Reviews for Is it Fate?
QueenOfStardust chapter 3 . 2/4
I thought that dhampir x dhampir could produce children? Or did I forget something? Lol it’s been years since I last read VA
Boochar88 chapter 15 . 3/12/2019
Please update soon as I would love to know how this story ends
russia2774 chapter 15 . 8/1/2018
more updates please love it
Guest chapter 13 . 3/31/2018
Sorry but the whole "psychological aspect" explanation doesn't explain away the plot hole in your story, Lissa is a Spirit user capable of reading auras so she would know that they weren't lying. Or at the very least could compel one of them to tell the truth. It also doesn't seem likely that she wouldn't trust Rose. Then there is the fact that Dimitri is supposed to be one of the few people who could read Rose like a book and would be able to tell if she was lying. He isn't the type to jump to conclusions.
KaralettVAddict chapter 15 . 1/7/2018
I hope you update this again eventually. I want to read more. I hope Tatiana doesnt try and sabotage the demonstration.
my 2 guys chapter 15 . 6/18/2017
that was good
Guest chapter 13 . 2/25/2017
Please update.
tamashiyuki chapter 15 . 1/23/2017
Be continued ?
Very gooooooooooood !
Do'B chapter 15 . 1/3/2017
Strategic tactics...the Royal Moroi certainly come across as such selfish and self centred who display total disregard for the Dhamphir's, the very ones who put their lives on the line used as Strigoi fodder...

I have always though that the Moroi should learn to use their gifts. How dumb can they really be, knowing their numbers out number the Dhamphir's yet they continually make decisions that will continue to decrease Dhamphir's numbers. For such an intelligent race one would think that they are more proactive, teach the Moroi to fight-to become fit and strong, allow them to use their gifts to their fullest advantage this in itself would be so liberating and empowering. The older Royals are on set in their ways and too stuffy to embrace this plus the fear factor of stepping out of their comfort zone to learn something new especially when there are Strigoi possibly involved, the younger Moroi would embrace this as this is becoming a new world for them to embrace and take back control or die.

Without one you will not have the other... The Moroi need the Dhamphir's just as much as the Dhamphir's need the Moroi, for this society to survive, grow and thrive, the Moroi and Dhamphir's must learn to work together and I think that Rose and Christian will be great leaders and role models in this new decree.

This is the most intelligent suggestion Lissa has said since Rose and Chrisians arrival, however if Lissa is intellectual enough to make such a beneficial contribution to sustain their society how can she be so blatantly blind when it comes to her outrageous allegations accusing Rose and Christian? Lissa can see auroras/colours enough to understand what a person is feeling to understand what is going on around her and others, surely she can see Rose and Christian? Plus Lissa can also compell, Lissa is not shy when it comes to compelling others so why hasn't Lissa thought to compell Rose and Christian to find out the truth? Lissa, after all said and done is wanting to get back with Christian so as they can start their own family...this is very loopy behaviour. This does not add up...

Looking forward to reading more, hope you will regularly update
hiimmg123 chapter 15 . 10/29/2016
i think this was great. i don't think katelyn should have agreed to dimitri meeting her. I think that lissa and dimitri should find out the truth before rose and christiant take them back. Mabye they could look at the security footage and hear what they were saying. This is a great story and i hope u continue it
russia2774 chapter 15 . 10/10/2016
More updates please love it so much anything to show the stuck up Moroi like lissa the queen and of course Dimitri and lissa for not trusting rose and Christian
The cat with blue eyes chapter 15 . 10/10/2016
Ooooooooh now I want to see how Rose and Christian will do! ANd I want to see the training session with Rose and Dimitri !
And your Tasha is great. She is not horrible, actually she is funny but we still understand why Rose can't love her but still like her
Kimavinzant chapter 15 . 10/10/2016
Love it can't wait for more
effronferran chapter 15 . 10/10/2016
Eww things just got real!
Gunchaa chapter 15 . 10/10/2016
Another awesome chapter !
Nd al d best fr ur new job !
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