Hot Lead and Cold Feet

Fandom: Firefly

Rated: PG

Category: Drabble, Simon/Kaylee, Humor, Post-Series.

Spoilers: General series knowledge only.

Summary: Some things are simply not negotiable.

Note: Written for the "Favorite Things" challenge on Whedonland for nowgold, who wanted Simon/Kaylee and one hundred words exactly.


Simon Tam was nervous.

He was also dressed to the nines and sweating bullets under the blazing sun of Persephone.

There were good reasons for this, but part of Simon still wanted to head for the hills.

That wasn't an option, though, because Simon's physical discomfort was nothing compared to the daggers Malcolm Reynolds was staring into him.

Between the intensity in Mal's eyes and the cold steel on his hip, Simon wasn't going anywhere.

Not if he wanted to live.

Unless he wanted to carry a bullet, today was the day.

Cold feet or not, he was marrying Kaylee.