A/N: I'm not going to apologize for not having written anything in a while because I'm in college and my school work comes first. In fact, you should be proud that I have been putting my work first and than doing things like this.


Not really, anyway what I will apologize for is my lack of content in this chapter and how awful it is because I'm trying to get back into the swing of this because I'm stupid and stopped writing at a pivotal moment in the plot so I need to build it back up for the excitement and interest to the 2 people who are still following this.


"Alice…come on."


"Come out of the bathroom!"


"ALICE!" I shouted, slamming my hand flat against the door before exhaling in frustration and leaning my shoulder and forehead against the smooth wooden surface. I bit my lip and swallowed hard, my voice unsure and deceptively calm, "Will you please come out of the bathroom?"

"I am not going to see Jasper." She stated stubbornly, her tone reminding me of a petulant child who did not want to go to her room. I sighed and closed my eyes, moving my face against the cool texture of the barrier that stood between Alice and me.

"Just a couple of hours ago you were insisting we go and see Jasper." I reminded her, my voice raspy and low from all the screaming and exhaustion. It had been a really long fucking day. I opened my eyes when I heard movement, stepping back when the sound of the door being unlocked cracked through the air like lightning during a thunderstorm. Finally the door opened and I now looked down at my little Alice who was wearing an adorable angry expression on her face which shouldn't be possible because the two don't exactly go hand in hand but she somehow managed to pull it off, intentional or not.

"Just a couple of hours ago if I had said I wanted to rip my head off but now I've changed my mind would you still make me do it?" She asked seriously and I furrowed my brows at her, pursing my lips and there was a very long, pregnant awkward pause before I finally opened my mouth.

"I don't think…that's the same thing," I began slowly, Alice's predatory golden eyes boring into my own and suddenly I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, "I mean, that's not really, um, an equal comparison…"

"Yes, it is."

"No…no, it's really not." I argued in a neutral tone but Alice remained adamant. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, the wrinkle that appears whenever she furrows her brows began to show and I knew this look because it meant that she was a.) not happy and b.) about to be a very big brat.

"Yes, it is. End of discussion. I'm right, you're wrong, let's go to bed." She shoved past me and stormed over to my bed, disrobing herself and changing into the pajamas I issued her. I stood in my spot, turned to face her with a determined look on my face.

"There is no right or wrong in this argument, first off. And second off, it's not over just because you say it is!" I shot back at her and she simply looked up at me, pausing her actions momentarily which left her standing in nothing but a pair of loose fitting pajama pants and her black lacey bra, my old Metric shirt poised and ready to be placed over her torso.

So basically I was about to argue with a topless Alice.

Well, I'm fucked.

"Bella, I don't care," She sounded tired and for once she actually looked tired despite her inability to sleep, "I don't wanna argue with you, I don't like it…can we please just be done with this for today so I can snuggle wiff you 'til you fall asleep?"

Oh godammit. She had whipped out the whole package; Puppy pout, cute little baby-talk, large glassy doe eyes, everything that I found completely irresistible. She was such a jerk.

"Alice, don't you pull that with me." I tried to channel my inner mom but she only widened her eyes more, the pouty-sad face intensifying in power and I felt my hard shell begin to crack. I jabbed a finger in the air, pointing at her, accusing her of foul play as I tried to look away but to no avail, "Dammit, Ali! That's not fair! It's like cheating!"

"But baby I wuhve you!" She cooed sweetly, batting her lashes at me and I felt weak in the knees.

"Dammit, Ali! You know I can't resist that! Knock it off!" I demanded but the tone of my voice betrayed me in every possible way.

The look continued on, my eyes not finding the strength to tear themselves away from something so cute and adorable. I whined slightly as my resolve finally collapsed and I sighed in defeat, shutting the lights off and walking over to the bed with slumped shoulders.

"Oh, alright…we'll leave it alone for now…" I grumbled as I quickly changed into my pajamas, ignoring Alice as she pumped her fists into the air in victory, hopping about like mad. She finally pulled the shirt on and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh yeah! Alice, 1: Bella, 0!" She cried out before pouncing onto the bed as I slid in, pulling the covers up over us. I rolled onto my back and kept a straight face as Alice moved so that she was pressed against my side, squirming about as she snuggled into me, getting herself comfortable. She had an arm draped over my chest while her head was nuzzled into my neck, her lithe body perfectly fitting against me. She must have sensed my tension still because she softly kissed the sensitive skin of my neck before whispering, "We'll talk tomorrow…I promise. Goodnight, Bella Swan. I love you."

"I love you too…" I relented, a smile spreading across my face at her sweet words. I felt her smile against my neck, cuddling into me once more for good measure and I chuckled at her antics, "You are just a whole bunch of unfairness. How am I supposed to win an argument against you when you do that stuff? Topless, might I add?"

"Did my being topless affect my odds?" She asked seriously and I raised a hand to run my fingers through her soft, silky black hair causing her to purr rather loudly.


"Ah, such is life."

I smiled confidently at my reflection in the mirror atop my dresser, messing up my thick brown locks just so so that I looked way too hot to be going to Forks High School. I pulled up the sleeves on my dark grey button up shirt, looking almost gay but not quite gay. To top it all off I donned my near black skinny jeans and some leather boots.

Oh yeah, I'm pretty damn hot.

No, I'm not being cocky…just honest. Actually it's a wonderful false mask of confidence because on the inside I was picking apart my outfit and look bit by bit but I had no time to do anything about it now as I would be late for school. I began to head out the door but an annoying high-pitched whine stopped me mid-stride.

"What am I supposed to do for 6 hours?" Alice whined out obnoxiously, swinging her legs back and forth as she sat upside down on the couch, her head hanging off the edge so that her hair was a hanging mess of black.

"I don't know. Go find a deer to maul." I dead panned as I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time at her behavior. I wasn't truly annoyed with her, I don't think I ever could be but I did need to go to school at some point.

"I'm not hungry for deer." She replied suggestively as she looked me up and down and I gulped as her stare sent shivers down my spine, a wave of heat pooling in the bottom of my stomach. I opened and closed my mouth, blushing furiously and stuttering like a complete idiot. She smirked up at me, rolling herself so that she was now sitting up on the couch, her hair falling in her face just so and god, damn she was so sexy.

"M-maybe you could uh, find some catnip to p-play with or something? I don't know?" I stumbled over my retort and she laughed innocently back at me.

"Silly Bella…I'm not a cat!" She stuck her tongue out at me and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"I have to go, Alice. You know that…I'll be home before you know it. Just try not to destroy anything?" I asked almost pleadingly as she got up and walked over to me to give me a kiss goodbye. She tried to deepen it, enticing me into staying with her but I reluctantly pushed her away, a smirk on both our faces.

"No fun, Bella Swan." She pouted and I kissed her forehead quickly before heading to leave.

"Now…I'm off to school because I have no idea as to the last time I went and I'm almost certain my attendance has gotten so bad I may be failing." I waved a goodbye over my shoulder and listened as she shut the front door after my exit. I hopped in my truck and noticed something funny.

My heart was already starting to ache.

So this was a shocker. The Cullen's weren't in school today.

Actually, no I lie. That's not a shocker because they inconspicuously get 'sick' or go on 'trips' whenever it's sunny out, there's a blood drive going on for Red Cross or anything of the like involving blood. And sun.

And the fact that no one has caught on to them being vampires yet is beyond me. God, this town is stupid. Anyway, they're not here minus Jasper. Another weird inconspicuous thing. Jasper is here and he keeps giving me weird looks every time we cross paths in the halls or at lunch. As fate would have it, he's in my last class of the day.


"Psst, Hey…Bella!" Someone whispered behind me and I looked up at the teacher real quick before deciding it was okay for me to turn around. I was met with the stupid face of Mike Newton who was holding what looked like a note for me to take. I looked blankly at him.

"Mike. I don't like you." I stated matter-of-factly and he rolled his eyes at me.

"It's nothing like that, ya bitch. It's a note from that weird Cullen kid. Take it." He tossed it at me and as I grabbed it and turned around I vaguely heard him mumbling, 'I wouldn't ask you out with a stupid note anyhow…' As if the note would've been the problem.

I unfolded the note and my eyes scanned across the impeccably neat and old English style handwriting Jasper had written in. Way to hide the fact that you're over a hundred years old.


I know about what happened with Alice the other night at the club. Have I got your attention? If so, meet me at the small diner just off of 10th street right after school. We'll have a nice little chat sans Alice. Understood? Throw this away if you agree to my little rendezvous, if not than keep it.

Much obliged,

Jasper Whitlock.

I must have reread the note a few times before someone; I'm thinking Jasper coughed in their throat, waking me up from my deep train of thought. If I go, I might be able to figure out this whole thing with Alice and the Cullen's and Alice in general but if she finds out….she'll kill me. She also might find out because if I for sure decide to go she'll probably have a vision on it and find out anyway. How was Jasper planning on avoiding her seeing it? I sure as hell had no idea but if I don't go…

I crumpled up the note and as I did the bell rang. I got up from my desk, aware of Jasper's watching eyes.

I threw the note away.

A/N: Next chapter: Wolves, the Cullens side of the story, Alice being cute, A fight between Alice and Bella. WHAT! Yeah. Oh yeah. I plan on updating faster because I still have a week left of break and I'm bored as shit because I left all of my fun things in my dorm annnnnd I can't get drunk at 4 in the afternoon on a monday at home and it sucks. I miss school. Ah, well. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I kinda am sorry for taking long. Only kinda.