Hi everyone, it's Aquawings. You've never heard of me cause this is my first ever Fanfiction and I hope you like it. I'm not a big fan of AN's so I'll keep this brief. Please R&R. I will respond to your reviews. I might add some author humor at the end of chapters. I will be updating weekly or 2 times a week. Thanx.

Disclaimer: Do I look like some successful man with slightly graying hair (No offense JP, you still rock my socks) and many New York Times Bestselling series's. Well you wouldn't know now would you, cause you can't see me. Ha! But FYI, I'm not. Just your average run of the mill teenage girl. 'Cept for the fact that I am... never mind. I DO NOT own Maiximum ride or any of it's character's or related content.

Camp Disaster Chapter 1-First day

Fang POV

I parked my black (Duh!) 2009 Chevy Camaro in the gravel parking lot. I ripped of my sunglasses and threw them in the car. I looked up at the big faded sign and sighed. Why was I doing this again? Oh, right. I needed the money if I ever wanted to go to university. I had to start earning money sometime considering I was going to Uni in 2 years.

This is probably very confusing for all of you. A little about myself. My name is Nick Griffiths, but everyone calls me Fang. Call me anything else and you'll wish you were never born. I am 16 and a highschool junior. I have a twin brother named James or Iggy (who will be coming to this hellhole with me) and an adoptive sister named Monique or Nudge (just a warning, she talks a lot). Right now I kinda even miss having to go to school each day. Anything was better than this, but it was easy cash. Just take care of a bunch of kids right? Okay, you caught me. I, Fang Griffiths, had signed up to be a counsellor at 'Camp Happy I Wanna Make You Barf'. Well no, the camp's name is 'Camp Starlight' but what ever. It's this famous camp located in the surrounding forests of Hollywood-one of the few wooded areas near LA. According to the brochure, 'Camp Starlight offers a fantastic opportunity for children ages 6 to 13 to express their inner musical talent in a controlled day and night camp for 3 weeks.' YIPEE! Which crazed parent would pay like 300 bucks a week to send their kids to summer camp? Oh right, the rich snobby ones who don't have any time for their kids, so they dump them at a camp for other people to take care of them. Greeeeeeat, I going to be working at a camp full of rich snobs. I can see it already…'Okay guys, time to play soccer!' 'But I might break a nail.' 'There is no way on earth I am messing up this seasons new Gucci.' Ughh, I hate people who are full of themselves. Back to the present.

I walked into the main building with the big sign that read 'Camp Starlight-Let Your Inner Music Free!' Wow how cheesy. The second I walked into the building I knew I made a wrong choice sending my job application to this place. There were a bunch a slutty girls about my age sitting on a nice beige leather sofa. Greeeeat (notice my awesome sarcasm?). One of them started walking towards me. Crap. She was wearing a neon pink tube shirt that came to a halt right above her belly button. She was also wearing the shortest mini skirt I have ever seen and I could see her pink lace under…garments. And her stilettos where like, a foot high. No joke. How did she walk in those death traps? I winced at the thought. She was smiling at me. Why was she smiling at me? Ahhhh! Then I realized. When I was looking at her skimpy clothes, she thought I was checking her out! Ohmygodohmygodohymygod. Wonderful, I'm pulling a Nudge.

"Hey, I'm Lissa. You must be another counsellor here. Nice to meet you." Lissa said. Was that voice supposed to be seductive? She stuck out her hand. Oh geez, where was Iggy when you needed him?

"Nick. I don't shake hands." Why was I talking so much?

"We don't have to shake hands. We can do something else though…" She trailed of suggestively. Eeew, gross. I drum stick came flying at her back.

"Go try to seduce someone else, Red. Haven't you made enough guys wet their pants for today? You can try again on Monday with this guy." Said a beautiful female voice. The voice was like an angel's. Soft and sweet, but sarcastic and tough. I spun around.

Staring at me was the most beautiful girl in the world. She made Meagan Fox look like a gorilla, no joke. She had light brown hair with blonde sun streaks. Cool, I love outdoorsy girls. Wait, forget I said that. Her eyes were a warm chocolate brown and they had an unknown depth to them. She was wearing a black t-shirt with neon paint splatter on it and ripped dark blue skinny jeans. She wore fingerless black fishnet gloves and silver hooped earrings. Did she usually dress this hot or was this a special occasion?

"Hi, I'm Maximum Ride, but everyone just calls me Max. I know, I know you don't shake hands. Me neither. That's cool. I see you've met Red." Max, the name of this goddess was Max. Oh god. Bad Fang, bad. You should never judge a girl by her looks, it is sexist.

"Nick, but everyone calls me Fang. Umm, your name's Max? Isn't that like a guy's name?" I blurted out. Crap, now I offended her.

"Fang?" she shot back questioningly.


"Wow, you're Mister talkative." She laughed. Holy, somebody pinch me. I must be in heaven. Her laugh was beautiful, like jingling bells. I shrugged.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of the gang, band, group, whatever you wanna call it." She reached out to grab me by the wrist, but stopped herself. W-O-W, nobody has ever been able to read me that well. It took even my family my entire life for them to realize I don't like being touched. I shot her a questioning look.

"Eh, you're like me. Max no like touchy feely, and I really doubt Fangy likes it either." She smirked at my pissed off expression. Nobody ever calls me 'Fangy'. Nobody. I growled.

"Oh suck it up big guy. This way."

She led me to a huge music room filled with instruments of every kind. Bass guitars lined the walls and electric guitars hung on their hooks. On the stage there was a sweet drum set along with a 6-string black and purple acoustic. A Yamaha electric keyboard sat off to the side. There were many more instrument here and there. Mics were set up on the stage. It looked as if a band had been practicing not a moment ago. A group of teens stood in the corner getting drinks from those awesome coolers where you push the nozzle and water comes out. This was the sweetest music room I've ever been in.

"Are you sure we are allowed in here?" I asked. Max laughed.

" Definitely. I sure you'll find out why very soon."

Then at that moment I spotted a flash of pale strawberry blond hair. Iggy?

"Iggy? Is that you bro?" I was shocked. Iggy, own flesh and blood had ditched me for them? Oh it's so on.

Iggy: *munches on my ham and egg sandwich* Yah, I ditched Fang. Virtual pat on the back for me! *With mouth full of half chewed food*

Aqua: Hey that's my sandwich! Give it back.

Igs: Never! *Runs away screaming like a girl*

Aqua: Don't make me make you dissapear in a magical poof! of dust!

Igs: Better than this dump *mutters to himself*

Aqua: You asked for it.


Aqua: Yay! Iggster is gone! R&R? Pwease? I'll give you a cookie.