A/N Sorry for the wait! Thanks for the reviews (: (ShadowWolfDagger, your review made me laugh! Haha, evil cat!) If this seems OOC, it's because I've tried to make it as though they were different, before they met David. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5: Abnormal Familiarisation

This so wasn't funny. David stared at the young man in front of him, marvelling at his...his, well, almost his aura. He had just had something about him, something which had compelled him to follow.

"Who are you?" David whispered dreamily, he couldn't focus on anything except this young man.

The man grinned toothily, "I would happen to be the one and only Dwayne."

David shook his head, "Dwayne?" Now, that named sounded familiar to David; but he couldn't place it...

Dwayne nodded stonily, his eyes never leaving David's. David blinked a few times...the spell was broken.

He focused his eyes on Dwayne properly. He was a tall man, well built, with a deep, natural tan. His aura radiated a calm exterior, but it had something missing. Dwayne wasn't a leader, he was a follower.

David fell into his natural position, regaining his composure, "what the hell are you trying to do to me?"

Dwayne paused, before gesturing at their surroundings. David blinked once again; he'd never even noticed where they were. He had almost been a trance, this intriguing Dwayne had altered his perception; he could barely remember the last few minutes.

They were in an old hotel. Clearly it had remained unused for a good stretch of time; dust littered all the furniture, the air held a musty scent, and most importantly, the place was a wreck.

David stepped forward, this place held an undeniable pull to him. He felt right here.

But why had Dwayne brought him here?

He looked at him with questioning eyes, but he didn't want to ask. David didn't like being under someone else's control – he certainly wasn't going to let Dwayne think he had the upper hand.

Dwayne spoke, without waiting for a question, "a certain person, at least I guess you could say person, told me to bring you here."

What? Could say person? Insinuating a non-human had asked him to do this.

David glared at him, "I don't know what type of crack you've been smoking, but I'm too old for fairy-tales."

Dwayne smirked, "that's what I said, at first."

He sat down on the fountain, which occupied the centre of the room, "besides, don't you like it here?"

David shrugged; he wasn't telling this Dwayne anything. Dwayne sighed, "He said this would be hard..."

David looked up suspicious, "who is he?"

Dwayne sighed, "I'm not supposed to tell you. I'm just doing him a favour."

David wondered what to do next, who the hell was this person he was talking about? And who really was Dwayne?

It was almost like David had asked these questions aloud.

Dwayne leapt to his feet lightly, dusting the dirt from his clothes, "It doesn't matter. So, what do you say? Want to find out who I really am?

David looked at him curiously; this man would be a good person to have as a friend. Clearly, he was strong, obedient, and good at following orders. But David didn't need friends. Friends just got you down, got in the way; became just another person for you to concern yourself with.

Dwayne could maybe help him, however.
There was something stimulating about him.

"All right. Who are you?"

Dwayne grinned, showing his teeth, "it's not who I am; it's what I am."

David looked bemused, "sorry? I'm not here to listen to riddles."

Dwayne continued to grin, "You're here, because he wants you to be. I'm not human, David."

David's expression became exasperated, "I'm not playing whatever fucked up game you are playing. I think I'll take my leave now."

He turned away, intent on getting away from Dwayne; this was getting too freaky for his liking.

Dwayne didn't move a muscle, "you sure? It is rather nice here."

David tried to continue on, but after another wistful glance around, he paused. If he stayed here, he wouldn't have to live off of Max. He could have his own place. But what did Dwayne want in return?

Dwayne stalked forward, "you want to stay here? Then it's all good. You've just got to become like me."

David once again threw him a distrustful and perplexed look, "well, what are you?"

Dwayne paused, as though considering the question, he placed one hand upon David's arm; "do you want to live forever, David? Do you want to stay young?"

That was it.

David angrily shook off Dwayne's arm – which was surprisingly difficult.

"Listen, okay? I ain't some kid, so you can either tell me the truth or just piss off."

"You're so touchy...just answer the question."

David sighed heavily, tired of this charade, "doesn't everyone?"

Dwayne suddenly looked very intimidating to David, "would you stop answering a fucking question with a question? Answer it."

David felt vulnerable, backed off into a corner, he didn't like the sensation.

"Fine. Yeah, sure I would. But it's all just stories, so back off, okay?"

Dwayne seemed to shrink in on himself, he breathed heavily, tempering himself.

When he spoke, his voice had returned to that calmness he had possessed earlier, "good, good. He will be pleased to hear it. I'll come back later, David. Or not, it all depends."

Dwayne flashed him another sharp-toothed grin. David blinked, felt a slight gust of air, and an empty spot now lay before him.

Just what exactly was going on?

It was only later, when David was deliberating over his conversation with Dwayne; that he realised, not once had he considered Marko or his predicament.