Reviews for Dreams, Lies, and Faceless Masks
ashika pl chapter 6 . 6/5/2019
Do you have any idea how many people are sad that you haven't finished this? Are you even still alive? :(
sana-dracios chapter 1 . 1/14/2018
This story is one that haunts me. I’ll not think of it for weeks and months and then I’ll see fog, a strangely shaped shadow, or just be laying in my bed and it hits me, not the word but how i felt as I originally read them. This story means so much to me. I can’t really explain how it changed me. Its been 5 years. And that’s okay. I’m better then i was. I never did get around to playing the game and thats ok too. My only wish is that your doing well. May any and all gods look after you. Thank you.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/12/2017
I really hope you come back to continue on this after all these years, I still wanna see that part where it's finally some hot love ;c
Labelca chapter 7 . 5/8/2017
Please come back! This is a really good story! I love the way you describe James's sufferings and his growing affection for PH! Pls pls come back and continue with the story. I really want to find out what will happen. Love you!
Guest chapter 7 . 9/4/2016
I miss you come back!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/22/2016
Aw, I hope you come back to this wondering story! I would love to know what happens next and how it all ends!
TerrorInAGasMask chapter 2 . 6/3/2016
I really love this story XD my favorite SH story so far. Are you still continuing it?
shira chapter 7 . 5/9/2016
This story popped into my head yesterday and I search everywhere for it! I'm glad I refound it!
PaleAngel90 chapter 7 . 1/28/2016
Please update this story soon, cant wait to read more :)
veronika chapter 7 . 11/28/2015
its been 5 years since chapter 7 o
kadaj chapter 7 . 8/12/2015
what can I say..I wish so damn much that you finish this story! best one I have ever red so far with this pairing! so many years have passed, and I still keep checking - maybe today..!

..but I still have hope and will be coming back here, to check for updates!
thank you for sharing this story!
keep chugging chapter 7 . 5/2/2015
I still pop back here every now and again when the story pops up in my head. It's been a few years since i last checked. I love this story. Its what made me play the game(s). I hope one day you continue.
Kanel-Novice Writer chapter 7 . 11/21/2014
Very interesting story, though thi s has been on hiatus for 4 years u.u
Kidiu chapter 7 . 11/3/2014
Gah, it's been almost 4 years! I absolutely love this story, I'm infinitely eager to see where the plot is headed, and especially to see James' relationship with PH develop.

I hope you continue!
Adelina chapter 7 . 10/6/2014
The confusion between reality and dreams is pretty awesome, and I think you're doing an incredible job here.
Why all my favourite fanfics aren't finished? D:
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