A Single Moment

By FredLyonsTheGreat

1. Evidence

"When I said deliver the flowers, I mean anonomysly! Not writing my name in big fat letters on the card!"

2. I'm here

All Gaius had to say was, "Ingraine's in labor," and Uther was on his feet in an instant.

3. Funeral

He'd never tell anyone, but burying Freya was the hardest thing he'd ever done.

4. Puppy Love

"You like him don't you?" Morgana smiled and laughed; maybe using the phrase puppy love in front of Merlin wasn't the smartest move.

5. Gloves

Arthur's leather gloves were good for many things, but when Gwen mentioned in passing that she hated them, he decided he could live with a few callouses.

6. Blackboard

"You like it?" "It's a bit impractical I think." "Why?" "Merlin, can you even write?"

7. Muse

"Just paint what you feel." Arthur decided that Gwen was the best art teacher ever.

8. Magic

"Merlin's a what?"

9. Clean

Helping Arthur with his bath was disgusting; helping Morgana on the other hand…

10. Secret

He later decided that Merlin and Morgana being together shouldn't have been that suprising.

11. Superstition

He may have hated magic, but Uther refused to let a simple black cat mess with his head.

12. Fantasy

"Do you, Guinevere, take Arthur Pendragon as your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do."

13. Test

If the poisoned chalice had taught him anything, it was that good servants were hard to come by, and good friends even harder.

14. Tease

No matter what, Merlin was the only one who could get away with calling the Crown Prince of Camelot a prat.

15. Storm

For Morgana it was never 'just a little thunder'.

16. Strawberries

After Freya, strawberries just didn't taste the same.

17. Weapon

"Merlin, if you ever get in a fight, don't bother drawing your sword, just save time and run."

18. Beach

Gwen never really understood Arthur's aversion to walks on the beach, until she heard him mutter something about a unicorn in his sleep.

19. Lost

Merlin never felt more lost then the weeks following Morgana's discovery of Freya.

20. Cry

It was a rare occasion that Uther cried, but the night Arthur was born was a rare occasion

21. Aloof

There were many things you could call Arthur; subtle was not one of them.

22. Blood

When Merlin flinched away from the small cut on Arthur's palm that he was treating, Gaius knew that the boy would never be a physician.

23. Tower Block

This was the tower where Arthur proposed, Merlin and Morgana first kissed, and (though Uther would never admit it) where Arthur was conceived; it was the most romantic spot in the castle and would stay that way for a long time.

24. Taxi

"And there was this big yellow machine! It was by far the strangest vision I've ever seen."

25. Search

In the end, he had to look no further than his own back yard to find that everyone he loved, in one way or another, was right besides him. He died in peace, at the ripe old age 102, knowing that.

A/N: This is from the 100 promts challenge on LJ. I only used the first twenty five. Reviews are greatly appreciated!

- Fred xx