"So let me get this straight."

Detective Mori was pinching his nose, the absolute picture of irritation.

"You," pointing a finger at the guy cowering on the far wall, "Killed these two."

The 'Sleeping Detective' was now pointing to theā€¦ odd couple standing next to him.

The man was apparently beyond words, only nodding in response.

"Then could explain to me the fact they aren't dead?"

"It was so scary!"

"So scary!"

Conan Edogawa was leaning against the far wall, looking like an annoyed teenager instead of a little kid. Call it a character slip.

"The Knife man came in and stabbed me for no good reason!"

"And then I screamed, and he pulled the knife out and stabbed me!"

"I thought I was dead! Our time on this world had ended!"

"Oh, Miria!"

"Oh, Isaac!"

"So WHERE ARE THE WOUNDS? Mori shouted, more annoyed than he had been in a very long time.

They couple paused mid embrace, considering.


"Yep, healed!"


Conan smirked to himself, kind of enjoying the show. The man accused of stabbing them was still pressed against the wall, staring.

"You really stabbed them, didn't you? At least, you stabbed the man."

The almost murder finally stopped staring at the over-dramatic pair and turned his attention to the "Little Kid" next to him.

"The man is wearing a formal 3-piece suit. The tear directly over his chest is uniform all the way in. The only way that could happen is if the knife went in all the way to the hilt. And the layers of material could only be cut through with a considerable amount of force behind it. So the next conclusion would be that it was a fake knife and bent when it hit skin. Except for the fact that the weapon is a steak knife from the kitchen, which you are still clutching in your hand."

The couple was now doing an impromptu dance, much to the annoyance and furry of Detective Mori.

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth,"

"Sh-Sherlock Holmes?"

The kid looked impressed. "Correct."

They paused, watching Isaac tell Miria some explanation for their fast recovery. Something about sunspots and the earth being turned backwards.
