1. Seesaw

The playground at the local park was always where the two young boys would meet. Dan and Shun also first met each other here...on the ground...while they were fighting over a piece of wrapped candy they both coincidentally found at the same time. Technically the brown-haired boy started it first, but both of them ended up getting punished by their moms anyway. Strangely the next day when they bumped into each other again, they became good friends...and had always been ever since.

Today was a Saturday, and that meant most of the kids were out again to play, including Dan and Shun. Children were lining up to the slide already, and apparently the only thing that was vacant was a nearby seesaw. "Come on Shun! Let's play over there!" the younger one shouted as he pointed at the blue painted seesaw. "Okay!" he replied as he ran with his friend.

Dan went towards the right while the raven-haired boy sat on the left. Both grabbing the handles at the same time, they sat down in unison, and...

"Woah! I never knew you were so light Shun!" the brunette shouted as he stared at the unbalanced seesaw...meaning that the older boy was way up at the other side.

"Hmph...anyway, let me down already." he said a little annoyed, because the other kid hasn't moved an inch for the past couple seconds. This was supposed to be a seesaw right? What happened to the shifting weights?

All of a sudden, an evil sneer crept on to Dan's face, slightly shocking and scaring Shun a little. "W-what are you thinking Dan-?"

"Oh...nothing." he said with that same smirk. Out of the blue, he made a small bounce on his seat, causing the raven-haired boy's side to bounce as well. "Ouch! Dan..!" he complained as he rubbed his back from the sudden bump. Shun then was even more horrified to see that his smile grew bigger.

He jumped a little again, and one more, and another one afterward. All of them being felt by the older one, and making his butt hurt a lot. "Quit it!" he yelled, irritated by the pain from his underside and that Dan didn't show any signs of stopping. More followed until he rested his legs from bouncing, making Shun exhale in annoyance. "That's it; I'm getting out off-"

He only noticed now how high up from the ground he was. He didn't think that his foot would be able to touch the ground unless Dan gets up from his seat. "Oh man..." he mumbled.

The younger one unfortunately also saw what the problem was, and had another idea. "You're not going down Shun...unless you're going to follow my every command tomorrow!" he stated as he sat down firmly on his side. His friend knew exactly where he was going with this, and he was intended on not being bribed by him at all.

The staring contest went down for over ten minutes until Dan got bored from waiting for the other boy to accept defeat. So finally, he slowly got off and let Shun touch the ground, making his sigh in relief at last. "You're lucky this time Shun." he muttered. The elder child chuckled in reply. "Well, what do you want to do next?"

When their moms woke up the next day and found their children standing right in front of them, they had to go through the entire day listening to the two whine about getting butt cramps from playing on the seesaw yesterday.

A/N : Yeah...I decided to make some more one-shots since I'm bored. Dan and Shun. What do you think? I hope it didn't come out too OOC...but they're kids. So maybe that doesn't matter much yet. I have no idea how much I am going to make, but 50 could be a good number to try aiming for...this was inspired by making my little sister's classmate being trapped in the seesaw by me by the way. I just imagined Shun to be lighter than Dan even though he's one year older. ^ ^ (8/13/10) (Friday the Thirteenth! *gasp*)