I want minimal wordage here, so I'll make this quick. I own neither Maximum Ride nor the song "Taking Chances". JP owns MR and Celine Dion owns the song, though the Glee Cast version is the one I have on my iPod and therefore the inspiration for this songfic.

Please, read and review when you are finished. I want the oneshot to be uninterrupted, so I won't put anything at the bottom.

Thank you ever so much for reading my humble work,


Don't know much about your life

Don't know much about your world, but

Don't want to be alone tonight

On this planet they call earth

I sit down next to him, barely making a sound. Fight to keep my breath under control. Sometimes, I hate him so much I wish I never have to see him again. But other times, I love him so much it hurts. We're older than we were before. He probably has a family now. The rest of the flock didn't stick around for too long once they hit eighteen. Why would it be any different with him?

"Hi," I say softly, looking over at him. The moonlight is hitting his face in a way that makes him look so... vulnerable, so young. I can almost forget it's been twenty years. "Hey, you."

You don't know about my past, and

I don't have a future figured out

And maybe this is going too fast

And maybe it's not meant to last


There is something in his voice that I can't quite figure out. I used to know him so well. What happened?

Twenty years, that's what, says my Voice, the one inside my head.

"Yes?" My voice, my speaking voice, comes out in an undignified squeak. Hmm, you'd think you'd control those raging teenage hormones by thirty-five, but no.

He looks at me cautiously, his face the mask it always it. But then he stands and hold out his hand to me. "Come on."

But, what do you say to taking chances?

What do you say to jumping off the edge?

Never knowing if there's solid ground below

Or hand to hold

Or hell to pay

What do you say?

What do you say?

I let him pull me to my feet, and we jump off the cliff, spreading our wings easily to coast along the updrafts. Why couldn't we have done this so long ago? Why did it take me so long to figure this out? How beautiful, how wonderful we were together? But as soon as I realized this, he was gone.

Sometimes I wished I never had to see him again, but others... I wanted him so desperately I could do nothing else.

His hand encloses mine as we fly, slightly off-center so we aren't hit with the other's wings on the down beats.


I love him so much.

"What?" His voice is just loud enough to be heard over the rush of the wind. He knows I have to say something, but I still can't tell what he wants. I want to throw my arms around him, I want to hold him and never let go.

And because only he has ever truly got me, we slow to a stop, and are now hovering in the brisk night air.

"I love you," I whisper.

I just want to start again

And maybe you could show me how to try

And maybe you could take me in

Somewhere underneath your skin

I need to get back to that place we were, all those years ago. That place where only I could read the tiny little changes in his unchanging expression. That place where we could finish each other's sentences and read each other's minds. That place where he made me feel so calm, so safe. That place where I could forget everything that has happened, and simply be with him.

I need him to say something. Because what I said is true. I love him, I have never stopped. I need him to say something back. I need a reply. I need his voice.

What do you say to taking chances?

What do you say to jumping off the edge?

Never knowing if there's solid ground below,

Or hand to hold,

Or hell to pay

What do you say

What do you say?

"I love you," I repeat, tears springing to my eyes. He hasn't moved beyond the beat of his wings. He's changed, that's what's it. He doesn't feel the same. He's married. He has kids. He doesn't...

"I love you, too," he murmurs.

"You... you love me." I feel my throat burn, and the tears spring to my eyes. If we weren't in mid air, I'd kiss him.

And without my needing to say anything, we slowly drop into the forest below. We land side-by-side on a high branch of a big, old maple.

"You really love me," I repeat. What if he doesn't love me the way I love him? What if he'll leave again?

And I had my heart beating down

But I always come back for more, yeah

There's nothing like love to pull you up

When you're laying down on the floor there

So talk to me, talk to me

Like lovers do

Yeah, walk with me, walk with me

Like lovers do,

Like lovers do

"I really love you," he murmurs into my ear, drawing an arm around my waist and pulling me close to him.

"Good, because I love you, too," I whisper into the night, hoping my words fall on his ears before they are swallowed by the unforgiving darkness.

"I know," he laughs gently.


"Yes, really."

I am never going to let him out of my sight, ever again. I tell him this. His smile— a genuine smile, something so rare from him— catches the dim light from the moon. "Don't leave again."

"I won't."

"Because I'll kill you if you do."

He simply smiles again. We both know it's an empty threat. He'll never leave me ever again. He's mine.

What do you say to taking chances?

What do you say to jumping off the edge?

Never knowing if there's solid ground below

Or hand to hold,

Or hell to pay

What do you say?

What do you say?

Before I lose the nerve, I pull his face close to mine, locking my fingers behind his neck.

Before I can think about it, and all the consequences, the outcomes, and what it means now, I lean forward, closing the minute gasp between us, and press my lips softly to his.

His reaction is quick. His lips respond with fervent kisses of their own.

I think I am about to burst. He's like my oxygen, I need him to survive. I am filled with such overwhelming emotion, I feel the tears trekking down my face before I even realize what is happening. Then I realize that he is crying, too.

I pull away in astonishment, wiping at his tear-stained cheeks. I can't discern my tears from his, so I simply wipe my thumb across his cheek. He does the same to me, and it's not long before we are laughing.

Laughing and crying.

Laughing and crying and kissing.

Oh my god. This is what love is. This desperate want, this pure need that fills my soul.

"I love you," he whispers through his kisses.

"I know."

"I really, really love you."

"I know."

Don't know much about your life

Don't know much about your world

Fang loves me.

He really, really loves me.