listen to my rules. I'm strong, smart and dangerous, when people meet me, they straight away get that you don't fuck with me. A golden rule in my books that people should observe. So go on, break my rules, don't listen to my warnings, *cocks gun* I dare you.

"We do things differently on the reservation Syeira, you can't muck around." My dad, Michael Jacobs said to me, he looked at me with excited eyes in the rear view mirror, but those eyes also had a warning in them, I found it funny how he was happy to have me back but dared to warn me.
I looked outside my rain splattered window and felt my mouth go up in a smirk. Sure. I won't mess up this place, to badly. I didn't say anything, but he took that as me accepting the warning. What a sad, sad man. I was sitting in the back seat and him in the front because I preferred to be in the back, I commented on people driving, well criticised more likely. I see no reason why people spend ages in traffic when you can skip ahead by driving down the middle; of course I was more used to riding a motorcycle rather than a car, so my judgement of space was pretty off. I prefer motorbikes, you're just more free. I was so in my head that I didn't realise he was talking to me.

"...And Paul will lighten up too, I mean, he was pretty upset at first, but I think he's excited now."

"Paul?" How typical. My own brother annoyed that I'm coming to live with him. "He still the same temperamental bastard?"

He chuckled. "Worse now I would say."

I grinned. "With the moods I get into, he won't dare mess with me." I could take him; after all, he can't be that big... could he?

When we pulled up to his house I got out of the truck and faced the two storey dark wood house, in front were three incredibly huge and incredibly bored looking boys. They looked up when they heard my feet move the gravel probably and the one closest to me looked unimpressed, but Jesus Christ! Someone's got to tell them to lay off the steroids.

"Syeira, this is Paul." Dad said pointing to the one closest to me.

When he was in front of me he had a grin on his face and was towering over me. "Hi." He said.

I was going to say hi back, but I looked him up and down doubtfully. "Well, shit." I groaned snapping the whole 'I could take him' idea out of my head, I moved out of his way and grumbled something unintelligible while walking back towards the truck to get my stuff. I cursed myself for letting my mum pack for me, although I came home and all my stuff was in bags on the side of the road. But I had two large luggage bags filled with clothes and stuff, a couple of backpacks and my Country Road bag. Paul and the other two boys came up to me before I could get up onto the truck bed, my hands up and waiting on the side.

"Ten bucks says you can't get up." Paul laughed.

I looked at him with a cocky grin. "Such little faith in me, Paul?"

"You're the short one here." He smiled, his friends laughed.

"Yeah, because I'm the only one here not on steroids," I said. "Besides, you just re-met me after ages; you have no idea about what I'm capable of." I turned around and put my right foot on the wheel and lifted myself up, swinging my other leg over in quick swift movements and stood firmly on the truck bed. "Pay up." I grinned at him holding my hand out. He muttered and shoved ten dollars in my hand, I held it up, pretending to examine if it was real before shoving it in my bra. "Ah," I sighed. "You're going to need to stop making bets with me because by the end of the week, you're gonna be broke." I laughed and swung my country road bag over my shoulder and threw the backpacks on the ground and the luggage.

"Glad to see you travel lightly." He said sceptically eyeing the bags.

"I normally do."


"My mum packed for me." I muttered through clenched teeth.

"Want some help?" he asked.

"Nope," I glanced up at him, then at his friends, then away. "Who are your friends?"

"Oh right, this is Jared and Seth." I looked up and nodded at them, I'm guessing Seth was the younger one; he looked more excited than Paul and Jared.

"Watching you struggle is killing me." Paul muttered as he grabbed a luggage bag and reached for the other one.

"If you drop any of my stuff," I warned pointing at the bags. "I'll drop you."

"You'll drop me?" he laughed. "What the hell kind of threat it that?"

"Drop kick, you dumb ass." I muttered jumping off the truck; I grabbed the backpacks and followed him inside, Seth fell into step beside me.

"Syeira is a cool name."

"Uh, thanks."

"You're going to love it here, eventually."

"Why am I scared?" I laughed, he laughed too.

"Just a couple of things that are going to annoy you at first, but you'll get used to them."

"If it's the rain don't worry my dad already told me about that."

"There is other stuff too."

"Like what?"

"You'll find out." He grinned walking ahead to Jared and Paul.

Interesting. I've been here less than a few minutes and found out my brother is a cocky bastard, he and his friends are on steroids and there is something to be wary of. Yeah. This was going to be a blood bath.

You likey? :D LOL it's a boring beginning I know... but if you wanna keep reading, I'll probs make the next one more interesting... Suggestions... sure why not? :D BYYYEEESSS