"Please…please don't kill me…I'll do anything you want, just don't take away my life!"

Hidan laughed at his enemy's pathetic attempt to obtain safety—didn't he know that Jashin-sama was so much more important than anything this shinobi coward could possibly offer?

"Heh…pitiful," Hidan scowled while absent-mindedly twirling a shuriken between his fingers, examining the landscape around him as if he was bored. "You didn't even attempt to fight back…what a pussy. You truly deserve to die now."

The shinobi gulped audibly, discretely looking around for any signs of back-up help from his ninja squad.

"Ah ah ah…I don't fucking think so!" Hidan shouted, throwing his shuriken without a moment's hesitation, nailing his opponent directly in the shoulder.

"AGH!" the shinobi choked, grabbing his shoulder instinctively. His eyes widened as dark-red blood began pouring from his shoulder, soaking the clothes around the wound.

Hm…time to have some fun here; I'm beginning to lose interest. Hidan gripped his victim by the neck and pinned up against a nearby tree trunk, smirking darkly as he held up another knife in his hand. "It's scum like you that really pisses me off…you're runners, followers, and always the same—you want responsibility, and when you finally get it, fear overcomes you and you completely break down, expecting your comrade buddies to once again bail you out of a tight fix. Am I right?"

"I—" the shinobi began, at a loss for words. He moved both hands up to where Hidan had a firm grasp around his throat, wishing that this would all be over quickly.

"You what?" Hidan asked, plunging a knife directly in the side of the victim, laughing all the while, the sound a piercing screech to the ears.

His prey gasped again, cut off suddenly when he began coughing up ample amounts of blood. Hidan's laughter increased in pleasure and satisfaction by the victim's pain; he took hold of the knife's handle, twisting it inside the shinobi's body simply for the sake of further brutality.

With a final ear-ringing shriek, the shinobi fell face-down on the ground, his body cold, stiff, and completely pale.

"Are you quite done?" a voice said from behind the trees. "I don't think you could get much more enjoyment from stabbing a dead body, Hidan. Our job was to kill the guy, not dismantle his body beyond the point of recognition."

"Tch…" Hidan scoffed and rolled his eyes, leaning his back against the tree with a relaxed sigh. "Lord Jashin appreciates a job well done, Kakuzu. The likes of you wouldn't understand."

"No one understands you, Hidan. I don't even believe you understand yourself." Kakuzu emerged from the edge of the woods, picked up the corpse from the ground and threw him over his right shoulder with a grunt. "The only god I serve is whoever pays me."

"What a wonderful moral to live by," Hidan responded sarcastically, folding his arms and turning up his nose to the sky.

"Ha, like yours are any better."

A/N: Just a plotless oneshot--an in-depth look into the killing of Hidan's victims. I was feeling quite violent that day...and I wrote it on a flight to Washington DC. How ironic. Hope you enjoyed!