Reviews for My Beloved Monster & Me
Faol Ban chapter 12 . 3/6/2018
Please update this
Bre chapter 2 . 12/13/2017
Ah ha! I'm the 400th person to review! Congrats, author on 400 reviews! Byeeee!
Neddie chapter 12 . 10/16/2017
damn super dead
Guest chapter 6 . 6/18/2017
Update pls I love the story and Alice's cuteness is adorable
merniizztat chapter 12 . 5/15/2017
I like...update
Guest chapter 12 . 12/24/2016
Hey, I wanna know what happens please I'm dying here.
CharmedTheVampireSlayer chapter 12 . 1/19/2016
This story is amazing I love it! Update soon please.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 12 . 1/25/2015
I'm glad the school attendance thing was addressed and the story's about to pick up. Excited to hear the backstory. I hope you continue with this.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 11 . 1/25/2015
I wish there was some uninterupted sexy time. Oh well. Anyway, you've really changed the small town setting. Lazar tag, theater, nightclub in forks... It was fun but it is all a bit much. And the lie told to charlie... He didn't file a report for an assault or conducted any investigation. Seems sort of unbelievable. He just left them alone after the freak out. Also, I lost track, but is it a school night? On a different note... 'It's not like she knew the difference between social norm and stereotypical, over-franchised, teenage romance vampire antics'. Was that self-referencing? Sort of meta? Still wonderful but some holes are opening up that need fixing.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 10 . 1/25/2015
Wow that was hilarious. Jealous bella and all. Bella is a lot different than canon. They both can be childish at times. I just wish alice gave a little confirmation to bella and the boy that she was Bella's.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 9 . 1/25/2015
Okay, now let me go over my take on what was revealed or hinted about in this chapter. The whole thing got pretty heavy but quite interesting. Let's start with alice. It seems she was rescued from the asylum/institution or resulting nomadic life by Carlisle, but I don't know when or for how long she traveled as she told bella earlier. She also avoided human society and continued to even when she was with the Cullens, unlike canon where she revels in human culture. She just allows it to pass her by not allowing an outside tether to her life - I'll get to more on that in a bit. There are holes in her understanding of human society. It still appears she is aware of her past or at least now she was changed but maybe not her life as a human? Also, it appears she wasn't responsible for Jasper joining the family. She still values human life, but she is almost completely against placing her view on others. Protesting everyone's right to their beliefs even if it's immoral to her own. It's where she disagreed with the Cullens. Them judging others and placing their beliefs on others. Alice's philosophy so far seem a little like anarchy or libertarianism. No governance or societal standard of morals/ethics and rule of law. The individual's only responsibility is one's self and what he/she cares about. Keeping and defending it themselves. 'Vampires can be human drinkers if they want. I don't judge them, as long as they don't touch my human.' It's interesting because alice is arguing for what vampires represent. Vampires are the ultimate state of freedom and individalism. Style and drama. They have the strength to be self-sufficient and naturally give into their baser instincts. Completely unbound. Romanticism. On a related note, if she was taught how to hunt animals, why does she go for the domesticated ones close to humans at the start of this story? Next, it seem the Cullens may be more involved in the larger vampire world. Maybe some sort of crusade to make all vampires vegetarian? They did or are going to do something to the Volturi and were intent on using alice as a weapon. Sorry for the long review, and maybe I'm just seeing things and making to much of things, but to me, it's quite facinating. But, I do just like pure fluff. That's the one of the main reasons why I'm reading. Great work.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 8 . 1/25/2015
Now I'm really interested in what happened between alice and the Cullens. So she does have a past with them? I don't know the lie to charlie will hold up. Alice was seen at school and Bella's truck was in the driveway when he got home.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 7 . 1/25/2015
Yes, she has a completely sweet disposition. The interaction with the various characters at the school was great. I like the little spat they had. It one way to show bella that she has to be aware of Alice's more animalistic nature and her position as Alice's mate.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 6 . 1/25/2015
So you've separated the heart and soul as two different bonds of affection. Also, making the heart something more special. Sort of different... Anyway, that was still cute as hell. I don't think I can stop saying that about this story. It this sort banter and interaction that I wish all bellice stories should have.
Fredrick Bismarck chapter 5 . 1/25/2015
They kissed! Their interactions are just precious. Two peas in a pod. Like two bickering children. Both can moments of good natured childishness. I just want to squeal, but that would be embarrassing. Bella has a more impulsive and lighter personality and a spunky internal thought process. The Cullens seem more wary and less compassionate from first impressions. I just like your unique take on everything. Alice's introduction to Bella's life and her backstory. You certainly have a way with banter and cute situations.
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