Ok, a final chapter for you, my friends. Just a little heads up for Leah's, however apt, swearing. Thank you :)

"She'll be ok, you know." Jacob's voice reached Bella's ears as if from afar. Alice hadn't moved an inch since the clearing, and that had been nigh on six hours ago. Bella held her cool hand in both of hers; she hadn't left her side since.

The wolf pack had based themselves in the Cullen's garden in a beastly vigil until Alice awoke. Bella was still amazed that the wolves had saved the vampire girl. That they had killed three of the most powerful vampires in existence to save someone they swore they hated. Although Jacob seemed to be friends with her, at least.

"How can you know that?" Bella desperately wanted to believe that everything would turn out all right, but after Edward; she knew that things didn't always turn out the way you wanted. That only happened in fairytales. Jacob moved into the room, taking a seat on the edge of Alice's bed.
"Has she ever let you down before?" He smiled when Bella finally raised her head to look at him. She shook her head, and he tapped her nose gently. "Well then. She'll be fine." The human couldn't find a fault in his logic but that didn't mean one wasn't there. Alice had no heartbeat, no pulse, and no moving blood. There was absolutely no way to know if Alice was even still there, or if it was just her corpse lying still on her bed.

"She looks so…dead." She remembered what Alice had told her only that morning, although it felt like weeks ago. 'Sweetheart, I've been dead almost my whole life.' At the time it had relieved a little tension. Now though, it was worrying.

"Smells it too." Jacob commented, wrinkling his nose with a grin. Bella shot him a glare. His smile fell, and he brushed some hair from Alice's deathly pale face. "Not funny, ok." He sighed wistfully. "She'd have laughed."

"Yeah." Bella bit back the bitter sentence that wanted to spill from her lips. A door slammed two floors below.
"Emmett's home." Jacob chuckled, as the boy's heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs. Within a few seconds the bear-like vampire was leaning in the doorway to Alice's room. His eyes were dark, and his mouth set.

"They want to bury him in the garden." Everyone knew that 'him' was Edward. "After what he did to Alice. To you. They want to give him a 'nice burial'." Bella's grip on Alice's hand tightened just a little. But Jacob, no matter how much he'd hated Edward, couldn't begrudge the Cullen's the burial of their son. After all, he was still their son, no matter what he'd done.

Alice's eyelids flickered, cutting off any further conversation. Emmett flitted closer to the bed where his sister lay. "Alice?" This time her eyes opened to reveal honey coloured irises. "How d'you feel, Ali-cat?" A smile threatened to tear Emmett's face in two as the pixie-like vampire forced herself to sit up.

"Like I've been hit by a truck." She muttered rubbing her eyes with tiny fists. "A Rosalie driven firetruck." Bella lips twitched into a wide grin.

"Rose isn't that bad a driver." The human, ran a thumb across the back of the vampire's hand, as soon as it was returned to her grip.

"I still say you have a thing for my sister." Alice smirked, and Bella blushed slightly.

"Not for your sister." She mumbled, knowing full well that everyone in the room could hear anyway. Alice's smirk twisted into a real smile, and at lightening fast speeds she pulled Bella into a light kiss. Jacob wolf whistled as they parted, dark eyes gleaming. "Shut it Jake." Bella's face was tomato red, but she was still smiling.

"Yeah, shut it Jake. Stop interrupting them." Emmett grinned, looking down on the girls. "As you were." Jacob looked at him.

"Dude, that's your sister." Emmett shrugged.

"We're not related." Bella, now redder than ever, backhanded the vampire boy in the stomach. He laughed, and she yelped in pain, as her knuckle cracked. Alice swung her legs over the side of the bed, passing a feather light kiss across Bella's rapidly bruising knuckles, and got, shakily, to her feet.

"Allow me, Sweetheart." She smiled; slinking forwards, some of her grace returning, and punched Emmett in the shoulder. Her eyes glazed over a split second. "Oh…Rose is going to relegate you to the sofa for a month." Jacob mouthed an 'ouch' as Emmett's grin crumpled.
"Damn right I am!" Rosalie's voice echoed up the stairwell reducing all but Emmett to laughter.
"But honey…" He yelled back, wandering out of the room and down the stairs. Alice sat beside Jacob.

"Thank you for saving my life." She smiled up at him. He pulled her into a hug.

"You're welcome, Shorts. We're even now." Bella smiled at her two closest friends. "I'll go tell the pack you're ok." Alice nodded, slipping out of Jacob's embrace.

"We should head down to the garden." Bella cast her a confused look as she held out a hand to her, but took it anyway. "They've just finished burying Edward. I should go say goodbye. You can stay here if you want." Alice wanted to go to her brother's grave, for no other reason than the fact that he was her brother.

"No. I'll come too." Bella decided, holding Alice's hand. "I think I'd rather stay with you." Alice smiled to herself.

"For how long?" She didn't know what made her ask the question as they meandered towards the stairs.
"Forever." The vampire nodded, and led her human to the newly dug earth.


"Love's a bitch isn't it?" Alice turned quickly, nearly slipping on the wet grass, to see Leah Clearwater wandering across the garden towards her. Suddenly she knew who the other greyfur who'd saved her was. She'd been at Edward's graveside for hours since Bella had gone home, at Esme's insistence that she get some sleep. It was dark now, and rain was falling lightly all around them. She returned her gaze to the grey stone in front of her as the werewolf stood beside her.

"Technically so are you." She smiled up at the other girl, and received a tiny grin in response.

"Funny, leech." Alice brushed the derogatory term off easily; it was just Leah's way. "You saved my brother's life." The vampire shrugged; it had just been instinct, nothing more and nothing less.

"You both saved mine." Leah's lips twitched into a half smile.

"Technically you were already dead." Alice gave a tinkling laugh, rain dripping from the spikes in her hair. She was beginning to like this wolf.

"Touché, Leah. Touché." Leah shifted her feet, sending ripples through the muddy puddle she was stood in.

"I meant how you can never stop loving someone. No matter what they do." Alice nodded; she knew that she had lost her fiancé, Sam, to another. She knew that Sam couldn't help it; imprinted was uncontrollable. And she knew that Leah couldn't blame him for it, or the alpha's imprint, no matter how hard she tried. Alice, herself, couldn't force herself to stop loving her brother, even after all he'd done. Even after killing him.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." The rain was cold, Alice couldn't feel it, she only knew because Leah suddenly shivered. "You should go inside, it's cold." The wolf gave her a smile, a real one this time.

"I can't feel it. I'm too warm." She placed a hand near Alice's arm; not touching, never touching, and the vampire could feel the waves of heat coming from her. "And you're too cold. But we should still go inside." Alice shook her head.

"Not yet." Her golden eyes traced her brother's name.
"Another thing about love is, you can't control it. You can't get rid of it, and you can't make it happen." Puzzle pieces suddenly slipped into place.

"You imprinted." She whispered. Leah's silence was all the answer she needed. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"Did you know imprinting doesn't affect vampires? It works with humans because all werewolves were human once, but not vampires, because we were vampires. Besides we're supposed to be mortal enemies, not lovers." Alice felt pity build in her heart for the werewolf girl beside her. She was already an outcast among her kind, being the only girl in her pack, and now she'd imprinted on a vampire. She turned to her.

"Who is it?" Brown eyes flickered with dull fire as Leah stared back.

"The blonde. You know, I don't even know his name?" Alice's dead heart leapt. Leah had imprinted on her husband.

"Jasper. His name's Jasper Hale. He's a good man. The best." Leah scoffed.

"You talk as if you love him." Alice allowed herself a smile.

"I do. We were married." Leah stepped away, her dark eyes darting to the ring that rested in the hollow of Alice's throat. "But not anymore."

"You can't tell him." Panic mixed with the authoritative tone to her voice, bringing a commiserating smile to Alice's lips.

"He's an empath, Leah. Chances are, he already knows." The panic spread into Leah's eyes. Alice turned back to the grave in an attempt to give the wolf to pull herself together. Slowly, carefully, she knelt beside the grave, and placed the snow white rose she'd been holding for hours, onto the dirt. Gracefully she stood again, and looped her arm with a blank faced Leah. "Come on. Let's get inside, it's late."
"Funny. That's what I came to tell you."

Well...I know Edward deserved what he got, but hey it's Alice, and she's way too sweet to hate him when he's dead :) yay Alice sweetness :)

Thank you for reading :)

Also for those of you who read Yellow Tulips, I've been asked to write a prequel for Lucy, Leon and the others...that should be up in a few days or so if you're interested. Ok advertising over :)