Disclaimer: Anything you recognise I don't own unless I know you 'cause then I've probably told you all about anything of my own I've put in here.

Ok warnings...This is going to get rather confusing/fun later on I'm going to go ahead and predict that (hopefully) it'll end up Alice/Bella. There's Alice/Jasper, Bella/Edward and Bella/Jacob too just to make it a party.

Wish me vampires ;P

The forest was dim; the trees wouldn't let the pale sunlight through to the leaf-strewn floor. A light breeze however rustled the trees and the occasional wilted leaf fell from the high branches. Edward Cullen and Bella Swan were stood in the forest and Bella had a green leaf twisted into her brown hair. "We're leaving…me and my family. We're leaving Forks." Edward's honey coloured eyes were darker than was usual but that could very well be a reaction to Bella's presence.

"I'll come with you." Bella's soulful brown eyes held confusion and just a touch of hurt as she looked up at the vampire. He shook his head.

"No. I don't…you should stay here." The human flinched slightly and the confusion was now written all over her face. She took a step closer to Edward and he took a larger step back. "I'm not good for you Bella." His now treacle coloured eyes dropped quickly to the off-white bandage that peeked out from under her coat sleeve before returning to her eyes. Eyes that now showed realisation.

"This is about Jasper." It wasn't a question and Edward did not deign to answer her. "Edward it was a mistake he didn't-"

"-You're damn right it was a mistake!" His low voice took on a murderous tone but Bella didn't even flinch.
"He didn't mean it. He's sorry and it won't happen-"

"-Oh don't be so naïve. It's not the first time he's slipped and it sure as Hell won't be the last." Edward's lips twisted into a scornful smirk. "You're not good for my family Bella." Her gasp cut the air like a knife as hurt sliced into her dark eyes. "We're leaving and you're staying."
"I love you…" Bella's voice had lost the confidence and conviction it had held only minutes ago. Edward broke eye contact.

"You're human. You're fickle. You'll move on in no time." Bella's face set into a scowl even as tears began to roll down her pale cheeks.

"You said you loved me." The vampire closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

"I lied." A whimper escaped Bella's throat and Edward turned away.

"The others won't leave because of this. Alice won't just leave." Her voice shook betraying how little she actually believed her words. He didn't turn to face her again.

"Alice and I have reached an…agreement and the rest of my family should already be on their way back to Alaska." Edward finally turned, his eyes so close to black that the pupil was barely visible. "We decided a clean break would be best." He flitted forwards and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. She pushed him back, brown eyes blazing with angry tears when he caught her hands in his.

"We or you?" Bella hissed glaring up at him. "Someone would have told me if you'd all made a decision Edward. Alice would have warned me." He gave a bitter laugh, dropping her hands as if they'd burned him.

"Of course she would." He sneered beginning to walk away. After a few steps he half turned to look at her with a sad gleam in his eyes. "Don't worry. It will be as if we never existed at all." His whisper brought a fresh wave of tears from the human girl before he sprinted away. He was quickly out of sight but Bella chased him anyway. Tears blurred her vision and she fell before she'd gotten too far.

She didn't stand to continue following him. Instead she curled up in the dead leaves, hugging her knees to her chest and cried heavily.

Alice Cullen's vision snapped back to normal at the sound of the front door slamming shut. There were raised voices downstairs and Alice didn't need to listen in to know why Edward was arguing with Carlisle. "We can't just leave, Edward."
"We have to Carlisle. It's for her own good." Anger boiled in her dead blood and she fled her bedroom at speeds only her kind could manage. "One of us could kill her if we stay. You know that better than most." Alice found her brother and father in the living room and the rest of their family was already beginning to join them.

"We have lives here Edward. We cannot just leave." Edward's fists clenched at his sides but Carlisle didn't bat an eyelid at his son's anger, he merely laid a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Bella, I'm sure, would not want us to either."

"She's human. Human's often choose things that aren't good for them." Alice bristled and flitted forwards until she stood directly in front of her bronze headed brother.

"Like you, you mean?" Her golden eyes flashed and his look of surprise told her that he had read her mind. That she knew of his plans.

"Exactly like me Alice. Me, you, Jasper, all of us." Alice shook her head, unable to understand his train of thought. He baffled her sometimes. "Of course you wouldn't understand. You don't remember what it is to be fragile." She stopped trying to understand him in that moment but she heard Jasper growl softly and saw Emmett bristle.

"And you don't remember how much betrayal hurts." She muttered darkly, bringing the image of him turning his back on Bella to the forefront of her mind. This time it was Edward who tensed. "You've been idolized for so long you don't realise how much this is going to devastate her."

"Human's are-"

"Fickle, yeah I heard." All of the usual happiness was lost from her voice replace with a sold anger and at a signal from Esme everyone bar Alice, Carlisle and Edward left the room in silence. "Edward, she's not going to get over this. This will destroy her." Edward shook his head.

"You can't know that Alice." She rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. For someone so short she suddenly seemed very dangerous.

"I see the future Edward. I can know that. I do know that." Edward turned his back on her to look at their father. "I won't leave her alone. I won't do this to her."

"Carlisle." The doctor looked between his children, thought glazing his eyes over for a split second. Finally he fixed his gaze on his son. His favourite son.

"Ok. I'll start packing us up." A slow, victorious smile was already spreading across Edward's face when he turned back to Alice. Carlisle moved towards the stairs, no doubt to break the news.

"Go and pack Alice." He muttered smugly before walking out of the door. Alice sped past him, he found her sitting on the hood of his silver car.
"I'm not going." She told him, arms folded but her vision refused to change with her decision. It should have been her first clue that something was wrong.

"Well you're not staying." There was now a distinctly treacherous glint in her brother's eyes. "Bella is better off without us. Especially your…enthusiasm. It's only a matter of time before you slip too."

"Don't you care what Bella wants?" Edward's lips twisted into the sneer she had seen him wear in her vision. She hated the expression on his pale face; it was as if he'd changed into an entirely new person. A person she had no wish to know.

"I care about what she needs." His hand shot out to grasp her by the front of her shirt lifting her easily. "And she needs to have a normal life. Without us. One way or another." Alice's golden eyes shot wide as a vision filled with dark blood and hot venom flashed behind them. "Understand?" He put her down, almost gently onto the driveway of their home.
"Sure." Her voice was hollow and defeated. Edward smiled, getting into his car as Alice turned her back on him, already in the throes of a vision of Bella's agony.

Thank you for reading and please tell me if you think it's worth continuing or I managed to confuse you yet :)