A/N: Okay so I know that I really shouldn't be starting a new story when I haven't even finished my other two yet, but this story has been clawing at me for weeks and I just had to write it.


I walked down towards the breakfast hall feeling as happy as ever. The night before, Dimitri and I had finally given in to each other. I couldn't have been any happier than I already was. I was so into my own head that I didn't even see the figure in front of me until I bumped into him.

"Hey, Rosie, watch where you're going!"

If I hadn't been so happy I would have definitely killed him for calling me Rosie. Instead, I just laughed it off. The blue-eyed Ozera looked shocked.

"Well, someone seems to be in a good mood."

"You know, Pyro, I actually am."

"Are you in such a good mood that you forgot that you're supposed to be helping me train?"

I had been helping Christian train. He didn't want to be seen as a useless pathetic Moroi, as he said, so he asked me to train him. We'd been doing it in secret because we could get caught and he wanted it to be a surprise for Lissa.

"No, I didn't forget."

"Okay then."

We started walking into the breakfast hall.

"Hey, weren't you going the other way?"

"Yes, but just to come get you. Lissa was worried about you and it was kind of giving me a headache."

I laughed as we walked into the lunchroom. Lissa's mood brightened when she saw me. We walked over to the table. I squeezed in between Adrian and Eddie across from Liss and Christian slid in next to Lissa putting an arm around her.

"What happened last night? I remember you took the darkness away from me and Guardian Belikov hauling you away, but then I couldn't find you and when I tried your room, no one answered."

I hesitated a little before saying, "Well after Dimitri hauled me away, I got cleaned up and then I went to sleep. I guess I was sleeping pretty hard to not hear you knocking."

"But when I asked the Guardian there if you had come in, he said no."

"That's because we went through the back way."

"Oh okay."

Lissa seemed to accept my life and started talking to Christian. Adrian, on the other hand, didn't seem to buy it. He was the only one who knew about me and Dimitri. The bell rang for classes to start.

"I'll walk you to your first class, Little Dhampir."

I shrugged, not really having a choice in the matter. He was going to follow me even if I said no.

"So what really happened after Dimitri took you way."

"Well, he took me to the cabin. The one that Tasha Ozera stayed in. He cleaned me up and helped take the darkness away. Well after that we were talking and I was crying and then he kissed me and…"

"Spare me the details," Adrian said, stopping me. "So what I understand is that you guys finally got it on."

I slapped him on his arm.

"It could have been said in better words but yes."

"Well, as much as it kills me, I do hope you and Dimitri have a nice life."

I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks Adrian. I hope you find someone special to spend your life with."

"I hope I do, too."

"I'll see you later."

"Actually you won't."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to go to Court for a few months. I probably won't be back until Graduation."

"Why do you have to go to Court?"

"I really have no idea. All I know is that my Aunt called our whole family to Court about something."

"Okay, well I'll see you at Graduation."

"Hey, I'll always be in your dreams."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a last hug before running to my class. The rest of the day passed in a blur. I tried to concentrate on everything, but my mind just kept wandering back to Dimitri. I could barely focus on Stan with Dimitri only 3 feet away from me. I was so happy when classes were over because I could be with Dimitri again. I went to my room and changed into some black short shorts and a white shirt that said "Team Deadward" on it. Until I remembered that I was supposed to be helping Christian train. I ran to his room and banged on his door.

"Hold your fucking horses! I'm coming!" he shouted through the door.

The door opened to a frustrated Pyro standing there.

"Hey Pyro! You weren't sleep were you?" I said smirking.

I pushed past him and flopped on his bed.

"No, I was actually just about to take a shower."

"Well, hurry up! I kind of have other things to do."

He rolled his eyes and went into his bathroom. I could hear the shower running. I was really tired. I had barely 3 hours sleep last night. My eyes started drooping and I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I know, I'm being splashed with water. My eyes flew open to see Christian standing there in his boxers holding an empty cup, smirking.

"What the hell?" I screamed.

Pyro burst out laughing. I'm going to kill him!

"Why the hell did you just pour water on me? And could you put some pants on? You're killing my eyes right now!"

"I would but you're kind of lying on all my clean clothes!"

I looked under me to see that he was right.

"A nice 'Rose, can you please get up' couldn't suffice?"

He thought for a minute.

"No, this was more fun!"

"You asshole," I yelled as I pulled him on the bed.

He managed to roll me over so that he was on top, but I kicked him and he faltered which gave me the chance to roll him over so now I was on top. I pinned his arms above him and leaned down towards his face.

"I win," I breathed.

All of a sudden, I heard a gasp. I looked up to see…

A/N: Sorry but that's all you're going to get. Please let me know if you like it! I want at least 5 reviews before I continue. Also I want to know if you guys think it would be a good idea for Rose to have Christian's kid? I think it will be much more drama if they do have a kid, but don't worry this is a Rose/Dimitri story so you don't have to kill me...R&R?