Okay, this may appear as a chapter in a later fanfic. As yet, I have absolutely no idea. So, this is when Spock's mom dies. An unnamed girl on the ship (around Chekov's age) has feelings for him, but he doesn't know. So when he loses Spock's mother, Chekov's pain tears her apart. I couldn't think of a better title. Sorry. :) Anyways, please tell me if you like it, please tell me it you hate it; tell me if you have ideas to make it less suckish. Tell me if you love Chekov too. (I do!) Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Live long, and prosper.
Valkerie out.
"I'm losing her! I'm losing her!"
Panic contorted his features.
I saw his eyes widen in shock. "I -I lost her. I lost her," he said quietly.
The look on his face ripped my heart out.
He only got worse when he saw Spock, who was standing with his arm stretched out, still reaching for his mother.
Blatant shock plastered Chekov's features. It was all I could do not to run over there and hug him, and then Spock. I made myself stay silent.
At the end of the shift, I caught up with Chekov.
"Hey," I said. "You okay?"
He looked at me and nodded. "Yes," he said.
I could still read the shock in his features.
I put my hand on his arm, and he stopped and looked at me again. "It vas my fault she died. I lost her."
I could see the pain in his eyes.
I turned to face him, and put my hands on his shoulders.
"Look at me," I ordered. "Look at me, Chekov."
I took a deep breath.
"You didn't kill her, Paval. It's not your fault, in any way, shape, or form. She just... fell. And the computer just didn't lock on."
I slid one of my hands down to grip his wrist. While this was normally tantamount to holding hands, now it was just for comfort.
"It was chaos out there, Chekov. What happened was totally unexpected. There was nothing anyone could have done. Do you understand me? It wasn't your fault. You performed excellently. You did nothing wrong."
He nodded. I squeezed his wrist once and let go.
"You okay, then?" I asked again.
"Yes," he said. He frowned. "But zhere is somezhing I do not understand."
I raised my eyebrows inquiringly.
"You do not know me, not really. I do not know you. Vhy did you seek to comfort me?"
I looked down for a moment. I couldn't let him know. But there was something I could say.
I looked up again. "I know pain when I see it."
A frown flickered across his features. "I must zhank you, wery much." He dipped his head, almost imperceptibly.
He stared at me then, his blue-green eyes locking on mine. He looked, suddenly, almost startled. "You are..." he began softly.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Nozhing," he said, turning away. "Nozhing."
I stepped closer to him. "Chekov, what is it?"
He didn't say anything, but stood straighter, stepped forward, and gathered me into a bone crushing hug. He buried his face in my shoulder, and I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back.
We stayed like that for a few moments, and then he lifted his head and murmered into my ear.
"I vas going to say... you are...beautiful. Zahnk you, beautiful girl."
I hugged him harder. "You're welcome, Chekov."
Poor Chekov :(
I don't know if you could tell from the story, but he's been kind of falling for her, but he didn't really realize it.
Thanks much!