Reviews for Super Sentai Academia
camchilds1985 chapter 5 . 4/21/2015
Thanks, a great read so far.
camchilds1985 chapter 2 . 4/18/2015
What a great story! Keep it up!
Raikou927 chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
Ranger 1: Tsukasa Hashimoto/GoseiBlue

he was given the system because he could use the full power of the Seaick Tribe, Tsukasa has never known his family since he was taken away at birth, when he was 10 he mastered everything he could learn and decided to travel the world to make sure that creatures would never destroy the Earth or the people that live on it

Ranger 2: Hīrō Ishikawa/GokaiGreen

he was given the system because he found a Ranger Key of GokaiGreen, Hīrō was always carefree but has gotten into some trouble because of it, when he was 9 he took an interest in Astrology and discovered a star that only appeared every 5 years that is said to bring people together

Ranger 3: Azami Kaneshiro/Yellow-Buster

Azami got the system because she was the only one who displayed the skills needed to become Yellow-Buster, Azami was a rich person who took interests in Karate and building things with whatever was around, when she was 11 her older sister died because of a monster attack and became emotionless

Team Name: Team Destiny

Hīrō can't stand Azami since she criticizes every move he does in battle but later develops a crush on her, Hīrō treats Tsukasa like an older brother because when he first arrived on the team Tsukasa showed him the meaning of being a super sentai member
Tsukasa treats Azami and Hīrō like family since he never knew his
Azami can't stand Hīrō since he tells her to lighten up but later develops a crush on him, Azami treats Tsukasa like a worker even though he's the leader

Extra Info: custom roll call: "Defender of the Sea... GoseiBlue!" "The Green Pirate... GokaiGreen!" "Procter of innocents... Yellow-Buster!" "We met by destiny and you fall because of destiny... Team Destiny!"
GoseiBlue has a grudge with Zao of the Lightning a universal insect beast that remained in hiding after the original Goseigers destroyed the warship, the three have a special finisher involving a Shark like cannon powered by their powers called "The GoseiShark Cannon"
The three met on the day the star that the star that Hīrō discovered passed by and felt like it was destiny that brought them together which inspired their team name
LonlyManWolf chapter 7 . 3/22/2012
Hey I posted before I saw your list so I'll change my GekiViolet to Red Hawk(Jetman) and my TimeFire to Gosei Blue. Same Bios though please. SOrry I feel embarased oh well. Take Care Amigo
LonlyManWolf chapter 2 . 3/22/2012
Excellent 's a team idea. The team name is Vengeful Brothers because they had siblings and/or other family members that were killed.

Ranger 1-Gai Houhei/Go-On Black Age 19. He can ue the system because he was chosen to be Gunpherd's partner with brother Kai,Go-On Green, was killed saving him leaving him of this he seems cold-hearted but he does form Gunbiroh to battle giant monsters. Has a relationship with Go-On Yellow and talks to her frequently.

Ranger 2-Takeshi Oofumi/Geki Violet Age 17. He can use the system due to being a Wolf-Fist call out GekiWolf,GekiTiger,and GekiJaguar and create GekiToujaWolf. He's dating a civilian girl to feel normal and does love her. Lost his parents and older sister the day before he joined the academy. Makes jokes to lighten the mood.

Ranger 3-Minoru Hikaji/Time Fire Age 15. He can use the system due to owning the original Time Fire V-Rex for the giant monsters. As the youngest, he feels he's the weakest so he constantly trains for hours at a meeting Ryan,he starts believing in himself more. He lost his baby sister and father in one of the first attacks and his mother in a car crash a few months beforehand.

The fact that these three know how it feels when their loved ones perish and there wasn't anything they can do makes these guys best freinds.

Team Roll Call: Those who know the pain of loss make it their strength. Team Vengeful Brothers has arrived.
furyuu chapter 27 . 8/29/2011
awesome new chapter, can't wait for more
Megafighter3 chapter 27 . 8/28/2011
New team.

Ranger 1: Shoya Shishi/Midoranger (Leader)

Age: 21

Bio: A masked wrestler known for his technical skills as the "High Flying Lion." In the middle of the war, he was given an angle as being a supporter of the Sentai, only for a mistake to end up making him a legitimate Academy member. Wanting to keep up his image for his fans, he took up the position of Midoranger, at the cost of his job.

Ranger 2: Ryota Kazou/DynaYellow

Age: 25

Bio: A heavyweight champion wrestler until he sustained a career-ending spine injury. He was able to afford a cybernetic implant but as a result, couldn't return to the ring. As a result, he joined the Academy, wanting to be able to fight again.

Ranger 3: Krissy Marx/GogglePink

Age: 23

Bio: A former wrestler in the US, she moved to Japan when she felt she wasn't being given enough respect for her work. She proved to be a good enough fighter in the Japanese circuit that the Academy contacted her. She took the job, wanting to prove a point to her former employers in the US.

Team Name: Team Smackdown.

Team Motto: "A force of raw power! Team Smackdown!"

The team combines their styles well in combat and have been on good terms outside of combat. Krissy often spends her off time training Will (Gensaku ShinkenBrown) some basics in wrestling, which he's learned better than he has Japanese.
Mechapunk87 chapter 27 . 8/10/2011
oh this chapter was good and the arc is still not over!. but cool to see some stuff about Kaori and Takuya's childhood and cool to see ninjaman and true Goseiknight, i atill need to what will happen Takumi ( red hawk) and Blood Rogue's plan for the red soul. and it would be cool to see a all Goseiger role call. and that all i have say until the next chapter.
SuiseiRed chapter 27 . 8/5/2011
NO! Toripter! you really made Gedou Shinkenred an a**hole. lol

So you giving the five main Nejirangers a grunt monster from the American version each?

I can't wait for the next chapter and the crossover!
GoseiSilver00 chapter 27 . 8/1/2011
A great chapter, captain. not only continued on with the fighting, the story of Kaori becoming Shinkenred was interesting. looking forward to the next one!
Mechapunk87 chapter 26 . 6/30/2011
i like this chapter! Abareblack is bada** the fights with the old baddies was great and so was the sneak peak and can't wait to read more.
Kamen Rider Tyranno chapter 26 . 6/25/2011

Finally we know who is mariko's former teammate

Man, Ryan made a lot of problems

Glad u didnt finnish Long yet, i wanna see more of him

and Magnum Equss finally appeared!
FirebirdArcher21 chapter 26 . 6/24/2011
A lot of mysteries there, got surprised by the fact that Reiko is Taiga's daughter. And what has happened to Ryan? Let's finish this arc with a climax!

My ranger submission:

Ikki Kasumi/ Atrasraiger

(animal motif is based on the three horned Atlas Beetle. A black Gouraiger)

Bio: The great grandson of Isshu Kasumi, and son of Issou Kasumi and followed the Ikazuchi Way. His father believed that the Evil Force is eternal and dormant, and raised his son to kill his son's best friend in order to evoke it, and too both him and Ikki's surprised nothing happened. Because of this and his dormant hatred for his father, he went mad and killed his father, gaining the Kiraimaru in the process. Over the next two years, he trained and mastered the Kiraimaru. He has a jaded view on life and wants to support the Academy from the shadows. He owns a black Bari Thunder. He tends to favour the Kiraimaru.

Weapons: Ikazuchimaru, Kiraimaru

Special Attacks: Ikazuchi ryu Kengi, Raiu Gekizan (used with the Ikazuchimaru)

Cho Ninpou! Doku Arashi (uses his horns to send poisonous energy blades at the enemy)

Ikazuchi ryu Kengi, Kirai Blast. (similar to how isshu uses it in the past)

Ikazuchi ryu Kengi, Shin Raigekiha (uses both the Kiraimaru and Ikazuchimaru in a vicious lightning empowered attack)

Mecha: Gourai Atlas, through the command of Ikazuchi Henkei it becomes the Kiraijin. Using his shinobi medal to summon the Karakuri ball number 18: Tiger Fang. the final attack is the Mangetsu Tsume.

Roll Call: 'Black Thunderstorm, Claw Ninja, Atrasraiger!'
SuiseiRed chapter 26 . 6/24/2011
so KodenFire has two different forms? and Ryan is also KodenBlack? This chapter is very epic!

As promised GokaiKaiser on the reviews:

Terra Vinician/ GokaiKaiser

Age: 22

Bio: A man from another planet that was freed from the Zangyack by the original Gokaigers. He came to Earth to learn more about Super Sentai and decided to stay to help fight for the Earth after seeing what has happened to it. His weapon is known as the Gokai Axes (a halberd that has a gun mode), and the Final Wave known as the Gokai Crescent Wave (where he swings the Gokai Axes in halberd mode at the enemy). His transformation device is known as the Kaiser Cell. Used to summon the Gokai Kraken (giant octopus like AI-robot) by pressing the numbers 3327. through the call "Kaizoku Henge" it transforms into the Great Kaiser.

Has a set of six keys based on different themes of Super Sentai that resembles a Sentai mark, all to be inserted into the Gokai Axes:

Goseiger Key: Summons an octopus head shaped bullet which is attached to the barrel of the Gokai Axes. Allows him to do the Gokai Bullet.

Kakuranger Key: Changes his weapon into a chain-sickle.

Hurricaneger Key: Allows him to move like the wind.

Dekaranger Key: summons a huge gun for the Great Kaiser.

Gingaman Key: Changes his weapon to a silver Star Beast Sword.

Dairanger Key: creates an energy ball which he bats towards the enemy with his Gokai Axes. known as the Gokai Energy Bomber.
ChakkaVoodoo chapter 26 . 6/24/2011
started deep.

Continued epicly.

Ended on a huge climax!

Thats this chapter in a nutshell
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