Author's Note: My friend suggested that I write this because we absolutely love watching Ghost Adventures. So this is for you! Reviews would be appreciated but are not required.

Warnings/Disclaimers: I do not own the title, Ghost Adventures. Nor am I saying that the people on the show are of the homosexual nature, I am just letting my mind think they are.


Zak walked through their newest haunt with his friends Nick and Aaron, both kept their cameras recording the whole time. In the distance they hear a loud, disturbing screech. Zak ran toward the sound while Nick and Aaron followed him trying not to drop their gear. Aaron would never admit to his ghost hunting pals that he freaks out every time they hear something in the darkness. Especially when Aaron is used at 'bait', he just wishes he could admit his fears.

Aaron silently curses when a voice screams from behind him because only one thing could ever come from this. Zak decided that the team should split up; Nick will head back to the scream while Aaron and he will follow the screech. Now it's just Aaron and Zak, another silent cuss from Aaron. He had another fear; well 'fear' isn't the correct word. Aaron secretly had a crush on Zak since the first day they met, however the only thing Zak cared about was chasing ghosts.

"Shh! Did you hear that?" Zak asked knowing that he wouldn't get a response. Whenever Zak asked a question he never expected an answer because then he might not hear another voice. So Aaron nodded even though Zak couldn't see the nod in the complete darkness.

Suddenly without warning a large crash happens right behind Aaron. No more than three inches separated Aaron and the multitude of boxes that fell from somewhere. This caused Aaron to freak out even more. He broke out into a dash, leaving his equipment behind and hid in the corner of a room where an 'x' wasn't located. Aaron knew his secret was blown but he couldn't deal with it anymore, he was scared beyond belief.

"Aaron? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Aaron looks up to see Zak looking at him shining a flashlight in his general direction. Another scream causes Aaron to flinch, closing his eyes and covering his ears. He felt really nervous about his friend and host of their show seeing him at his weakest moment.

"N-n-n-n-n-o….I'm not h-h-hurt…." Aaron manages to stutter not opening his eyes. When he feels something warm wrap around his shoulders he opens his eyes in shock. Zak pulled Aaron into his strong arms and began whispering into his ear.

"It's okay if you're scared. I will always be here to protect you, I care about you. No more being the 'bait' okay? I will get Nick to do that." Zak's words were full of concern that pulled Aaron's heartstrings. Zak, even in the low light, looked genuinely concerned for his friend so Aaron decides it's time.

"Zak?" He nods, waiting for Aaron to continue, "I have…."

"You have a what?" Zak asks with a confused look written on his sexy face. Aaron almost decides not to tell him but knows that this would never happen again so he goes for it.

"I have….a crush on…" He expects Zak to freak out and leave but instead Aaron is pulled closer. Aaron sighs at the warmth, knowing that Zak will keep the ghosts away.

"I know. I've known for a while, I waited for you to tell me yourself." With that Zak captures Aaron's mouth with his own. They kiss for a while in the near darkness, in a haunted place.

"Well, ghosts don't catch themselves on film now do they?" Another nervous look from Aaron makes Zak smile. "I will be your protector; they can't hurt you while I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you ever again."

A/N: My first time writing in third person POV! I'm usually writing in the first person, but I found that it worked better this way! Please review!