Dreams, Lies, and Faceless Masks

If all we liked

Could simply come by willpower

If all we hated

Could vanish away when we wanted

We would live in such a beautiful world

All we wanted near, all we hated gone

Love, freedom, life

Ghosts, guilt, lies

Living a creation of our own

Living our fake reality


------Chapter I: Awakening------

Toluca Lake was at peace, once again. In contrast to the previous nights, when the water took every boat, every lonely soul daring to approach the lake, engulfing them in its wild waves, now the soft movement and calm breeze were back. The shore, hurt of the abuse from the other nights, now rested peacefully caressed by the soft little waves that touched the sand.

Said waves, moving softly like a hand cupping the most delicate object, caressed clothing, hair, leather and skin. Softly, making strands of blond hair float when the water pooled around its owner, the water kept touching the already soaked clothes and teased the skin now, waiting for a response. A constant reminder of cold, pain, shivers, and things only something capable to feel could sense. Something alive.

Slowly, the water making said effects, the man lying on the shore face-down into the sand came back to his senses. First it was those feelings -cold, pain, and shivers-, then it was movement, after that came taste: Sand on his mouth. Coughing, using the strength he thought was nonexistent to pull his face and torso away from the sand, he reached out and rubbed his nose, again because of the sand, the salty and dirty smell of wet dirt everywhere.

And then came sight.

Painful, decisive sight. Just a glance at the sand, at the water that appeared sometimes, and the hands -his own hands- holding him up, and reality was back. Hitting him in the face so hard his arms gave out and he fell with his face into the sand, again. Hiding his eyes from the truth. Hiding his sobs from himself.

He couldn't hide it for too long - his whole body was shaking with his sobs, quickly turning into full-blown crying. Pulling his face away from the sand, the blond man brushed away his tears, still not believing what he was seeing, or what he was feeling.

And that was exactly the problem; he was feeling.

He was alive.

Alive and crying. After going through a living hell, after facing so many emotions, after his whole being collapsed with the truth… After all he had wanted was a peaceful, eternal rest, he was back and alive. And crying. He hadn't shed a single tear during his whole trip, and it seemed they all wanted to come out now, mixing with the water the came in soft, slow waves.

But he needed to be strong. He needed to face his situation, stand straight, and do something about it. He got on his knees, sighing. He wasn't good at facing things.

"Open your eyes."

Suddenly, a shiver. He hadn't even realized his eyes were tightly closed. He opened them, green orbs aching because of the sudden light, and saw red. He felt his blood starting to boil, hands trembling at the sight before him. So he wasn't alone at all.

"Y-You." He muttered, hatred filling the only word he was able to spill. Before him was that sick, twisted monster he had seen before - the red pyramid thing, or as he called, Pyramid Head. Before he could rage at the monster all the pent-up frustration he had, a heavy boot slammed against his chest, pushing him to his back into the water rather pathetically.

"Do not talk." The monster talked again, his voice sending chills up and down the blonde's spine. His voice felt like a hand groping around his body, almost scaring him to death with every word.

"Where's Mary?" He demanded, sitting in the sand, not even caring about the water. He was already soaked, anyway. "Where is she?!"

"Dead, resting." Pyramid Head walked closer to him, making the man flinch a little. He couldn't help it; the bloodied apron and the huge red pyramid helmet were more than just shocking. "Unlike you."

"You were… You t-took me from… Y-You."

"Yes, James."

The man shook his head, not able to handle his anger anymore. He was hugging his wife, trying to give her corpse his warmth before they both fell with the car into the lake, and now this monster came and ripped them apart. He had savored sweet, painless death, and now he was back into the reality he hated to face: his life.

"You can't die yet."

"Says who?!" James snapped, standing up. His clothes felt awfully uncomfortable sticking to his body, but he couldn't care less. He was about to start a blind run through the lakeshore, away from the monster to clear his mind and think of something to do, but a giant knife stained with blood blocked his way, reading his mind.

"It doesn't matter. You have things to do here in Silent Hill."

"I hope one of them is dying." James couldn't really believe how those words came from his mouth, but they did. He was convinced. There wasn't any other way to go, not after doing what he did.

"You left something undone." The knife lowered, and Pyramid Head walked closer to James, making the man step back into the water that was now almost reaching his knees. "Finish this task, and you shall be free."

"What task?" The man ran a hand through his hair, trying to keep the bangs away from his eyes. He couldn't miss any movement from the red demon that could slice him in two at any moment. He wouldn't mind, though - Death was welcomed no matter how.

"Laura. She's planning things that can get out of her hands."

"…W-What things?"

"Mary's rebirth."

James seemed in shock, and Pyramid Head let the information sink in, staring -or facing, in his case- at the confused man in front of him. The blonde opened his mouth, trying to say something, but the words were stuck on his throat. Laura wouldn't… She couldn't. Though, the little girl was pretty broken after he told her the news… That Mary was dead… Because of…

"N-No!" He screamed, backing more into the water. He eventually fell back, his legs trembling at his own thoughts. It was his fault if something happened to Laura. It was his fault. Everything was his fault. Couldn't the world just leave him alone? Let him be? Let him rest? He hadn't noticed, but with his whole body underwater, the waves were already carrying him away. He closed his eyes, pretending to let his head fall into the water too, but a firm, gloved hand grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him roughly out of the water.

"I already told you. You cannot die." His deep voice said again, before throwing James to the sand like some sort of puppet. "Stop Laura from getting involved with forces she cannot handle, and you shall be free."

The man got up, coughing and wiping the sand from his face once again. As soon as he was on his foot, though, the same strong hand held his shoulder, preventing him from running away.

"L-Leave me alone." He muttered, but the helmet before him shook from left to right. "What do you want from me?!"

"I want nothing. I have to make sure you remain alive until you fulfill your task."

"You won't be there to stop me every time." James pulled the gloved hand away, disgusted at feeling how it was wet and somewhat…sticky.

"Do not test me." The monster growled, this time his voice making James' legs tremble. How could he be so vulnerable? He was never like this before! "That said, come. I will give you shelter and Laura's location."

"I won't." The blonde walked away from the demon, trying his luck. Pyramid Head did nothing more than grip his Great Knife, pulling it closer to him.

"It's not a question."

"Going with you isn't an option for me, either." He answered, walking back slowly. He didn't know where he was, but fences could be jumped over, walls could be climbed, and in the worst case, the lake was still there. He stared as Pyramid Head moved slowly, facing away from him, and started walking away. Was it that easy? He finally gave up? James sighed, still eyeing the creature in case he came back, taking slow, careful steps away. Once he was sure the monster gave up, he turned around and ran for it.

But as soon as the lake, the shore behind him and the wall surrounding the small beach came into sight, and before his feet could even start moving, something hard hit the back of his head, turning everything into a blur that soon became pitch-black darkness.

Waking up never hurt that much, before. His eyelids felt heavy, his whole body numb. Like a ragdoll. James looked up around him, and found the world moving around him, yet he didn't feel his legs moving. Blinking, he realized he was actually hanging. He looked at the bloodied back in front of his face, and quickly looked back finding the back of a red helmet next to him.

"Let me go!" He demanded, but the hand on his back has holding him firmly in place, on the monster's shoulder.

"You woke up too soon." Pyramid Head simply replied, walking at a quicker pace. James let out a frustrated sigh and decided to look around: It was Silent Hill, at least. Streets he already knew. He noticed the monster wasn't carrying his Great Knife, and a bit of relief washed over him. But then he realized, relief? He wanted to die, for God's sake! And it didn't matter if it was ripped to pieces or impaled on a giant sword. He wanted and needed to see his wife again, and death was the only option. "You should stop thinking like that."

"Like what?" The blonde answered too fast, almost afraid. Was the monster reading his thoughts? Nonsense. Perhaps something had slipped out loud.

"Solutions aren't so simple." Was the simple answer, that left James to his thoughts. That wasn't true, sometimes they were… "Things like death won't fix everything."

"What do you know?" He mumbled, tired of the topic. He wasn't listening to any advice given by a twisted, repulsive monster.

"More than you know." Pyramid Head stopped near an alley, and shifted James so he was carrying him bridal-style, paying no attention to the blonde's protests. "Be quiet already."

"Let go!" James struggled to break free, but the monster's hands held him like chains. Frustrated, he let his head hang back, looking at the red helmet that apparently wasn't even listening to him. But then, did he even listen? And how? From his position, James caught a glimpse of what was under the helmet. He narrowed his eyes, if it wasn't for how dark it was, he could see if the creature was human, or if it even had a face. Whatever was under there was vital, too; he remembered that horrific battle against two of his kind and how they killed themselves. So it had to be a face, or a head… Perhaps if he got closer? If he tilted his head?

"Stop that."

Right when he was about to catch a glimpse of anything, James fell roughly on the street, glaring up at the monster.

"I wasn't doing anything." He replied, stubbornly. He was about to stand up, when a hand grabbed his hair, awkwardly forcing him to stay on his place. "Stop that--"

"Silence. Watch." Pyramid Head commanded, his helmet facing the end of the alley. James looked in that direction, seeing nothing but a part of the street and fog. He was about to complain or try to get away, when he saw her.


It almost broke his heart to see her. Her hair was still held up, but more strands were falling from her ponytail, giving her a messy look. She gave slow yet decided steps, but there was something in her eyes - she wasn't like before. The fierce, raw, childish energy was gone. Deeply, James felt like he had killed the poor child's spirit.

"Go after her." Pyramid Head ordered, snapping the man out of his thoughts. "Convince her to leave Silent Hill and leave things how they are."

"I can't…" James muttered, but before he could react, the strong hand threw him out of the alley, into the street. He fell roughly on his back, wondering how the monster could lift him with just one hand.

He had another business at hand, though. If he wanted to leave Silent Hill, to leave his life and leave this hell, he had to convince Laura. The girl that was now looking at him awkwardly.

"You." She spat, and James quickly got up, dusting off his clothes.

"Laura, I--"

"Shut up." Laura turned away from him, and walked away, ponytail dancing behind her. "I don't talk to murderers."

It was hard work. He followed her, trying to ignore the little pain growing in his heart. It almost felt like she had slashed at him.

"Don't follow me!" She snapped, turning around. James sighed, and tried to place a hand on her shoulder.

"Please, Laura, listen to me…"

"Why should I?!" She shrugged his hand off, backing away from him. James flinched lightly; was she scared of him? "You're a liar! A liar and a murderer!"

"I… I know." He sighed, his voice sounding slightly hoarse. Some things still were hard to say. "I-I know… But I care for you, Laura…"

"Really?" The girl tilted her head, her blue eyes piercing him. "You don't care for anyone, James!"

"Please, leave Silent Hill." James gritted his teeth, closing his eyes for a few seconds. Talking with Laura was turning difficult. Besides, he did care for people! He truly did! Laura knew nothing. Nothing at all.

"I won't. You leave the world, James. Do us all a favor!"

"This place is dangerous, Laura, please…" She didn't know. She didn't have any idea.

"I told you, I won't!"

"Please--" Not the slightest idea.

"Stop trying! You don't care! You never cared!" What did she know? She never felt anything, she wasn't on his shoes, she didn't…

Then why did it hurt so much?

"Don't follow me." Laura spat, and walked away quickly. When she was far, she started running, letting out a sob that still reached James ears. He looked up, seeing her small frame disappearing in the fog. She was crying. He made her cry.

This was turning yet again into a nightmare, way too fast.

Maybe it wasn't even the first time. All the time wandering, getting out of the hotel, getting to his car, then into the lake… Where was she? Broken, crying? Traveling alone around the town? She was with Eddie before, but… But he had killed Eddie too.

Just who was he? He slowly tore a poor little girl apart.

He was a monster.

"Where did she go?"

Speaking of the devil.

"I don't know." James muttered, eyes fixed on the street. He hadn't noticed when he fell on his knees; he didn't even know how much time had passed since Laura left. He just caught a glimpse of a long, dirty black boot, and he knew he had to do something.

"She's not the problem." The boot got closer to him. He knew it; James could feel the stare fixed on him. Even though the monster didn't have any visible eyes, he could almost touch the intense glare. "You are the problem."

"I'm not."

"You didn't do anything for her, James."


"I tried."

Now he could see both boots, closer to him. Slowly, he got up, his stare still fixed on the street. Laura didn't know, neither did Pyramid Head. He acted like he did, but he had no idea, not the slightest fucking idea.

"If you had tried, it would've worked out." The terrifying voice ran up and down his spine, pulling at his skin. It made him shiver, stumbling lightly to his side. He had to get away. He had no time to waste.

In a matter of seconds, his legs were dragging him away, running like he never had. He looked at his shoulder, and saw a piece of his jacket missing. He couldn't feel it now, but the strong grip that had tried to hold him in place left bruises. But it didn't matter. He had to focus, focus on running, running wherever his legs took him. He saw his surroundings, a familiar street, familiar buildings, a tall fence…

He quickly turned to his right and pushed open the doors, closing with a loud thud. He kept running, crashing against a wall, but never stopping. Maybe his nose was bleeding, but it didn't matter; he knew the place by heart - A few turns, and he pushed open a door, running up the stairs.

Disappearing in the darkness that was Brookhaven Hospital.

First chapter of this fanfic I'm working on. It's going to be big, or so I hope! ~ It'll be yaoi eventually, and the raiting will go up in the following chapters. Hope you guys like it!