Reviews for Max's Revenge
Onlyindreams145 chapter 6 . 2/27/2013
i love this
I'm.Crazy.All.The.Time chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Oh, wow, I'm glad I came across this. I've always wondered how the boys came to be. Well, there is a script on it, but it's nice to see how an author thinks it is.

Max... I deteste the man so much, and I've never liked David either, but when a fic is good, I'm prepared to spend my time reading a story on David.

I have instantly found a hate for this Jasper, and when reading this first chapter, I was hoping Max was going to eat him right there and then.

You say this man is Max's brother. Real brother I take it? Do explain that one. I assumed, well see, Max to be very old, so I'm quite confused at that. Being so, if it is his real brother, does Jasper know about Max being a vampire?

So far, I'm liking this.

CarvedKid chapter 6 . 7/9/2010
Loved this chapter. And the tension between David and Dwayne was great. I love the fact that David wasn't the first member of the gang, so to speak and how you wrote the interaction between the two :)

I love your writing. I'm always excited for your updates whenever I recieve the email so, please, update very soon. I'm eager for more. :)
southernvampirepirate chapter 6 . 7/7/2010
I like your Dwayne, he's cool! Love it :)jess
CarvedKid chapter 5 . 6/24/2010
I find myself hating cliffhangers argh, especially when there's a story I really like and get engrossed into reading lol. Excellent job, I am loving this one. And I love the backstory with Max. :) Please update soon!
ShadowWolfDagger chapter 5 . 6/20/2010
Ah! Evil fudging cliffhangers! (ow! I actually let out a silent scream, then my cat clawed my head)

Love the new chapter, cliffhanger and all, can't wait (though I will…if I must…hehe) to find out what is going on and what happened to David ;}

Horror Goddess chapter 5 . 6/19/2010
I'm loving this story so much and I can't wait to read more :-D
southernvampirepirate chapter 5 . 6/16/2010
Okay, whats going on? where did David go and who snapped that twig? i love Marko! just saying. love this chapter, update soon! :) jess
southernvampirepirate chapter 4 . 6/16/2010
Poor David, it would really suck to have to know someone like his mother much less deal with her. I love Marko and the fact that you make him talk in his sleep! it's so cute!

:) Jess
mullet chapter 4 . 6/9/2010
please write more, this was fabulously written.
ShadowWolfDagger chapter 4 . 6/6/2010
That was...AWESOME...I loved how you played out the scene where David is waking up Marko - David acts like such an older brother to Marko, that part of you just has to find it, dear I say (why yes I do) cute, there I said it but it is true -'

And the scene/ending with David dealing with his mother (not much of a mother though) - and the one comment David made "She deserved to suffer as he and Marko had" gets my mind a wondering ;]

ShadowWolfDagger chapter 3 . 6/1/2010
YAY! You added Marko way earlier then I thought you would - I love the new updates, they were awesome -

southernvampirepirate chapter 3 . 6/1/2010
well this was new! i don't really ever see a story with Thorn's point of veiw in it. i think you did a very good job on it and made it your own! poor Thorn. please update soon! :) jess
southernvampirepirate chapter 2 . 6/1/2010
Hey! i like how you have brought Marko into the story. I also like how you have David acting, it seems to fit the human side of him.I'm likeing it alot! please update soon! :) Jess
callandra chapter 2 . 5/31/2010
Nice! I'm liking David when he's human. It's nice to read something where he's not completely different as a human than as a vampire. And I like the idea of him actually being related to Max. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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