I don't own Danny Phantom
"I'm so glad I can be patrolling with you tonight, Danny!" Jazz said as she drove. Danny tried not to show he'd rather have Tucker or Sam with him tonight, but he was polite and nodded to Jazz. She smiled and continued.
Danny's ghost sense went off, and he went ghost as Jazz stopped the car, and waited with the thermos as they saw Klemper pop out of a pothole, Danny proceeding to fight him. Just as Klemper was weakened, Danny was about to ask Jazz for the thermos, before he felt himself being sucked back. He was soon in the thermos, and he shouted 'JAZZ!' from inside it. Klemper took this opportunity to flee, and Jazz, turning red, released Danny and looked at him apologetically. Danny sighed but said nothing as Jazz continued driving. After the incident where he fought with her and she went to Vlad...He tried to be patient.
Skulker showed up later, and Danny fought with him...Only to be stuck in the thermos again by a certain sister of his with bad aim. She released him and caught Skulker, and smiled meekly at Danny, who twitched his eye and got back into the car.
A few more ghosts came, each time either escaping or getting into the thermos. The only problem was, Danny was the first who got caught in the thermos.
Soon, the Lunch Lady came, who Danny subdued...Only to get sucked into the thermos. For the twentieth time that night. The Lunch Lady laughed at Danny as she flew away, bored with Danny for the night.
Jazz felt the thermos shaking in rage, and she let Danny out, to see he was red-in-the-face and shaking with anger. He tried to keep it bottled up, as Jazz tried to put a sympathetic arm around him before he pushed her off. Jazz frowned.
"Danny, I understand I'm not the best shot, but-"
"Yeah, Jazz. You aren't. You're more suited for covering for me, and I honestly don't think you're that suitable for the field." He snarled. Jazz gaped for a minute, before she snapped.
"Alright, you! I've dealt with you, moody and busy, and I don't need your rudeness! I was just trying to help!" She snapped. Danny scowled.
"Maybe I don't need your help!" He snapped back. Jazz didn't do anything other than shake for a moment.
"Oohh, you! I wish you knew how hard it was to be me!"
"I wish the same to you! You wouldn't last a day as me!" Danny shouted. Jazz started the car home, both siblings not saying anything to each other as they drove.
Behind some buildings Danny didn't notice, Desiree poked her head over the edge after listening. Her face twisted into a cruel smirk.
"And so you wish it...And so it shall be." She hissed, blowing gold dust in her hand into their direction.
Danny and Jazz sneezed as some gold dust managed to get into their nostrils. They wrote it off as pollen, and upon getting home, neither sibling continued to speak, and as they opened the door with a slam, Maddie and Jack gave the two surprised looks. They watched as neither shared eye contact, and marched up to their rooms, closing the door with a slam. Maddie and Jack were surprised. They could see their own son getting angry like this, but it was a rarity to even see Jazz like that.
Maddie sighed. "I do hope those two learn to get along. Danny and Jazz might dislike having a sibling, but both are lucky, really." She said, sighing. Jack shrugged with a frown.
"They will one day. They're just emotional teenagers- I wonder, though, what did they fight about?" Jack wondered aloud. Maddie and Jack only sighed and gave each other resigned looks.
Jazz screamed into her pillow angrily. Why, oh, why did Danny have to be so mean? She just tried to help! She tried to help even when she had mountains of homework, and all sorts of psychology she studied as well for interest. He didn't even realize how hard she tried!
"Little brothers are so ungrateful!" She screamed into the pillow.
She stopped as she felt tired suddenly. She yawned, exhausted. Why was she so tired all of a sudden? Pushing it off to figure out tomorrow, she let herself be taken by sleep...
Danny snarled as he used a dartboard for target practice using his ecto-rays. How did Jazz think she had a nearly as hard life as he did? He fought ghosts, he balanced school, he dealt with Dash beating on him daily. She may be trying to help, but she's just creating more problems!
Danny sighed as he fell back on his bed, scowling.
For some reason, he felt suddenly tired. He yawned. Sleep would be nice...
As everyone in the house fell into the darkness of sleep, no one could see the two golden flashes of light from both Danny and Jazz's room which illuminated their rooms and the outside hallway for a split second.
All was then still...