This is something that I had in my head for a while and I wanted to write it as a fan fic. So basically this is similar to a fic by DJ Diddy Dog which is known as Tournament Kamen Rider. Just like that fic, I'm hoping to get OC donations from readers to make this fic work. So this story utilizes the powers of Sentai Rangers of different teams. By the end of the fic, I'll explain how one can donate a team of rangers.

I do not own Super Sentai. This fic has the same concept as a fic by DJ Diddy Dog and he himself has already given his blessings to this fic so no one, if one has read his fic, can say that I am copying him.


Static buzzes through, not a clear voice can be heard. A voice tries to talk through the static, "If you're getting this message then this means that everything has failed. The whole entire world has been taken over by monsters."

A girl in a white dress was running from a group of monsters. She appeared to be wearing a necklace that seems important.

"They came so swiftly, there was no way to counterattack. If you can hear me, hurry up and run, run! Get to a city, only the people in there can protect you!"

The girl tripped on a rock and let out a whimper when she saw the monsters nearing. The monsters dashed towards the girl, and then . . .

"The students from the academy are our last hope . . . hurry . . . find them . . . only they can save us . . ."

"Stop right there," announced a stern voice. Standing ahead were three people, two men and one woman. The man who shouted wore a red jacket while the other man wore a blue jacket and the woman a yellow jacket.

The monsters all looked at the newcomers with surprise and wondered who those people were.

"Do you not know who this man is?" Asked the man with blue and talking about the man in red. "This is the twenty second head of the Shiba Clan, the one who is Lord to . . ."

"Too long." The man in red said whacking the man in blue with a wooden sword. The man in red reached into his pockets and pulled out a red pen like device. "It's time to beat these monsters down."

"Right." Said the man in blue while still wincing in pain. He had on his left hand a device that somewhat resembled a stag beetle. The woman had fingerless glove devices on.

"Ippitsu Sojo!" The man in red shouted. The man drew the Kanji for Fire with his pen device.

"Jinrai Shinobi Change!" The man in blue shouted. He pushed his brace which then opened up like a beetle opening its wings.

"Tagire! Kemono no Chikara!" The woman in yellow shouted and pushed her glove device. "Beast On!" She punched the air.

After a bright flash of light that almost blinded the monsters, in place of the three people were now three colored warriors matching the colors of the clothes that the people were wearing.

"ShinkenRed, Shiba Takuya." Said the red warrior.

"Fanged Ninja KuwagaRaiger!" Said the blue warrior.

"Honest Heart, Gekiyellow!" Said the yellow warrior.

The red warrior drew his sword. "Time for your punishment, are you ready?" The red warrior dashed towards the monster and ran past the woman in white. Afterwards, the blue warrior and yellow warrior all followed the red warrior.

"Our . . . last . . . hope . . ." Static buzzes continually as the message ends.

Super Sentai Academia

Chapter 1: The Bleak Future holds hope for a new Sunrise

Welcome to the future. In this time, humans are no longer living normal lives. Monsters have taken over most of the planet, but domed cities which project barriers to protect their citizens are the only safe havens left to protect humans. In each city there is an organization, known only as an Academy, that houses people who shall become protectors to defend people from these monsters. In the center of it all, a man with hair of flames, shall enter, and meet his destiny when he comes face to face with the woman in white . . .

The messy haired man in red, whose name is Takuya Shiba, carried the woman in white, who at this moment is unconscious. "I wonder why those monsters were chasing this woman." Takuya commented.

"Well for one, she did wander out of the city without any protection." The spiky haired man in blue, whose name is Jin, replied. "I mean, who wants to go out there when the city has a barrier protecting it?"

"A barrier that gets broken on a regular basis mind you." Takuya said to Jin.

Jin shirked upon hearing Takuya say that. "Well . . . technology hasn't exactly been advancing you know so our barriers may just be outdated."

"Well they need to update them." Takuya said. "Besides, I don't think this woman is even from the city." Takuya turned to the short ponytail wearing woman in yellow who this whole time had been quiet. "What do you think Reiko?"

"Eh?" Reiko looked at Takuya and blushed. "Um . . ."

"Come on Reiko, you don't have to be shy around me." Takuya said. "I may not look it, but I don't bite."

Reiko was silent for a bit, but then spoke softly, "I also think that woman may not be from the city also." Reiko looked back. "It seemed as though she was trying to get to the city."

"Well if that's true then it was lucky we made it in time." Jin said with his hands behind his back.

"I don't know, I still think those monsters wanted this woman for something." Takuya said.

"Takuya-san, I think you might actually be over-analyzing things." Reiko commented.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but it's just a hunch." Takuya said. The three of them entered a metal gate which after they entered, a blue barrier appeared over the gate.

"We should at least take her to the academy for safety measures." Jin suggested.

"Way to be Mr. Obvious Jin." Takuya mockingly said.

"Good job." Reiko shyly joined in with Takuya's mocking, which irritated Jin to no end.


Takuya and his friends entered a large building which somewhat resembled a high school. When they entered, they were greeted by female staff members in black uniforms which consisted of a blazer over a dress shirt and a white skirt. One of them wore their hair in a ponytail and the other in pigtails. "WELCOME TO SABURO YATSUDE ACADEMY!" They all announced.

"Welcome home Tono-sama and Team Lightning." Said the ponytail wearing female staff members.

"Please, you don't have to call me Tono-sama." Takuya said blushing and sweat dropping. "Besides, I'm a part of Team Lightning just as well as these two."

"Tono-sama," asked the pigtails wearing female staff members ignoring what Takuya said. "Who is that on your back?"

"We are not quite sure." Jin said.

"Um . . . is it ok if we see Ojii-chan about this?" Reiko asked.

"CERTAINLY!" Bowed the two staff members.

"You can leave her in the nurse's office." Said the ponytail wearing staff member. "I can carry her there myself."

"Please do so." Takuya said transferring the woman in white to the ponytail wearing staff member.

"I shall lead you to Ojii-chan." Said the pigtail wearing member.

"No need, we know where he is." Jin said to the woman.

"Oh heavens no, he's not in his home office right now." Said the staff member.

"Huh?" Said the three members of Team Lightning, which you can tell is the team that consists of Takuya, Jin, and Reiko.


The pigtail wearing staff member lead Team Lightning into the Headmaster's office, "huh, never thought I'd ever come here." Jin remarked.

"I never thought Ojii-chan ever left his 'home' office at all." Commented Takuya.

"Well . . . he is the headmaster of Saburo Yatsude." Reiko mentioned to Takuya. "I'm pretty sure he has to come here from time to time."

"True." Takuya nodded.

"He's in here, so enjoy." Bowed the pigtail wearing staff member. She walked away from Team Lightning afterwards.

"Ok then, let's go." Takuya said grabbing the door knob and entering the Headmaster's office.

In there, a young long haired girl wearing a pink jacket sat on a sit next to a man with unruly hair wearing a green jacket. The young girl saw Takuya and her eyes brightened up. "Onii-sama!" The young girl exclaimed upon seeing Takuya and ran up to Takuya.

Takuya blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Mariko, how many times do I have I asked you to call me Onii-chan like in the past?" He mumbled.

The young girl is named Mariko Shiba, Takuya's younger sister. "But you're the Lord now, so calling you Onii-sama is more proper." Mariko said to her elder brother.

"But still." Takuya whined. "I liked Onii-chan better."

"What are you doing in here anyway Mariko-chan?" Reiko asked Mariko.

"Oh I'm here to meet the new teammate of our team." Mariko said and ran over to the green jacket man. "Along here with Daiki!" She said cheerfully.

"A new teammate?" Jin asked. "What happened to the old one?"

"He died." Mariko said nonchalantly and cheerfully, surprising all of Team Lightning.

"Shouldn't . . . you be a little more sad about that?" Takuya asked.

"Nope, because we both hate him, right Daiki?" Mariko asked Daiki, the stoic man in green.

"Well, I guess it was still a waste of life." Daiki said coldly.

"You seem to always lose your third member a lot." Reiko remarked.

"Well it's because we're always given a weak member." Mariko said. "I mean your team is so nice because you have Onii-sama as the leader, Jin who is insanely well verse in many ninja arts that aren't just his own KuwagaRaiger powers, and Reiko who not only has a beautiful body but is really good at Geki Jyu Cheetah Ken." Mariko's comments on Reiko's body made Reiko blush.

"So any idea who the new teammate is?" Takuya asked Mariko.

"No clue." Mariko shrugged.

"I just hope this guy is really strong." Daiki muttered.

"I think you'll be quite disappointed." Exclaimed a voice from inside the room that the office led into, who many of the five in the office assumed was the new teammate as it was not the voice of this Ojii-chan.

Inside the room, an old man who wore a gray suit and had a gray beard and hair was interviewing a man with hair the shape of a small flame. The man wore a red blazer over a white dress shirt and wore white pants as well.

"Well it seems here that you're not really that strong." The old man, who we are to assume is Ojii-chan, said to the man with hair of flames.

"Yes, but I assure you that I am quite skilled." The man assured Ojii-chan. "I may not be strong, but I know when I'll die and when I won't."

"But why be a ranger in the academy?" Ojii-chan asked.

"Because . . . I want to live up to my name." The man said. "That's . . . pretty much it."

"Anything else?"

"I want to pick up a hot chick or become a pedophile in my spare time." The man with hair of flames said nonchalantly.

Ojii-chan just stared at the man.

"I'm kidding." The man said. "Did you really think I was serious?"

"You sure didn't sound like you were kidding."

"I get that a lot." The man said.

"What did you say your name was again?" Ojii-chan said looking at the man's resume. "Ryan Hinote?"

"It's pronounced Re-An." Ryan said to Ojii-chan.

"Why?" Ojii-chan asked.

"Because many of my ancestors have Ryu in their name so I didn't want to feel left out so I pronounce my name like that." Ryan replied.

"That's pretty weird."

"I get that a lot."

"You sure say 'I get that a lot' a lot."

"I also get that a lot." Ryan commented.

"Well," Ojii-chan extended out a hand, "good luck with those troublesome two, hope you don't get killed."

"Hope I don't either, I'm still single." Ryan said, taking up Ojii-chan's hand.

The two shook their hands. "Welcome to Saburo Yatsude. Hope you become a wonderful asset in the future."

Ojii-chan and Ryan exited from the interview room and Team Lighting with Mariko and Daiki saw Ryan after hearing his voice a few minutes ago. "Hm, so who are the two that are my teammates, I see five people." Ryan mentioned.

"These two." Ojii-chan said getting Mariko and Daiki to come closer. "Mariko-chan and Daiki-kun, meet your new teammate, Ryan Hinote."

"Hey." Daiki said with no emotion.

"Nice to meet you Hinote-san." Mariko bowed to Ryan, who actually looks a lot like a sixteen year old when one gets right down to it. "It's nice to meet some one whose near the same age as mine."

"You mean you're twenty-one?" Ryan asked.

"NANI!" Ojii-chan shouted in surprise. Mariko and Daiki made a jump after hearing what Ryan's age was. Team Lightning was surprised as well.

"What?" Ryan asked. "I'm twenty-one."

"That's the same age as me." Takuya muttered.

"Um . . . actually I'm sixteen . . . and I thought you were sixteen, sorry." Mariko said cutely bopping her head and sticking her tongue out.

"AW! So it's no wonder you're so cute!" Ryan exclaimed. He hugged Mariko. "I just want to glomp you!"

Takuya shifted and somehow pulled a wooden sword from out of thin air to whack Ryan. "That's my sister you're glomping there man." Takuya scornfully said.

"I don't mind." Mariko said. "He was quite gentle too."

"MARIKO!" Takuya shouted in worry.

"And whose this beauty right here?" Ryan came up appearing next to Reiko. Reiko blushed after Ryan came up close to her. "From what I gather, you're that man in red's girlfriend aren't you?"

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Takuya shouted at the same time that Reiko mustered a shout of 'I'm not his girlfriend.'

"Wow, so this school has this many beauties around." Ryan mentioned. "I THINK I'LL LIKE IT HERE!"

"I thought you were kidding about getting a hot chick by coming to this academy." Ojii-chan remarked.

"I was kidding, but a little eye candy didn't kill any one right!" Ryan shouted.

"Eye candy will get you killed." Daiki growled coldly, walked past Ryan, and shoved Ryan into a seat. "If you're just going to gawk at girls why don't you just get out of this academy and go run and get killed by monsters!"

"Because, I haven't quite lived my life out yet." Ryan said. Ryan got up and cricked his neck. "Monsters are dominating this world and the kids of this world have yet to see a real sunrise. I'm working to make sure the kids of this world will be able to see a real sunrise before they become old."

"Hmph, I bet you've never seen a real sunrise before either." Daiki said turning his back. "No one has, and no one ever will."

"That's not quite true, I've actually seen a sunrise before." Ryan replied.

"REALLY!" Jin shouted in surprise. "Man tell me!" Jin ran up to Ryan, "tell me what it was like!"

"Leave him!" Daiki shouted, making every one shirk. "He's just spewing nonsense." Daiki walked out the door. "Come on Mariko, let's ditch this person!"

"Um . . . I kind of want to stay with Onii-sama a little bit." Mariko said.

Daiki growled. "Fine, I can't leave you alone anyway or you'll just run off." Daiki came back in.

"So what are you doing in my office anyway?" Ojii-chan asked Takuya.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Takuya replied.

"Does it have something to do with a lady in white?" Ojii-chan asked.

Takuya, Jin, and Reiko gasped. "How did you know?" Takuya asked Ojii-chan.

"Lady in white?" Mariko asked.

"Let's go to the nurse's office." Ojii-chan said. "I'd like to meet this 'lady in white'."


All of them entered the nurse's office where the lady in white was now resting in a bed. "Why did you follow?" Daiki asked Ryan scornfully.

"I'm part of your team now." Ryan replied.

"Yep he is." Mariko said agreeing with Ryan quite quickly.

"DON'T JUST AGREE WITH WHAT HE SAYS!" The Stoic Daiki bellowed.

Ojii-chan went up to the lady in white. "Hm, she doesn't seem like she'll be waking up in a while." Ojii-chan said.

"You better not mean that she's dead." Takuya said.

"Well she's not, but she sure is knocked out."

"Well she just fainted after we beat down the monsters that were chasing her." Jin said.

"This thing on her neck." Ojii-chan said. "I wonder what it is."

"Hey can I see?" Ryan said trying to see over Takuya and Jin's shoulder.

"NO!" Ojii-chan shouted. "You'll only act like a pervert if I let you see her!"

"Come on, you've only met me for a few minutes and you already brand me a pervert?" Ryan whined.

"It's pretty easy to brand you one though." Mariko said jumping on Ryan's back. "I think you're pretty nice though."

"You're a little . . . too kind." Ryan muttered. "Can you please get off before your brother kills me?" Mariko got off of Ryan's back.

"Well until she wakes up, it's best to leave her alone." Ojii-chan said. "When she does, we should question her."

"I still want to see her." Ryan complained, only to get and trampled by the two female staff members.

"OJII-CHAN!" The two females shouted. "We got trouble! A crack was found in the barrier and a few monsters entered!"

"Oh damn, we sent some of our best rangers to other cities and most of the rangers here are new recruits." Ojii-chan muttered.

"WHAT DO WE DO!" The staff members shouted.

"Team Lightning, you'll have to go."

"But there's more than one monster menacing the city right now!" The ponytail wearing staff member said.

Ojii-chan grunted, "RYAN! Get up!"

"HAI!" Ryan said getting up and wrapping his arms around the two female staff members. "What is it you want me to do?"

"You . . . take your team out and fight. It would be a good time for you to show off those skills of yours." Ojii-chan commanded.

"Hai!" Ryan nodded. "Can I just stay like this with my arms around these two beauts for a little more?"

"COME ON!" Mariko shouted and grabbed Ryan's ear. "We have to go now!"

Team Lightning was getting ready to go, "hey Mariko, be careful out there." Takuya said to his sister.

"Aren't I always?" Mariko asked. "I'm not the team member whose dead you know."

"Yeah, I know." Takuya said with a smile.

"Dead, what do you mean dead?" Ryan asked, getting no answer.


Outside Saburo Yatsude, Mariko and Daiki ran around the city to find the source of the threats. They found injured people around and they were treated by doctors from Saburo Yatsude, but they have yet to find monsters. "Any luck?" Daiki asked Mariko.

"No." Mariko shook her head. "Nothing."

"Damn." Daiki said biting his thumb.

Ryan came walking over eating a hot dog. "What did I miss?"


"I thought running looked stupid." Ryan said. "So I got a hot dog and led the monster here."

"Now's not exactly the good time to be getting a hot dog you know." Mariko said.

"I think you have it wrong." Daiki said to Mariko. "Instead you should be saying, 'YOU LED THE MONSTERS HERE!'"

"Why?" Ryan asked. "You wanted to beat them up so I killed a few grunts and they started chasing me so I came to you guys." Ryan said.

"You're a jerk you know that." Daiki said.

"I get that a lot." Ryan said.

Red monsters known as Nanashi and Black monsters known as Rinshi came running over. "Who the hell have been killing my monsters with a Katana! HUH!" Shouted the voice of a Tiger Youkai.

"Whoops, looks like I've angered quite the group." Ryan said.

"YOU IDIOT!" Daiki shouted. "You could've been killed!"

"But I led them to you all, so you could at least be grateful." Ryan said.

"He's right Daiki." Mariko said sweetly. "We had trouble finding them but now that they're here, we can get to killing them."

"You sure talk tough for such a sweet looking girl." Ryan muttered.

"You got a point there." Daiki said. He pulled his sleeves up revealing a twin brace device.

Mariko took out a pen like device just like Takuya's. "Ippitsu Sojo!" Mariko shouted and drew the Kanji for Heaven.

"Kiryoku!" Daiki shouted pulling out a key from the right brace. "Tenshin! AURA CHANGER!" Daiki inserted the key into the left brace.

Mariko became a pink ranger similar to Takuya while Daiki became a green ranger with a lion theme.

Mariko drew her sword, the Shinkenmaru. "ShinkenPink, Shiba Mariko!"

Daiki pulled off martial art moves. "Shishiranger!" He announced. "Tengensei, DAIKI!"

Both of them were waiting for Ryan to announce his title, but when both of them looked at Ryan, Ryan wasn't transformed yet. "Eh, I think I forgot my changer."

"YOU WHAT!" Mariko and Daiki shouted.

"I'm really sorry about that, so just fend for yourselves while I run back to the academy to get it!" Ryan zipped away.

"OI RYAN!" Daiki shouted, but then looked at the coming grunts and Tiger Youkai. "MAH!" Daiki drew one of his sidearms which was a sword. "Forget about him! These small fries should be no problem!"

Mariko ran out towards the grunts the first. Such a small girl turned out to be quite violent. She slashed a Nanashi then a Rinshi. She flipped her Shinkenmaru and stabbed a Rinshi from behind. She then took her sword out and swung her sword around to slash a group of grunts down.

Daiki slashed a Nanashi and parried another Nanashi's sword. Daiki then drew his other side arm which was a knife and slashed a Rinshi with the knife. Daiki pushed the sword of the Nanashi away and roundhouse kicked the Nanashi.

The Tiger Youkai jumped in the air and swiped a claw at Mariko. Mariko dodged and allowed a Rinshi to get slashed by the Youkai. Mariko then slashed the Tiger Youkai. "Do you think the twenty second head of the Shiba Clan's sister is going to lose to the likes of you?" Mariko mocked the Tiger Youkai. Mariko threw a few more slashes at the Tiger Youkai, but the Tiger Youkai blocked the sword. The Tiger Youkai then grabbed Mariko and threw Mariko away. Mariko's body collided with a building.

"MARIKO!" Daiki shouted after cutting a Nanashi away. Daiki combined his two sidearms into a gun. "DAIBUSTER!" Daiki fired his Daibuster at a group of Rinshi and Nanashi. Daiki ran towards the Tiger Youkai and fired a shot from the Daibuster, but the Youkai smashed Daiki away.

The Youkai made a jump and attempted to slash Mariko. Mariko braced for impact with her sword in front of her.

"REKKA DAIZANTO!" Shouted Takuya's voice. A large stream of flames came blazing through and blasted the Tiger Youkai away. ShinkenRed Takuya appeared with a large red sword known as the Rekka Daizanto in his hand.

"Onii-sama!" Mariko shouted in surprise.

"You ok Mariko?" Takuya asked. Mariko nodded.

The sheer number of the grunts started to overwhelm Daiki, but a lightning attack came through and blasted the grunts.

"Gekitonfa Long Baton!" Gekiyellow Reiko's voice announced and she appeared with a bo like weapon, smashing at the grunts.

"Ikazuchimaru!" KuwagaRaiger Jin came running in with a red double sided blade weapon and used lighting slashes against the grunts.

A beastly Org came slamming into the Tiger Youkai due to being struck beforehand by Jin and Reiko. "Looks like they got us together." The Org said.

"No matter, we can still take them!" The Tiger Youkai ran over to Takuya and Mariko while the Org charged at Jin, Daiki, and Reiko.

Takuya slammed his Rekka Daizanto onto the Youkai, with Mariko slashing the Youkai from above. Takuya swung his Daizanto, slamming the Youkai far back.

"Dairenrod!" Daiki announced and pulled a red bo staff from thin air. He and Reiko used their staffs on the Org, and thrust their rods into the Org, pushing it backwards into Jin.

Jin swung his Ikazuchimaru around. "Here I go!" Ikazuchimaru started to charge with lightning. "Take this!" Jin swung his Ikazuchimaru and slashed the Org away.

Takuya transformed his Rekka Daizanto back into a Shinkenmaru. He grabbed a red disk and inserted the disk into his sword while Mariko inserted a pink disk into her Shinkenmaru.

"Kaen No Mai!" Takuya announced. He swung his sword and fired a red fiery sonic boom.

"Tenku No Mai!" Mariko announced. She swung her sword and fired a pink sonic boom.

Both sword waves slashed the Tiger Youkai. The Tiger Youkai was knocked back.

Daiki swung his Dairenrod around, whacking the Org. A Nanashi tried to stop Daiki, but Daiki stopped whacking the Org and instead let Reiko continued the whacking. Daiki instead went towards the Nanashi, whacked the legs of the Nanashi, then bashed the nuts of the Nanashi. The Nanashi squealed in pain and locked its legs around the Dairenrod, which gave way for Daiki to throw the Nanashi away. Afterwards, Daiki ran up to the Org and smashed the Org. Reiko's Long Baton started to charge itself with energy, taking shape in yellow electricity, and smashed the Org. Jin slashed an electrifying slash which slashed the Org towards Takuya and Mariko while the Tiger Youkai flipped in the air and clawed Jin.

The Org got up and ran towards Takuya and Mariko. Both prepared for another attack, but the Org pulled out a trident which it used to slash both Takuya and Mariko away.

The Tiger Youkai kept clawing at Jin, Reiko, and Daiki and at the same time, obliterated its own grunts without any care. The Tiger Youkai swung both of its claws in an X formation and sliced Jin, Reiko, and Daiki away.

The Org bashed Mariko in the gut. "MARIKO!" Takuya shouted, but got slashed by the Org.

"ONII-SAMA!" Mariko shouted in worry and tried to slash the Org, only to get elbowed and grabbed in the waist. The Org threw Mariko towards the Tiger Youkai who then clawed Mariko in the air, pushing Mariko away.

"YOU BASTARDS!" Takuya shouted and swung his swords at the Org. "How dare you do that to my sister!" Takuya swung his sword only to get slashed in the back by a spear from a Rinshi. Takuya turned and violently sliced the grunt in half, but was grabbed by the Org from behind. The Org threw Takuya towards the Tiger Youkai who then did what it did to Mariko to Takuya. Takuya was slammed back and rolled towards his sister who was near the other rangers.

All of them got up, but couldn't stay up as they were exhausted from the Youkai and Org all of a sudden getting good at fighting. The Org walked up to the Youkai. "Now . . . where is the girl?" The Org asked.

"Wha?" Takuya asked.

"The girl!" The Youkai shouted. "That girl with the necklace! Hand her over!"

"We won't do that!" Jin shouted.

"We don't know what is so important about her, but we can't just hand her to the likes of you!"

"We won't do that, because we have sworn to protect every one!" Daiki shouted.

"You can't make us give up no matter what!" Mariko finished.

"Then . . . how about we just kill you all!" The Org shouted, but a revving was heard in a distance. "What the?" The Org looked around. "What was that?"

"Forget it." The Youkai said, "just kill the rangers."

The revving resounded again. A voice echoed, "Ojii-chan used to say this," it was Ryan's voice, "'The Sun will Rise, and the Dragon will shine through all darkness.' That is the motto of the Hinote clan." A futuristic red dragon themed motorcycle came revving by and ran over many grunts. A man with a red biker helmet came riding in holding a red Katana. The man swung his Katana and slashed the Org and Youkai.

The biker stopped in front of the rangers. On the bike's back was a large item covered with a white cloth.

"You, who the hell are you!" The Youkai demanded.

The man took off his biker helmet, revealing Ryan. Ryan pointed to the sky. "I am the man who the sun rises for, the Dragon who shall shine through all darkness." Ryan looked sharply at the two monsters. "Remember that!" Ryan held his left hand out and on the hand was a glove like changer with a red brace with a gem on it.

"Whoa, he actually went back to get his changer." Daiki gasped.

"Who knew he was that dedicated." Mariko remarked.

"Release!" Ryan announced. Ryan spun the gem in the device. "Legend of the Beast!" Ryan punched the air releasing flames around him. "KODEN HENSHIN!" The flames engulfed him, then scattered to create a red dragon themed suit. It had golden shoulder pads. The chest had an emblem symbolizing five elements, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Water, and Earth. He had a gun in a holster on one side and two small rods in the other. The Katana in Ryan's hand transformed into an elegantly designed Katana.

"You five, get up." Ryan said. "We got work to do."

"Don't need to tell me twice." Takuya said. He got up and stood next to Ryan.

Mariko got up and stood next to Ryan with Daiki next to her. Reiko stood next to Takuya with Jin next to her.

Ryan let out a chuckle. "What's so funny!" The Org shouted.

"Oh I was just remembering a tale my Ojii-chan used to tell me." Ryan said. He pointed to the sky, "'When five warriors meet, a great power is formed, and when a sixth hero comes, that power becomes even greater.'"

"I heard that too." Takuya said. "Otou-san used to tell that to me and Mariko all the time when we were kids."

"And now that six rangers have gathered together, I think now . . ." Ryan pointed at the Org and Youkai. "You are SCREWED!" A large wave of flames appeared to strike the Org and Youkai.

"ShinkenRed," Takuya began Roll Call. "Shiba Takuya."

"The Same Pink," Mariko continued. "Shiba Mariko!"

"Diligence day by day, refining my heart." Reiko said. "Honest Heart, Gekiyellow!"

Daiki pulled off a few martial arts stances. "Shishiranger!" Daiki announced. "Tengensei, DAIKI!"

"Azure Thunderclap," announced Jin, "Fanged Ninja KuwagaRaiger!"

"Courageous Flames light the way towards hope. Blazing Courage . . . KODENFIRE!" Shouted Ryan.

"Fighting for a better future." Takuya continued.

"Fighting for a new sunrise!" Ryan shouted pointing at the sky.

"Our Super Sentai Tamashii will forever give us the drive to continue fighting!" Takuya clenched his fist.

"We are!" All of the rangers shouted.

"Team Lightning!" Takuya declared.

"Team Elements!" Ryan declared after Takuya declared their team name.

"SUPER SENTAI!" All six rangers struck a pose, and colorful explosions blasted behind them.

"Now." Ryan pointed to the sky. "For a new sunrise, prepare to die!" The six rangers jumped in the air, ready to fight the menace.


So begins the story of an Academy that trains the hope of the future. Can they win the future? The answer is yes for they have succeeded always in the past. It is up to themselves to bring forth that hope and create their miracle. Here's to a new sunrise and future. May the power protect you always.

And so it shall. DJ Diddy Dog has given me his blessings for this fic, so here's a way for you the readers to get involved similarly to how readers could participate in DJ Diddy Dog's Tournament Kamen Rider fic (if you've read it you'll know what I mean). You can donate your OC's in your reviews. How can you do so? Just watch.

The rules are simple. The teams must be in threes. Try not to give a team all the same colors as best you can. A name for the team would be lovely. You can use any rangers, however if I feel a team is unbalanced, I will call for a change.

You can use any rangers, except for the ones I've used and others which are ShinkenGold, Gekired, Boukenred, Boukenpink, Ryuranger, Hououranger, Tyrannoranger, Ninja Red, Akaranger, Akared, Abareblack, Abarekiller, and Dekamaster. You can ask if you can use these, but don't expect me to agree to let you use them. They can be any gender regardless of the original gender, though to be fair, a male pink ranger sounds somewhat odd but I'll run with it if someone decides to donate that.

You can include a 'Bangai' Hero such as Ninja Man, Signal Man, or GoseiKnight (yes, I'm counting him as a Bangai Hero) and you can give them human identities if you want but you must explain how they have that identity and how they can change back. They are counted towards the three teammate count limit. Zuban and Daigoyou are off limits.

Keep each ranger a different ranger from a different team. I don't want teams like Go-on Red, Go-on Blue, and Go-on Yellow. Unless however you feel like some rangers don't work well unless the other ranger is present, then you can ask. This I might agree on but only if there are good reasons. I will however not agree on a team of three of the same rangers from the same teams no matter what. (I'm accepting Sibling rangers in the same team just in case you want to know)

A team must not use the same color for each ranger. This will automatically make it ineligible. I also will not accept a team full of 'Sixth' rangers as such a team may be too powerful.

You can use any ranger from any existing Sentai and any of my OC sentai fics, though to do so, you must first ask for my permission (if it's one of my OC's that is). Also, you must list reasons for why a character is compatible with whatever system they're using, though I will be lax on this. If you try to list your own OC type ranger (as in, your own created ranger system for an OC), you must first talk to me to see if I will allow such a thing.

So here's the basic layout of how I'd like the donations to be in:

Ranger 1 (Team Leader): Name/Ranger

Reason why they can use the system and short bio.

Ranger 2: Name/Ranger

Reason why they can use the system and short bio.

Ranger 3: Name/Ranger

Reason why they can use the system and short bio.

Team Name: Self Explanatory

Explain how well the team works together. They can hate each other, they can like each other, just give a brief explanation of how each member thinks of the other.

Extra Info: Anything else I need to know about the team, like extra original gear you'd like to see, any extra info you'd like to give such as particular grudge against an enemy or whatever. Your own custom Roll Call for the team. Anything would be nice.

So hope you guys like this fic and hope you shall get involved. I'd very like many people to get involved, so here's hoping for the best. I can't make this fic without contributions, so let's make this work! Hoping to hear from many of you, so please bring in your reviews!