Chapter 8~

Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is this story except for the OC's.




Many thanks to the most awesome of betas Hero-of-the-Dawn.

Here is chapter 8! Who's excited?

Cloud hates his fucking life. Or maybe just P.E. considering for the last twenty or so minutes he has been pelted with rubber red balls the size of his head a countless amount of times. Because of course the sport for today was dodge ball. Of fucking course.

"Cloud please stop glaring. You're starting to scare the rest of the team." Sora said to try and diffuse his anger but just directed that glare to himself. "Or just continue, whichever. Hahaha..."

"I'm getting tired of being hit every fucking second when I can easily dodge all of them. I'm in pain because I had to get fucking shot yesterday. I'm pissed that I am the only one being targeted on our entire fucking team. I'm pissed at Squall for fucking leaving. I'm pissed that I've had to deal with fucking asshole Jocks today. I'm pissed that HQ's most likely mad at me for not calling when we weren't even supposed to go on a fucking mission until next week; and lied to us about there not being another Slayer near. I'm pissed about lunch. I've had a fucking killer migraine since I got up today. I've had a really fucking bad day and it's no where near over. You can at least allow me to glare as much as I please, Sora, less you want to explain why I went insane and killed fifteen human student because of a dodge ball game." Cloud ground out quietly as to not be heard by the humans around them and got hit once again by another red fucking ball. "God dammit."

Sora began to feel guilty. Things have been really harder for Cloud lately. Traverse base fought Cloud the whole way up until they moved about relocating and taking care of him and Roxas. Their older brother had to fight to have custody of them, have been fighting for it since he was 14, though it should of automatically transferred after their change. Life never seemed to make things easy for Cloud.

Cloud never made things easy for Cloud, now that he thought of it. He always took care of everyone and everything, the only reason he took care of himself was because Sora and Roxas wouldn't allow him not too. Cloud tries so hard to be happy for them and be the adult that he was forced to become so young that he should be allowed to just be angry for a while. After all he has a lot of justifiable reasons to be mad.

"I'm sorry." Sora said quietly, making Cloud look to him lost.


"I'm sorry that HQ is shitty. That you have to deal with the asshole Jocks. That I couldn't get to you before you got shot. That Squall decided to be a piece of shit. That Roxas and I make everything harder for you. I don't know." Sora said tearily. Cloud eyes widened and his expression dampened.

"Oh no, baby no. Come here." The blond said softly, pulling Sora towards him and then out walked them out the door for privacy sake.

"What about-"

"Fuck P.E.. You're more important. Now where did this come from?" Cloud soothed, running his hands up and down his brothers arms.

"I don't know?" Sora said questioningly. "It's just yo-you, I shouldn't have implied that you shouldn't be mad. You're allowed to be angry, or sad or stressed. A-and I know it's usually because of us that HQ or really everybody gives you a hard time, and I know it was because of us that you and Squall f-fought, and why you got riled up enough to tick off that girl who controls those meatheads. And I'm so sorry." Sora finished, short of breath with tears falling down his cheeks.

Cloud pulled him forward and Sora threw his arms around the blond, taking the comfort. Cloud ran his fingers through the brunette locks, making shushing noises.

"Oh my sweet boy. You have no reason to be sorry. Absolutely no reason. If anyone should apologize it should be me."


"Yes, I should. I shouldn't have been taking my anger out on you. Out of all things I am to you the most important of those roles is that I'm your big brother and that means fighting for you. That's why HQ, and Squall and that bitch makes me angry. That I shouldn't be allowed to take care of you or shouldn't put you first or take care of you, that's what makes me mad. Is taking care of you and Roxas trying and difficult at times? Yes. I'm trying to be the very best guardian I can be while being your brother and your squad leader. Does that mean I regret or don't want to do it because it's hard? Absolutely not. Because being able to take care of you and being able to love you two has been and always will be the greatest pleasure and privilege that I've been given. I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you two and that will never ever change." Cloud said. He pulled away to look Sora in the eye, cradling his face in his hands to wipe away the tears.

"The greatest things are always the hardest to fight for. But it is always worth it. And I am willing to fight to the death and beyond for you and your brother to be healthy and happy. Okay?"

Sora smiled though his sniffles and happy tears.


"Now, shall we go back?" Cloud asked, gesturing to the door behind him. Sora looked at the door before smiling and shook his head.

"Fuck P.E.. Let's cuddle out here instead."

"Haha, okay but you're going to have to explain to Roxas why we left him to those vultures."


"Where the fuck did you two go?!" Roxas asked slightly hysterical as he stumbled out of the gymnasium doors. "Why did you abandon me?!"

Sora giggled as he was nudged forward by a grinning Cloud.

"We're sorry, Roxas. I was emotionally compromised and needed to step out for a little while." Sora explained. Roxas stopped glaring and asked concerned,

"Are you okay?"

Sora nodded and hesitated before speaking again.

"Can I have a hug though?" And before he even finished asking Roxas gathered his twins in his arms.

"You don't got to ask, dummy." Roxas spoke.

"Right." Sora sighed happily.

"Everything alright here?" Reno asked tentatively as he came out to see a the hugging twins and Cloud smiling affectionately. The boys pulled apart to address the redhead, Roxas' arm staying on Sora's back.

"We're good here! How was the battle?" Sora asked comically.

"Pretty boring actually, with Lockhart missing and all." Reno replied.

"Yeah, she wasn't there, was she?" Roxas asked rhetorically. Cloud glanced at him as they walked down the hall to get away from the bustling students switching classes.

"You think she's up to something?" The eldest blond asked. Roxas shrugged.

"Perhaps. From the incidents of yesterday I would say yes." Cloud nodded along in thought.

"Then keep on your toes. I've got to get to Maths. Meet you by the car."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Cloud mutters angrily. Right before him was his brothers sitting on the hood of the car surrounded by the same homophobic assholes from before. "May I fucking help you?"

They turned to the glaring but relatively calm Strife storming up to them. The largest bastard smirked smugly, the others following suit.

"Just having a little chat with these fags."

"Why are you talking to cigarettes?" Roxas asked boredly.

"What?" The jock asked dumbly before glaring daggers at the youngest Strife. "What you talking 'bout cocksucker?"

"Oh good they do know more then two insults!" Sora exclaimed cheerfully.

"But they are still uncultured swine. Not even knowing what a fag is." Roxas debated as the Jock started to fume.

"I know what a fag is! There is two right in front of me!"

"No dear. What's in front of you are a couple of flaming homosexuals." Sora explained using a tone appropriate for pre-k children.

"You are a couple of faggots!"

"Why are you talking about twigs, mate?" The elder Sinclair asked as he walked up, his brother and Leon following behind him. The jocks had a instantaneous reaction to the Soldiers presence.

"No reason. Hahaha..." The Jock laughed nervously.

"We're teaching these fuckfaces how to properly insult someone. Wanna help?" Roxas spoke.

"Though just to warn you they are quite slow. It took them a couple days just to come up with a new derogatory name, though it isn't very insulting. Is it brother?" Sora asked his twin, ignoring the steadily reddening Jock.

"It was a weak attempt. Gays obviously suck cock."

"It's kind of the whole point, dear." Sora explained to the Jock.

Cloud could hear Squall snort from beside a snickering Axel.

"You fucking-" Cloud could see the jock ready his fist and start to swing. And he did nothing. Because of what soon followed next. As the fist aimed for Sora's face the brunette simply dodged, making the Jock stumble forward from too much swing. The poor boy fell towards a impassive Roxas who shot his leg out and made impact with the Jocks groin. With a breathless squick the Jock went to his knees, cradling his dick, and was promptly kicked in the face with Sora's tiny foot. And that's how you lay someone out.

"I don't think anybody's going to be sucking anything of yours for a while." Sora said. Roxas scoffed.

"Like this nimrod could get any action."

"Oh please, Roxas. The mans a poet. Didn't you hear him?"

The twins looked at each other and broke down in cackles in moments. Cloud smirked as the rest of the jocks took a step back, one bumping directly into him. The boy startled around to face him and paled with fear.

"I'd go and report back to your 'queen' now, honey. Unless you want a turn at the Sora and Roxas show." The boys were gone before the blond finished. Cloud watched to make sure they fully left before addressing his brothers. "Beautifully done. The cackle was a nice touch. It can instill fear into the hearts of the bravest men, I'm sure."

"Thank you, brother." They replied with beaming smiles.

"That was great! Did you hear the fucking squeak he made?! And their faces! Hahaha!" Axel wheezed out.

Sora hopped off the hood and playfully bowed. "We aim to entertain."

"Yes, yes. Can we go home now?" Roxas huffed, crossing his arms.

"Sure thing. Say bye now." The Strifes waved and loaded themselves into the car.

"What a day." Cloud sighed.

"You mean what a week." Roxas corrected.

"It's not over yet."

The twins groaned.

'I feel you.' Cloud thought.

"So I called Spencer up about getting you boys a job. He said come in Friday after school for an interview." Cloud announced as he was cutting up cabbage for dinner.

"And what sort of job is it again?" Roxas asked looking up from his homework; math going from his expression.

"Whatever he needs help with at his Cafe. So jobs like bus boys, waiters, cashiers, dishwashers. Stuff like that."

"Not bad." Sora sighed. "Sounds better then our last job."

"Of course it does Sora. I'm tired of fucking vacuuming a whole office complex. And scrubbing the walls, because god forbid they start building up dust the very next day." Roxas griped.

"Oh stop it. At least we never had to work in the fast food industry. Goodness knows you can't handle the stress of interacting with people on a friendly level."

"I can handle people. I just can't bother with simpletons."

"Excuse me, your highness. Can you delay your impending speech about the unfairness of society after you've set the table?" Cloud interrupted Roxas before he opened his mouth again. Both Sora and himself have heard this rant a million times, and it never really gets old.

"Hello! Injured person over hear!" Roxas waved his braced wrist, as if they forgotten.

"I'm sure you can handle setting out the silverware, Roxas. Though if you really feel you're that handicapped I suppose we should let you be, huh Sora? And since you can't stand even silverware surely you'll need help dressing as well. And brushing your hair and teeth. Not to mention eating." Cloud listed.

"And don't forget showering!" Sora chimed in.

"Nope! I feel fine! I can do cartwheels I feel so good! No need to go out of your way for any of that. Silverware you said?" Roxas stood up hastily to the utensil drawer and ignored his brothers laughter.

"Oh glorious Saturday! How I love thee!" Sora sighed as he sunk further into the couch with North & South on the television.

"Let's enjoy it while we can. We go back to the ol' grind next weekend." Roxas says as he walked in balancing bowls filled with sliced fruit and mugs of ice coffee. "Little help here."

Cloud reached up behind him and grabbed the mugs and a bowl, dispensing them on the coffee table. "How'd you like Spencer, anyhow?"

"My god he's pretty." Sora sighed as Roxas nodded soberly in agreement, thinking of the blue eyed fair brunette that was now their boss. "But I like him just fine. I think I'll really like working for him."

"Oh so he was beardless? Spence always looks like a lesbian without his lumberjack beard." Cloud commented with a smirk. "Have you seen him smile yet?"

The twins shook their heads.

"Just don't drop anything. That's been known to happen. So who's going to be training you?"

"Someone named Yuta." Roxas supplied around a mouthful of nectarine.

"Good. You'll learn quickly then."

"When do you start at Topic?" Sora asked as he whipped at his twins dripping twin and dodging the fork being stabbed at him.

"Wednesday at 4:30pm. I'll have enough time to drop you off and change."

"Are you going to work weekends?"

"Whenever they need me when I don't have school or a mission."

"How's that going to work?"

"I just said I have a weak constitution and frequently need days off. As long I tell them plenty of time before my shift begins they said they can work around it."

"Well that's cool of them. And we're good at Nine's right?"

"With the whole time off thing? Yeah. Spencer comes from a Slayer family, knows how it goes and all that."

"Not that I'm not enjoying this important delve of information but I would really like to go back to watching the painful courtship of Margaret and Mr. Thornton." Roxas cut in.

"Then Pride and Prejudice after this?"

"Oh yeah. I'm always down for a soaking wet Colin Firth." Cloud said and hit resume.

"Boring!" Sora whined, leaning back in his chair.

"What? You thought science was going to be fun?" Roxas asked as he went over number thirteen of the Algorithm work sheet again.

"But science is fun!" Demyx defended.

"You like science 'cause you can blow shit up. Don't lie." Hayner grumbled.

"It's not that hard. Sophomore year was the easy stuff." Riku said as he watched Sora stare at a problem completely dumbfounded.

"Motherfucker we all ain't genius'." Roxas lifted his head to glare at the older vampire.

"Simmer down there, Rox. Why don't I help you where you're stuck? I'm great with chemistry." Axel grinned and laugh as the blond tried to smack the back of his head.

"You shut up, fuckwit. I can do this myself."

"Roxas has reached the 'cursing like sailor will fix everything' stage of the homework session." Sora confided as he lean into Riku space. They shared a laugh as Roxas turned his glare to them. Riku gazed down at the giggling brunette fondly and asked,

"Would you like help?"

"You can try."

Cloud was keeping a eye on them from another table in the library. He loved his brothers but he just can't do his work when trying to focus on threatening Axel while figuring out why 'Gone With the Wind' was considered a classic. Honestly all he came away from reading it was a whiny brat not getting her way and racism.

"I'm impressed." Squall said as he sat down across from him. Cloud looked at him with a raised eyebrow.


"I remember when you wouldn't let them be less then a foot from you. Now look at you. At a whole other table and keeping the glaring to a minimum." Squall smirked at the grumpy look he received.

"First," Cloud started, throwing a sassy finger up. "I was never that bad. They had to be within five rooms of me."

"My bad."

"Also they can take care of themselves now."

"So they've been on their first solo mission then?"

"... Correction, they can take care of idiots within my eyesight."

"You're going have to let them go at some point."

"No I don't. Why do you think I switched teams when they graduated?"

"I thought was to get away from me."

"Don't be so conceited. Besides I loved working with you. You weren't a douche-canoe back then."

"Douche-canoe?" Reno asked curiously as he, Zack and two strangers approached.

"Look, there are only so many times I can call someone a fuckface, dickbag and cunt. I need to freshen up my vocab a little."

"Is that even considered proper vocabulary?" The stranger with the long black hair asked.

"It is now, hun. And you are?"


"And I'm Rufus Shinra." The white blond held a hand to shake which Cloud readily took.

"Cloud, any relation to that cowering little thing in the principles chair?"

"Well I certainly wouldn't call him little but unfortunately yes I am. He is my cousin a few times removed."

"Did all the pretty genes happen to go to you then?" Reno choked as Cloud said that, expecting Rufus to grow fangs about it like he does for him.

"Mother gave me those." Rufus said calmly, amused brow raised.

"She did well."

"I'd like to think so. So did yours, I just love your eyes."

"Believe it or not they came from my Papa."

"But didn't I hear your Father was a Japanese man?" Rufus asked with surprise.

"Thoroughbred too. No one knows where he got 'em." The younger blond said with a shrug.


"Yeah, I know."

Silence overcame the six as the blonds quieted.

"So," Zack started. "Do you need any help with that Cloud?"

"Oh, this? Nah, I can get it done. How's your Home EC project going?" He asked kindly.

"Well, it's going." Zack said sheepishly.

"If you count catching the kitchen on fire twice 'going'." Reno cackled.

"Shut up! I didn't realize that alcohol was that flammable."

"I take it you're not a big cook." Cloud stated and smiled at the older mans pink grin.

"Basic stuff that come in a box are easy and I can make a mean sandwich but after that I'm useless."

"We can help!" Sora chimed in from behind them, obviously unashamed at his eavesdropping. Roxas face palmed at his twins lack of tact.

"If you want that is." Cloud added.

"That would be great!"

The bell rang indicating the next class is about to begin.

"By the way Cloud, Siska is going to call you later." Squall informed the three slayers quietly as the two groups dispersed.

The young man raised his brow curiously.

"Sisky? What's he need?"

"New info concerning the other borders. Section 3 has been experiencing some difficulties."


"Where's Section 3?" Sora asked, having not remember the new sections yet.

"An area named Neitmare. Otherwise known as Halloween Town by it's locals."

"What are you watching?" Roxas groaned as he walked into Sora's room.

Cloud was working the closing shift leaving the two boys to themselves.

"Oliver and Company."

"Oh my god yes, scooch over. Love this movie." He muttered and collapsed onto front on the bed beside the upright Sora.

The two sat in silence, watching the film for a while. Sora couldn't but notice that Roxas would occasionally glance at him with a calculating eyes. The seventh time it happened he sighed and asked,


"What?" Roxas parroted.

"Why do you keep looking at me? Do you need something?"

"Naw. It's just..." Roxas trailed off before starting back up when Sora started looking annoyed. "You really seem into him, that's all."

"Into who?"


"What?" Sora asked surprised. "Well I guess. He's nice to me and doesn't seem to mind my hyper energy. He's a cool friend."

"No. I mean you like him more then a friend."

Sora heaved another sigh.

"Stop doing that. You're starting to sound like Cloud." Roxas warned.

"You know we're the cause of half his exasperation right?"

"No duh. But it's more of a fond exasperation then anything."

"True." Sora smiled softly before it faded with the next sentence. "Cloud puts up with too much. I don't know how he does it."

Roxas hummed and thought for a moment. "It's us."


"You said 'how does he do it'. He does it for us. Because he loves us."

"That's not very fair. Receiving trouble to be rewarded with more trouble."

"No it isn't very fair. But you can't deny if the positions we're reversed you'd do the same."

"But that's the thing, Rox. I don't know if I could." Sora confessed in a whisper and a shameful look.

"You could." Roxas said without doubt. "You have too big of a heart. And your far too bullheaded to give up."

Sora giggled. "We get that from Cloud."

"We get that from Mom." Roxas corrected. The reaction was instantaneous as the happiness flooded from Sora again.

"Yeah we do." The brunette said quietly. From the few seconds of silence he hesitantly continued. "What do you remember about Mom?"

"Not much." Roxas admitted. "I remember she was stubborn, that she smelt of snow and campfires, that Dad would always smile when she laughed; even when he was mad."

"Like the time Uncle Xem tried to make smoothies with us, thinking it was a safe bet, and the blender exploded that liquid poison all over the kitchen." Sora said with a small smile.

"And Dad just couldn't process it until you started crying because onions could still make you cry and it was all over your shirt and he lost his shit." Roxas laughed.

"Then Mom came in, saw Xem flailing about trying to get Dad to stop biting his hand when he tried to reach for you, Dad was kneeling on the ground with you in his arms. And she just busted out laughing."

"Dad started smiling with his teeth still digging into Xem's hand." Roxas finished and the boys continued to giggle remembering the look of confused pain on their Uncles face. They eventually calmed down and Sora smiled sadly.

"It's getting harder to remember. All I can end up thinking about is..."

"When they died?" He asked bluntly and received a nod. "I know. Me too."

They stayed silent for a while longer, watching as Oliver was rescued.

"We should look through those boxes. The ones that were left by Mom and Dad. All of us should do that sometime." The youngest finally said.

"Just not now."

"Just not now." Roxas agreed. "Besides you need to figure out your feelings for Pretty Boy first."

Sora rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"I don't like Riku!"

"Yes you do. You always pull on your bangs when you're near someone you're crushing on."

"I- He- Fine! I think he's charming! And he has pretty eyes... But I'm not going to do anything about it!"

"Still waiting for Mr. Perfect then?"

"I don't want to fall in love with someone who isn't my mate. You saw how that worked out for Cloud."

"Cloud and Squall were well aware that they weren't forever when they started their torrid love affair, Sora." Roxas reminded. "Besides what if Riku was your mate? What would you do then?"

"I don't know because he isn't. I've only known him for a week anyhow. Now are we done or are we going to start with your flirtations with Axel?"

"Firecrotch? What does anything have to do with him?"

"You become aggressive towards people you like."

"Sora, I'm just an aggressive person. You know this."

"Fine! Live in denial. Now help me find something else to watch."


"BBC Watson?"

"Fuck yes."

"Are you sure you this is a small and not an extra small? I'm a size 7 and this doesn't fit me."

Cloud's eye twitched and forcibly exhaled though his nose. For the last half hour this fourteen year old 'emo' girl kept asking for the completely wrong size. It wasn't that she was fat, not by far, but her body was curvy. Full chested and wide hips. Mediums would fit her fine. Why won't she take a fucking medium?! A size 7 is a medium!

"Yes miss, that is a small. Perhaps you need the next size up." He suggested and quickly regretted it as he saw her tense up.

"Are you saying I'm fat?!"

"No. I'm saying you're clearly a curvy young lady and curvy women typically shop in the medium to large section since their bust size don't typically fit into anything smaller without looking like you're shopping in the kids section. You're about a C cup correct?"

She nodded and looked considering, and maybe a little insulted, before grabbing a medium and disappeared into the dressing room once more. A couple minutes later she returned looking sheepish.

"You were right. Sorry for causing such hassle."

"There is nothing wrong with bigger sizes, sweetie. You can wear mediums and still look skinny, that's why bigger sizes are carried." Cloud soothed with a weary but kind voice, irritation still there but his big brother instincts kicked in over that.

"Thank you. I'll just buy this and be out of your hair."

The girl went on her way with no further problems, with a bashful smile and a concerning blush. That left Cloud to finish closing down for the evening with no further problem. It was in the middle of his sweep that his phone rang with a familiar tone.

"Cloud Strife." He answered.

"Hey boi! How's it hanging man?" A man's enthusiastic reply came.

"You know the same ol' grind. How's it going with you Sisky?" Cloud heard him sigh on the other end.

"Not great Cloud. Things have been stirring up here more then usual. It actually has Jack concerned."

"Jack? King of Spooks and Screams Jack? The hell is going on over there?"

Jack was a near unfaltering man. The only time Cloud has known the man to waiver in his happy like nonchalance was when Sally came into his life.

"Someone's been making a lot of newborns lately. Thing is they don't remember how they turned, who turned them."

Cloud sighed with irritation.

"That's not that unusual Siska."

"But that's not the ringer."

"What is then?"

"They have no sign of being bitten, having foreign blood in them. It's like they were born vampires but that isn't possible since I know some of the people and they were human as can be last week."

Stunned silence followed, Cloud staring at the wall befuddled.

"... That shouldn't be possible."

"No shit."

"How's the wooing going? Has he taken the hint yet?"

Riku looked up from his book to Axel leaning against his door frame.

"Better then your obvious flirtations with Roxas. Have you gotten a concussion from how many times he's hit your head yet?"

"More like how's my shins? Little brat can kick I tell you." Axel groaned playfully with a grin.

"You enjoy every hit you masochist."

"I can't help it! His blush makes my weak heart flutter."

Riku let out a sharp bark of laughter.

"Almost as cute as Sora's flushed cheeks whenever you smile at him." Axel teased.

"Lay off or I'll tell Cloud you're attempting a threesome with his younger brothers."

The redhead paled and frantically shook his head.

"Dear god no. Please don't."

"Can't blame you. He is rather scary." Riku assented with a shrug.

"More like terrifying even with his pretty face." The other man grumbled.

"You want to know the actually terrifying reality?"

Riku's wicked grin made Axel wary of asking,

"What's that?"

"He'll eventually be living with us."

All the blood drained from his face and Riku burst into laughter.

"Minerva save us all."

The prayer went unheard to the Goddess but it sure made his friend start crying from his amusement.