Title: What Happens Now

Author: JanetB418

Summary: This takes place the day of the Bauer BBQ. Rafe show up, and some unexpected guests show up as well. Natalia is about to leave for the retreat, but gets a voicemail that changes everything.

Rating: NC 17

Disclaimer: Guiding Light and its characters are the property of Telenext and Proctor and Gamble.

Chapter 1

Olivia stood there, in shock. Natalia's not coming and she can't see me right now. What happened? I need to get away from here, now. I can't breath.

She turned and starting running, towards the pond, her mind racing. Olivia stopped, and knelt on the ground, her sobs overtaking her. She moved her hands from her face, and a movement caught her eye, Rafe. Shit I can't deal with him right now.

Rafe moved out on the tree line, backing up, "Man, I told you, I'm not gonna help you."

The unknown young man, pulled out a gun and pointed it at Rafe, "You don't have a choice."

Olivia saw the young man pull the gun on Rafe, and quickly moved her way over to the two, "Rafe, what the hell is going on?"

Rafe, never taking his eyes off the gun, "Olivia you need to stay out of this."

Olivia moved between Rafe and the gunman. "Look I don't who you are, and what you want, but you need to leave now," she told the young man as she moved totally in front of Rafe.

"Lady, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you need to stay out of this. It's between me and Rafe."

Olivia looked him in the eyes, "I really don't care, what's going on between you and Rafe, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let anything happen that will send Rafe back to jail. Now why don't you just get the hell out here."

"Lady, I ain't going anywhere."

"Rafe, get out here. Go get Frank and Josh. Move, now," Olivia said never taking her eyes off the gunman.

"Olivia, I don't think..."

Olivia stopped him before he could finish, "Rafe, go , now."

Rafe, turned to run and heard the shot.

Olivia felt the bullet hit her. As she fell to the ground her last though was of Natalia, as the blackness over took her.

The gunman, realizing what he had done, took off into the woods.

Rafe, ran back to Olivia, knelt beside her and felt for a pulse. He took out his phone, "Frank, I need you and Rick down by the pond now. Olivia's been shot."

Frank closed his phone and frantically looked for Rick, he spotted him with Josh, Shayne and Mallet. He ran over to the three, "Olivia's been shot, down by the pond."

'What?" Josh asked. "How, why?"

"I don't know Rafe just called me. We need to get down there now," Frank said as he started running towards the woods.

Mallet took out his phone, and called for an ambulance. Josh followed Frank, as he instructed Shayne to find Philip and tell him before Emma found out.

Rick grabbed his bag, and followed Josh and Frank.

Shayne found Philip with James and Emma. Philip saw the look on Shayne's face, "James why don't you take your little sister for some ice cream."

"Sure," James said as he took Emma by the hand, heading for the house.

"Shayne, what's wrong?" Philip asked searching his eyes.

"Olivia's been shot down by the pond. Rafe called Frank. He, Dad and Rick are on their way to her now. Mallet called an ambulance."

Philip stood there, for a minute. Finally he spoke, "Find Beth, tell her to watch Emma," Philip said as he took off towards the pond.

Rafe had taken off his shirt and was holding it on Olivia's wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

Josh got to them first, "Oh My God," he said as he went to the ground next to his ex-wife. He looked at Rafe, "What the hell happened?"

Before Rafe could answer, Rick and Frank came running up. Rick quickly knelt and opened his bag, taking out his stethoscope, and began to listen to Olivia's heart. "She hanging on, but just barely. Rafe, keep the pressure on the would until I get this bandage opened."

Rafe nodded, as Rick opened the pressure bandage. "Okay Rafe, you can let go now," Rick told the young man. Rafe moved his shirt as Rick put the bandage on the wound.

Philip ran up to Rafe, who was now standing, "What the hell happened? What did you do to her?" he screamed as he grabbed Rafe.

Frank moved to Philip, "Man. Take it easy."

Rafe looked at Philip, "It wasn't me. I swear. I don't like Olivia, but I would never shoot her."

"Rafe, son, just tell us what happened," Frank said as he put his hand on the young man's shoulder.

"She saved my life. Olivia took the bullet to protect me," Rafe said as tears filled his eyes.

Natalia's phone rang. She looked at the id and saw it was Frank. She didn't answer.

"Olivia?" Blake asked as she pulled her SUV out of the driveway.

"No, it was Frank. I just can't deal with him right now," Natalia said as she moved her hand to her stomach.

"Maybe you should check the message. It could be an emergency," Balke said as she pulled out onto the highway.

"I guess you're right," Natalia said as she hit the key for the voice mail.

Chapter 2

Rick looked up as he heard the sirens of the ambulance, "Thank God."

"How bad is she?" Josh asked, holding Olivia's hand in his.

"It's bad. I won't know how bad unitl I get her to the hospital."

Josh reached up and touched Olivia'a face, "Hang on. You can do this," he whispered.

Rafe was helping Frank direct the ambulance, "Shit Frank I need to call Ma."

"I already called. She didn't answer, so I left her a voicemail to meet us at the hospital. Once we get there, I'm going need a statement from you."

Philip opened the doors to the ambulance as soon as it stopped, helping the paramedics with the gurney.

They moved swiftly, and got Olivia into the ambulance. Once she was loaded in the ambulance, the paramedics looked at the men, "We have room for one more besides Dr. Bauer."

"I'm going with her," Rafe said. He looked at Josh, Frank and Philip. "Ma wouldn't want her to be alone."

Natalia listened to the voice mail, and her heart dropped, "Blake turn around."

"Natalia, what..."

"Please turn the car around and head to town. I have to get to Cedars. Olivia's been shot." Natalia said as her voice cracked. "I have to get to her."

Blake made a quick u-turn and headed back into Springfield, "Did Frank say anything else?"

"Only that she had been shot and it didn't look good. What was I thinking? How could I even think about leaving her? Maybe if I'd been with her, it wouldn't have happened," Natalia said as tears fell from her eyes. "And she knew I wouldn't see her, how could have I been so selfish?"

Blake reached over and touched the Latina's arm, "You've had a lot to deal with, and this is in no way your fault."

"I should have been there, Blake."

The ambulance pulled into Cedars, the doors opened, as the paramedics, Rick and Rafe wheeled Olivia into the emergency room. The paramedics took Olivia into the trauma room. Rick stopped Rafe as he tried to go in, "Rafe, I can't let you go in there. I know how hard this is for you, just sit tight. Where's you Mother?"

"Frank called and left her a voicemail, so I guess she's on her way."

"I need to talk to her as soon as she gets here. She has Olivia's medical power of attorney and she'll need to sign the consent forms before we can operate on her."

"I'll try and call her. Why does Ma have Olivia's medical power of attorney?"

"They set it up when Olivia had the heart transplant. Have the nurse page me as soon as Natalia gets here," Rick said as he headed into the trauma room.

Rafe walked outside, took out his phone and called Natalia.


"Ma, where are you?"

"I'm on my way to Cedars. Olivia's been shot."

"I know," Rafe said softly.

"Rafe, you didn't.."

"No Ma, it wasn't me, but I was there. I'll tell you everything as soon as you get here. Please hurry Rick needs you to sign some forms."

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Rafe, how bad is it?" Natalia asked as her voice cracked.

"It's bad, Ma. She's been shot in the chest."

Natalia started crying so hard, she could not longer talk. Blake grabbed the phone, "Rafe, we'll be there in 5 minutes."

Frank and Josh pulled up as Rafe got off the phone with Blake. Josh walked by, patting Rafe on his shoulder as he headed into the hospital.

"Have you talked to Natalia?" Frank asked.

"She'll be here in a few minutes. I guess you need to know what happened?"

"Yes, and I need to know everything."

Philip walked back up to the BBQ, searching for Beth, and Emma. James came up to him, "Dad, how's Olivia?"

"It doesn't look good son," Philip said as he put his arm around James. "Where's Emma?"

"She's with Mom and Grandmom in the house. They managed to keep her from finding out unitl you got back."

Philip took a deep breath, "Can you ask Lillian to come out for a minute before I talk to Emma?"

"Sure, I'll send her right out," James said as he walked towards the house.

A few minutes later Lillian walked out to Philip. She hugged him, "It's bad isn't it ?"

Philip pulled away from her, "She was shot in the chest. How do I go in there and tell our little girl that her Mommie has been shot and may not make it?" Philip said as his voice cracked. "Surely God wouldn't take both of her parents from her."

"Philip, you listen to me. Olivia is a fighter, and she's tough. She will pull through this. And we will find a cure for you. Emma is not going to lose both of you. Now take a minute and pull yourself together. You have to be strong for Emma. You can do this."

"You're right. Will you come with me while I tell her?"

"Of course," Lillian said as she took his hand. "Lets go talk to your daughter."

Rafe took a deep breath, "A few days ago, one of the guys I was in prison with showed up. His name is Jose Valdez. I thought he had been paroled. He said he was just passing through, so I didn't think anything of it. But I saw in the paper this morning he had escaped. And I know I should have told you, but with everyting that's been going on, I just decided to tell you later. I was walking through the woods, down by the pond, and there he was. I guess he had been following me. He told me that I was gonna help him rob the Mini Mart. And I refused. I told him I was not going back to jail for anyone. He pulled the gun on me, and that's when Olivia walked up, and she looked upset. She got in front of me, and told Jose she wasn't going to let anything happen to send me back to jail. Olivia told me to leave, to go get you and Josh. I tried to argue with her, but you know how she is. So I turned to run for help. That's when I heard the shot, and when I got back to her, she was on the ground and Jose was gone. God there was so much blood. I called you and then took my shirt off and put it on her chest. Frank, she kept me from getting hurt. She was so protective, even after the way I've treated her. Why did she do that? She could have walked away, but she didn't. Why?"

Neither Frank or Rafe saw Natalia walk up with Blake, "She did it because she loves me. And she knew it would kill me to have something happen to you," Natalia said sadly.

Rafe turned to his mother, and hugged her. "I'm so sorry Ma," he said as the tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm sorry she got hurt because of me."

Natalia stroked his head, "I should have been there, it's okay Raphael."

"You need to get inside and sign the forms," Rafe said as he pulled away from Natalia.

Rafe took her hand and led her into the hospital.

Blake looked at Frank, "So how bad is it Frankie?"

"Honestly Blake, I'll be surprised if Olivia makes it thorugh the night. I know things have not been good between she and I for a while, but what she did today for Rafe, that's a different side of Olivia. One I didn't know was there. God I hope she makes it."

Natalia looked at Rafe, "Where's Emma?"

"Philip's with her."

"Does she know?"

"He was going to tell her as soon as we left the Bauer's. Ma go sit down. I'll let the nurse know you're here."

Josh came up beside Natalia, "Why don't you come and sit with me while they get Rick."

Natalia just nodded, as she sat down next to Josh. "Has anyone called Ava?"

"Philip took care of that. He sent the jet after her. She should be here in 4 or 5 hours."

Rick walked out of the trauma room, Josh, Natalia and Rafe meet him. "Here's what we're facing. Olivia was shot in the chest. The bullet passed through her lung, and is lodged between her vertebrae. We're getting her ready for surgery, but I need you to sign the consent forms."

"Of course," Natalia said as she took the clip board from Rick and sign the papers. "Can I see her before surgery?" Natalia asked as tear filled her eyes.

"Just for a minute," Rick said as he led her to the trauma room.

Natalia followed Rick into the room and was shaken to her core when she saw Olivia. It reminded her of the way Olivia looked after the heart surgery. Natalia moved to her side, and took Olivia's hand in hers. She leaned in close to Olivia's face, "Olivia, please fight. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I will never leave you again. I love you, I love you so much." Natalia kissed her forehead as tears spilled from her eyes. "I'll be here when you wake up, I promise."

Rick reached over and touched Natlaia's shoulder, "It's time, Natalia."

Natalia kissed her forehead once more, and moved to the side, as they rolled Olivia out of the room towards surgery.

"I'll be out with updates as soon as I can," Rick said as he walked out the door.

Natalia walked back into the waiting room and sat down between Josh and Rafe. She held it in as long as she could, finally she let go, and she began to sob. Rafe pulled her to him, and held her as she cried.

Chapter 3

Philip and Lillian walked into the kitchen where Beth and James were with Emma. Emma was sitting in Beth's lap, she knew something was wrong, but she didn't know what.

Philip walked over and knelt down in the front of his daughter, taking her hands in his, "Hey baby, Daddy has something to tell you. I need for you to be strong, can you do that for me?"

Emma nodded her head.

Philip took a deep breath, "Emma, your Mommy has been hurt very badly. She's at Cedars right now, and Dr. Rick is taking care of her."

Emma looked at Philip with tears in her eyes, "Daddy, is Mommy gonna die?"

"Emma, I'm not gonna lie to you. I don't know. She's hurt very badly. And I promise I will take you to see her just as soon as Dr. Rick says it's okay."

Emma nodded her head, the weight of her Daddy's words hitting her. She swallowed hard, "Does Ava know?"

"I called her a little bit ago and I sent the jet for her. She will be here soon."

'Where's Natalia?" Emma asked as the tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"She's at the hospital. If you want, we can call her and you can talk to her. Would that make you feel better?"

Emma nodded.

Philip took out his phone and dialed the number.


"Natalia, it's Philip. How's Olivia?"

"She's in surgery. The bullet passed through her lung and it's lodged between her vertebrae. We're waiting for Rick to come out with an update. How's Emma? Did you tell her yet?"

"Yes, she's right here and really wants to talk to you."

Philip handed the phone to Emma. "Natalia?" she said in a small voice.

"Hey baby? How are you?"

"I'm very scared. How's Mommy?"

"Oh Em, Mommy is hurt very badly."

"Is Mommy gonna die Natalia?"

"I hope not sweetie," Natalia said as the tears fell from her eyes. "We just have to pray for her to be okay. Your Mommy loves you so much, you know that don't you Em?"

"Yes, I do. If you see Mommy will you tell her I love her?"

"Of course baby."

"Okay, here's Daddy. I love you, Natalia."

"I love you too Em, so much."

Philip took the phone from Emma, "Hey, we're gonna take her home with us and get her settled. I'll be there as soon as I can. Call me as soon as you know anything."

"I will Philip. Please take care of Emma and give her a hug for me."

"I will. I'm glad that Olivia and Emma have you."

"And I'm thankful for them everyday Philip."

Natalia got off the phone as Rick walked out in the waiting room. He sat down next to Natalia and took her hand, "We have repaired the damage to the lung, but the bigger issue is the bullet and the way it's lodged. If we remove it, there's a chance Olivia will be paralyzied from the chest down."

Natalia looked at Rick, "Oh no."

"If we leave it, it will cause her to be paralyzed and if it shifts, it could kill her."

"Well there's really no choice here, is there Rick. You have to take the bullet out," Natalia said as the tears fell down her cheeks.

"Yes, but you have to know eveything, if the bullet shifts any at all while we are trying to remove it, she could die."

"What are the chances of that happening?"

"There's a fifty percent chance we could lose Olivia on the table," Rick said sadly.

Chapter 4

Natalia sat there, as the words Rick told her sinking in, "Oh God Rick. This cannot be happening."

"Natalia, is Ava on her way?" Rick asked.

"Yes, Philip sent the jet after her, she should be here soon."

"Is Emma with Philip?"

"Yes," Natalia whispered, fearing the words Rick was about to say.

"You need to call Philip and have him bring Emma here. And Ava needs to come here straight from the airport. I think her daughters should be here, just in case. They deserve a chance to say goodbye," Rick said as he choked on his words. "I have to get back in, and I will let you know how things are going," Rick said as he stood up.

Rafe had his arm around his mother, as they watched Rick head back to the OR.

Josh came over and knelt in front of Natalia, "Do you need me to call Philip?"

Natalia looked at Josh's eyes, that were filled with tears. She reached up and touched the side of his face, "Thank you for the offer, I need to tell Philip."

Josh smiled a faint smile, "You know she's a fighter and if anyone can beat those odds, it;s Olivia."

"I know Josh. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to step outside to call Philip," Natalia said calmly as she stood up.

Rafe, Josh, Frank and Blake all looked at Natalia with a puzzled looked, as she walked out of the waiting room and headed outside.

"Do you think she's in shock?" Blake asked.

"She could be," Josh said.

"Maybe I should go out and check on her?" Blake said.

Rafe looked at her, "I'll go. I want to talk to Emma." He stood up and headed out after his Mom.

Natalia made her way outside, and found a bench to sit on. She took out her phone and dialed Philip's number.


"Philip it's Natalia."

"How's Olivia, any word yet?" Philip asked.

"Rick came out a few minutes ago. They were able to repair the damage the the lung, but it's the bullet they're worried about, the way it's lodged. If they remove it, there's a chance Olivia could be paralyzed from the chest down. If they leave it in, she would be paralyzed, and if it shifts, it would kill her."

"So they have to take the bullet out, right?"

"They're going to, but if the bullet shifts any at all while they are trying to take it out, Olivia could die," Natalia said as Rafe sat down next to her.

"So what are we saying here?" Philip said as his voice cracked.

"Olivia has a fifty percent chance on dying on the opearting table. Rick thought it would be a good idea for you to bring Emma here and have your driver bring Ava straight from the airport. Just in case. He wants them here in case they need to say good..." Natalia couldn't finish, she began to sob. She handed the phone to Rafe.

"Philip, it's Rafe. Ma can't talk anymore," the young man said as he put his arm around Natalia.

"I understand. Beth and I will bring Emma to the hospital in a few minutes. Make sure you let Natalia know."

"I will. Philip is there anyway I could talk to Emma for just a minute?" Rafe asked softly.

"Sure, hang on while I get her."

Rafe sat there for a moment, as Natalia laid her head on his shoulder. He laid his cheek onhis Mother's head, fighting back the tears as the sobs wracked Natalia's body.


"Hey Munchkin. It's good to hear your voice," Rafe said as a sad smile washed across his face. "How you holding up?"

"I'm really scared, but I'm trying very hard to be brave for Mommy," Emma said as her tiny voice quivered.

"I know Munchkin. I'm scared too. But your Mommy would be so proud of you."

"Daddy and Beth are bringing me to the hospital in a few minutes."

"I know, I'm here and you and I will hang out together. Okay?"

"Okay. I love you Rafe."

"I love you too Munchkin."

"Here's Daddy."

Rafe swallowed the lump in his throat as Philip got back on the phone, "Tell Natalia we're leaving now. If anything," Philip's voice broke, "should happen before we get there.."

"I'll call you," Rafe said as his voice cracked. "Philip I'm so sorry."

"I know son. Take care of your mother. She needs you right now."

"I will," Rafe said as he ending the call.

The two set there for a while, until Natalia got control of her emotions, "Rafe, I can't lose her. What will I do without her in my life?"

"Ma, Olivia will pull thorugh this, I just know she will. Ma, I will get you through this."

"I know son. We should probably go back in," Natalia said as she stood up.

Rafe stood beside her, putting his arm around her, "Lets go Ma."

The two walked back ino the waiting room, to find Buzz, Lillian, Doris, and Ashley had arrived.

Josh and Frank were telling Buzz the news, as Blake told Doris and Lillian. Natalia and Rafe sat down next to Lillian.

Lillian reached over and took Natalia's hand, "She will make it through this. She would never leave you, Emma or Ava. She loves you all so much."

"I know," Natalia said as tears filled her eyes again.

Natalia looked up as the lab tech came into the waiting room. She walked over to Natalia, and asked to talk to her in private. Everyone assumed it was about Olivia. Natalia and the woman stepped out into the hallway.

"Mrs. Rivera, I had wanted to let you know the lab made a mistake. We got your blood tests mixed up with another patients. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're not pregnant."

Chapter 5

Natalia stood there in shock, as everything sank. I was ready to leave because I thought I was pregnant. God I don't understand why, what is this test you have for me? Are you punishing me for loving Olivia, for wanting to share my life with her? I can't believe this is what You would want?

Natalia walked back into the waiting room, and sat down. Blake moved next to her, "Are you okay? You're awfully pale. Maybe you should try and get some rest. You have to think about the baby."

"There is no baby. The lab got the blood tests mixed up. So I put Olivia through all of this for nothing," Natalia told Blake.

Before Blake could say anything, Rick walked into the waiting room. Natalia got up and walked over to him, as everyone else gathered around.

Rick took Natalia's hand, "We were able to get the bullet out. Luckily it was in one piece, so we didn't have to look for fragments. She made it through the surgery and is in recovery."

"What about paralyzis?" Natalia asked.

"We won't know until she wakes up. We have her in a medically induced coma, to ease the strain on her heart. This is a common practice for heart transplant patients."

"When can I see her?" Natalia asked, as tears filled her eyes.

"It will be a while. She's gonna be in revocery for a few hours then we will move her to ICU. Once we do, you, the girls and Rafe will be able to go in and see her, but only for a few minutes, She's still not close to being out of the woods. The next forty eight hours are critical. Now all we can do is wait."

As Rick finshed talking with Natalia, Philip and Beth walked in with Emma. Emma ran to Natalia and wrapped her arms around the Latina's waist. Natalia reached down, picking her up and took over to the chairs to sit down. Emma buried her head in Natalia's shoulder.

Philip and Beth turned to Rick, "How is she?" Philip asked.

"She made it through the surgery. We repaired the lung and removed the bullet."

"What about the paralyzis?"

"We won't know the full extent of the damage caused by the bullet unitl she wakes up. We have her in a medically induced coma to lessen the strain on her heart. It's common to do this with heart transplant patients."

Philip took a deep breath, taking Beth's hand, "Level with me Rick. Is Olivia going to make it?"

"Honestly Philip, I don't know. All we can do at this point is wait, and pray. I'm gonna head back and check on her. I'll be out in a bit to let everyone know how she's doing."

Emma lifted her head off Natalia's shoulder, "When can I see Mommy?"

"Dr. Rick said we could go back in a bit, as soon as Ava gets here."

"Will she be awake?"

"No baby she won't. Dr. Rick is keeping her asleep so she can get better faster."

"Can I talk to her?" Emma saked sadly.

"Of course you can sweetie. I believe when people are asleep, they can hear what you say to them."

"Okay. Natalia, I don't want Mommy to die," Emma said as her little voice quivered and tears formed in her eyes.

Natalia pulled Emma close, "I don't want Olivia to die either, Emma."

Rafe watched his Ma with Emma, and could feel their sadness and pain. He had to get out of the waiting room for a while. He walked, just starting walking. Soon he found himself at the door of the chapel. He went in, crossed himself and knelt at the pew. He bowed his head for a few minutes, then raised his head, "God, I know I haven't talked to you much lately. I've so much anger in my heart, towards my Ma, but mostly towards Olivia. I thought she just wanted Ma as another conquest, but what she did today. She was willing to risk her life to keep me safe, to keep me from going back to jail. All of this to protect my Ma. You know, I was wrong about her. And now I just pray that you let her come through this. My Ma, Emma and Ava need her so much. And I just want a chance to get to know this Olivia, the one that's loving, caring and protective of her family."

Rafe sat there and finally let the tears fall, all of the anger and fear pouring out of him. He didn't realize Ava had come into the chapel and sat down beside him. She put her arm around him and he looked over at her, "Ava, I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"Philip told me what happened. How is Olivia?"

"She made it through the surgery. Have you been to the waiting room yet?" Rafe asked, as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Not yet. I needed a minute before I faced everyone," Ava said as she swallowed hard.

"I never meant for Olivia to get hurt. I was just trying to get the guy to leave, but Olivia just took over. I wish to God it had been me he shot, instead of her. It should have been me. I thought you would be pissed at me, after everything with Jeffery and now with Olivia."

" I was at first, but then Philip told me how you took your shirt and slowed the bleeding. And by the way, she would do anything to protect your Mom."

"I know, I get that now. So you know about them? And you rokay with it?"

"I figured it out when Mom came to San Fransico to help me move. I just want Mom to be happy. I take you aren't happy about it."

"I haven't been, but after what Olivia did, taking the bullet for me, I get it now. She did that because she loves Ma so much. And she must care about me to do something like that."

"Yes she does. I guess I need to go to the waiting room and talk to Rick. Is Emma here?"

"Philip brought her here a few minutes ago. Rick thought it would best for you guys to all be here. You know just in case..." Rafe couldn't make himself finish the sentence.

"Jesus, she can't die. We've had so little time together, she and I," Ava whispered as tears filled her eyes. "I guess I should head to the waiting room, " Ava said as she stood. "Are you coming back or do want to stay here a bit longer?"

Rafe stood, "I'm ready to go back now. I said what I came to say Him."

Ava put her arm around Rafe and the together the two headed to the waiting room.

Frank walked over to where Natalia and Philip were sitting, "Im gonna head to the station and see where we are on finding this guy. Call me if anything changes." Frank turned to leave as Rafe and Ava walked in the room.

Emma jumped down from Natalia's lap and ran over to her sister. Ava reached down and picked her little sister up, "Hey baby sister. I love you. So does Mom, you know that right?"

"Yes," Emma said as she buried her head into Ava's shoulder and started sobbing.

Frank walked over to Rafe, "Are you okay?"

Rafe nodded, "I'm fine."

"I'm headed to the station. I'll need you to come down in the next couple of days and sign a formal statement."

"Just let me know when. I'll be here with Ma."

Ava took Emma and sat down with her, "It's okay Em, we'll get through this and we'll help Mom get through this as well," Ava said as she wiped the tears from her little sister's face.

Natalia moved over next to Olivia's daugthers, and reahed out to Ava. Ava took her hand, "How are you holding up Natalia?"

"I've had better days. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," Ava said with a tone that reminded Natalia so much of Olivia.

"You are so much like her," Natalia said as a tear slid dow her cheek.

Before Ava could answer her, Rick came out and walked over to Ava and Natalia. He knelt down in front of them, "We just moved her from recovery to the ICU."

"Is she awake yet?" Ava asked.

"No Ava, we're keeping her asleep to lessen the strain on her heart. Would you guys like to see her for a few minutes?"

They all nodded, as Rick stood up, "Okay let's go."

Emma slid off Ava's lap. Ava and Natalia stood as Emma took both of them by the hand. Ava looked over at Rafe, "Are you coming?"

"Are you sure?"

Ava nodded. Rafe walked up and pu his arm around his Mom, as the four of them followed Rick to the ICU.

Chapter 6

Rick stopped them outside the door the ICU, "I just want to prepare you for this. Olivia's on a breathing machine, and is hooked to a heart monitor." He knelt down in front onf Emma, "Your Mommy looks a lot like she did after her heart surgery. Do you remember that?"

Emma nodded her head.

"Don't be frightened, and don't be afriad to to talk her. It will help her to know you're here. Okay?"

"Okay," Emma whispered.

Rick stood up, " I know this is hard on all of you, but you can only stay 5 minutes. If she continues to do okay,we'll let you see her again in a few hours." Rick opened the door, and led them into the room.

None of them were prepared for what they saw, Olivia was pale, with tubes and IV's running out her.

"Jesus," Ava whispered as she closed her eyes, fighting back the tears.

Natalia looked down at Emma, "Do you want to talk to your Mommy?"

"Yes. Do you think she can hear me?"

"Yes baby I do," Natalia replied as she took Emma over to Olivia's side.

"Can I touch her?"

"I think it would be okay. Just be careful of the IV's. Okay?"

Emma reached out and carefully laid her hand on top of Olivia's, "Hi Mommy. I just wanted you to know I love you and I really want you to get better soon. "

Natalia leaned down and kissed Olivia on her foreheard, "That goes for all of us. We're all here, me, Emma, Ava and Rafe. We all love you and need you so much."

Ava moved next to Emma and reached out to touch Olivia's face, "Hey Mom. I'm hear. I love you. We all need you so much," Ava said as her voice broke a little.

Rafe stood at the foot of the bed. It was hard for him to see Olivia, who always seemed larger than life itself, in this condtion.

Rick placed his had on Natalia's shoulder, "It's time."

Natalia reached over and moved a hair off Olivia's forehead, "We have to go for now. We'll be back soon. I love you Olivia," she whispered as she kissed her forehead. She picked up Emma and held her so she could give Olivia a kiss. Then she took Emma out of the room.

Ava moved up and kissed her Mom as well, "I love you Mom. Don't ever forget that," she said. She stood there for a second and she too moved out of the room.

Rafe looked at Rick, "Could I have a minute with her?"

"Sure, but not too long. I'll be out with the rest of the family," Rick said as he walked out the door.

Rafe moved to Olivia's side and gently placed his hand on hers, "I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me. I wish it were me laying there instead of you. What you did for me today, no one except Ma, has ever done anything like that for me. I'm really sorry for being such an ass to you. I don't understand this thing between you and Ma, but I know now how much you do love her. All I want is for her to be happy. I really want to get to know you, this you who is full of love. Please hang on so we can have that chance."

Rafe stood there for a minute, then he turned and left the ICU.

He joined the rest of his family, and they headed back to the waiting room.

When they got there, Buzz and Blake had just gotten back with food for everyone. Philip and Beth decided it would be best to take Emma home. She hugged Rafe and Ava. Shen then made her way to Natalia, "Are you gonna stay with Mommy?"

"Yes sweetie, I'm gonna stay right here in case your Mommy needs me," Natalia said as she took Emma's hands in hers. "I will be right here until Mommy wakes up."

"Will you call Daddy if she wakes up?"

"I will Em, I promise."

"Natalia, I love you," Emma said as she hugged the Latina.

"I love you so much baby girl," Natalia said as she hugged Emma tight.

Emma finally pulled away and headed out with Philip and Beth.

Rafe came and sat by Natalia, "I want to stay with you, while you wait."

Natalia looked over at Rafe, just realizing there was blood on his clothes, "I think you ought to go home and clean up."

Rafe looked down at his clothes, seeing Olivia's blood on his shirt, "Ma, I'm sorry. I'll just go get cleaned up and I'll be back in a bit. Call me if you need anything or if anything changes," Rafe said as he got up and headed out. Buzz handed him a sack on food on the way out.

Ava walked over and sat down by Natalia, "I'm going to head over to the Beacon for a bit. I want to take a shower and changes clothes. I shouldn't be gone for more than an hour. Call me if anything changes."

"I will Ava."

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to go with me, and at least take a shower?"

"I really would feel better staying here right now," Natlia replied studying Ava's face. "You know about Olivia and I don't you?"

"I had a pretty good idea after she left San Fransico. I've never seen her that happy and hopeful."

"Are you okay with she and I being together, and all of us as a family?"

"Well in case you hadn't notice, we are a family already. Today just proved it. I just want Olivia to be happy and she is happy when she's with you. Just take care of her and don't hurt her," Ava said as she stood to leave. "I'll be back in a while. I'm glad Mom has you," Ava said as she left the room.

Natalia leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. Blake came over and sat down beside Natalia, "How you holding up?"

Natalia didn't open her eyes, "I'm just great. The woman I love more than life itself is fighting for her life. I don't have any idea if she'll want to see me when she wakes up because I was too afraid to tell her I was pregnant, and to top it off, I'm not pregnant and she may be paralyzed. Yep it's been a banner of a day."

Blake looked at Natalia, "I'm sorry about all of this. Would you like me to get Father Ray for you to talk to?"

"He is the last person I want to talk to right now," Natalia said as she sat up.

"Well don't look now, but he just walked in."

"Oh great, this is just want I needed."

Father Ray made his way over to Natalia and sat down beside her.

Blake looked at Natalia, "I'll give you two some time to talk," she said as she got up and walked over to Buzz and Lillian.

"I didn't expect to see you here," Natalia said not looking at Father Ray.

"I'm not surprised to find you here. The sisters called once you didn't arrive at the convent and then I heard what happened to Olivia, so I knew you would be here. Are you sure this is the best place for you given your condition and the converstion we had earlier today?"

"This is exactly where I should be, here with Olivia. It was a mistake to think about leaving her. As for my condition, they mixed up the blood work. I'm not pregnant."

"Don't you see this as a sign? God gave you a chance to re-evaluate your feelings for Olivia and make the right choice."

"I agree with you. It is a sign, and I have re-evaluated my feelings for Olivia. I love her and I'm in love with her. I want to build a life with her, and our children. God is about love, and he put this love in my life, so who are you or me for that matter, to question that."

"Clearly your upset, but if you calm down, you'll realize that this love between you and Oilivia is not normal, not right."

"Ray, with all due respect, this love Olivia and I share is the most wonderful, beautiful gift I've been given since the birth of my son. And I will not turn my back on it for anyone or anything.

I'm sorry that you can't see that, so maybe it's best for me and my family if I find a church with a leader that's less rigid."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Natalia," Ray said sadly.

"I'm not, because I'm not ashamed of what I feel for Olivia. Now if you will excuse me. I'm going to check on her and our family," Natalia said as she got up and walked to the nurses station.

Chapter 7

Natalia walked up to the nurses station, as Rick came around the corner, "You know, you should go home and get some sleep," Rick said as walked up.

"I would feel better staying here. I need to be close to Olivia."

"I understand, but you're not going to do her any good if you exhaust yourself."

"Is there any change?"

"Her vitals are improving, and if they continue to do so, we will bring her out of the coma maybe as early as tomorrow."

"Thank God for that. And once she's awake, then you'll check her to see if she is paralyzed?"

"That's the plan. Do you want to sit with her for a while?" Rick asked.

"Could I?" Natalia asked as tears filled her eyes.

"I think it would be good for both of you. Come on, I'll take you back and let the nurse know it's okay for you to stay with her."

Rick took Natalia to the ICU. He checked Olivia once more, and told Natalia he would be back in the morning.

Natalia pulled a chair up beside Olivia's bed. She reached out, placing her hand on Olivia's, "Here we are again. You, hooked to all of these machines, fighting for your life, me sitting here waiting. It seems we have done so much waiting. I'm so sorry I wasn't there today. Maybe if I hade been, this wouldn't have happened." Natalia leaned up and began to stroke Olivia's face, "Honey, I know I let you down today. You see I thought I was pregnant, and I didn't know what to do. I should have talked to you, and it turns out I'm not. And I thought God was punishing me for loving you. I was so afraid if I told you, it would be like it was with my family when I told them I was pregnant with Rafe. I should have known you would never turn your back on me. But I've come to realize over the past hours, God is about love, and I realize our love is a gift from Him. You're my gift from Him. I just hope once you're awake you can forgive me and we can finally have our life together. And if it turns out you're paralyzed, baby, I will be here for you. I love you Olivia Spencer and together we can get through anything," Natalia whispered as a tear slid down her cheek. She leaned over and kissed Olivia on her forehead. She lingered for a moment, then sat back in the chair, keeping her hand on Olivia's. Suddenly she felt Olivia's hand move under hers.

Natalia sat up, "Olivia, you moved your hand. Can you move it again?" She felt Olivia's hand move again. Natalia jumped up and ran out to the nurse, "Olivia just moved her hand."

"It was probably just an involuntary movement," the nurse said.

"No, I asked her if she could move it again and she did. You need to call Rick," Natalia said as she went back into Olivia's room and sat down beside Olivia, "You heard me, I know you heard me. I love you," Natalia whispered.

A few minutes later, Rick came into the room,"Natalia, what's going on?" Rick asked as he moved to check Olivia.

"I was talking to her, and she moved her hand. I asked her to move it again, and she did."

Rick checked her pupils, and was looking over the read outs form the monitors, "I think we should wake her up and see what we're facing. I've paged her neurologist and as soon as he gets here, we'll take the breathing tube out and start to bring her out of the coma. I'll need you to go back to the watiing room while we do this. I'll be out as soon as we have her awake and let you know what we find."

Natalia nodded at Rick, as she stood up. She leaned over and kissed Olivia, "Come back to me my love," she whipsered in Olivia's ear. "I love you."

Natalia left ICU and headed back to the waiting room. Ava had returned as well as Rafe. They both walked up to Natalia as she came into the room. "She moved her hand," Natalia said. "I was talking to her and she moved her hand. I asked her to move it again, and she did. Rick is waiting for her neurologist to get here, and then they're going to bring her out of the coma."

Ava reached for Natalia, "This is good, right?"

"I think so. We'll know more once she's awake," Natalia said as she took Ava's hand. "But there's something I need to tell the both of you. Lets walk outside."

Ava looked over at Rafe, who shrugged, "Okay lets go," Ava said.

The three headed outside, and sat on the bench. Natalia took a deep breath, "Something happened today, before the BBQ that I need to tell you about. I hadn't been feeling well over the past few days, throwing up, queasy, and tired. I thought maybe it was a virus, but it was worse first thing in the morning. Blake asked me me if there was anyway I could be pregnant. Ava, I don't know if Olivia told you, but I slept with Frank the day of Coop's funeral. It was a mistake. I was running from my feelings from Olivia, and it just happened."

"But that was over 4 months ago, surely you would have know if you were pregnant before now," Ava said as she sat her jaw.

"I was never regular any way, even when I was younger. I was that way when I was carrying Rafe as well."

Rafe shifted a little in his seat clearly uncomfortable with this conversation.

"So I took a home pregnancy test this morning, and it came back positive. Balek took me to Cedars to have a blood test, which came back positive as well."

"Ma, you're pregnant?" Rafe asked as his eyes got bigger.

"No, the lab got my tests mixed up with another patients. I found out while Olivia was in surgery. But you both have to know what I did. Once I got the blood test results, I went to the church to pray. Father Ray was there and he convinced me I needed to go away for awhile to sort all of this out. I deicided to do that, and I was heading out of town when I got Franks' voicemail."

"So that's what was up with you when I stopped by the farmhouse earlier today," Rafe said softly.

"Yes, and I did something very wrong. I didn't tell Olivia. I sent Blake to tell her I couldn't see her today."

Ava looked at Natalia, "So you were leaving her, and not saying a word. Why the hell would you do something like that?"

Natalia looked at Ava, "I was afraid, and I felt gulity. My parents threw me out of the house when they found out that I was pregnant with Rafe. I couldn't face the idea of Olivia doing the same thing. My mistake was I didn't have faith in her love for me. She risked her life to keep my son safe, even after the way he acted towards her. I was wrong and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life. But make no mistake Ava, I love Olivia with everything that's in me. I hope she can forgive me. I will be here for her, to help her through whatever we're facing."

Ava sat there for a minute, "Natalia, I understand you were afraid, but you should have talked to Olivia. Forgiving people is not my strong suit, but I can try. The bottom line is I have never seen her so happy, but know this, if you screw up one more time, you will have to deal with me. And I think if you talk to Olivia and tell her everyhting you just told me, she will forgive you eventually. It will just take time. And don't let her push you away because we both know she's very good at that."

Natalia nodded, "I love her Ava. I would give my life for hers. And I won't ever leave her again. I can be pretty stubborn as well."

Rafe sat there, trying to understand everything.

Natalia reached over and took his hand, "Son, are you okay?"

"I don't know what to say. I knew she was upset, I could tell she had been crying, she did this even though she knew you didn't want to see her."

"I know Rafe. It's overwhleming. That's the Olivia I fell in love with."

The three sat there for a few minutes, each lost in there own thoughts. Ava finally spoke, "I guess we should go back in and see if there's any news," she said as she stood up. She reached out for Natalia, "Are you coming with?"

Natalia stood up, taking Ava's hand, "Absolutely," she said as she reached for Rafe. Rafe stood up, taking his mother's hand. Together the three walked hand in hand back into the hospital.

The time passed so slowly. Rafe dozed on and off in one of the chairs. Ava and Natalia stood together, looking out the window, both lost in their own thoughts. Shortly before daylight, Rick and Dr. Williams, Olivia's neurologist came into the waiting room. Rick walked up behind Natalia, gently placing his hand on her shoulder.

Natalia turned to face him, as did Ava, "She's awake and some what alert given all she's been through. She has movment in her arms, hands and fingers. She's breathing without the tube."

"Oh thank God," Natalia said, as tears filled her eyes and rolled down her checks.

Ava watched Rick and the other doctor, "Okay, what are you not telling us?"

Rick looked at Dr. Williams as Rafe walked up, "She has no feeling below the waist. We checked her in a way as not to alarm her. This could be temporary, we'll just have to wait and see."

"So she doesn't know yet?" Natalia asked as she grabbed Ava's hand.

"No, we'll let her get a little more alert. We'll check her again once the meds have gotten out of her system more."

"Can we see her?" Ava asked.

"I think you can in a bit, but she has asked to see Rafe first," Rick said.

"Me, why me?" Rafe asked as his eyes grew larger.

"I'm not sure, but we can take you back when you're ready," Dr. Williams added.

Rafe looked at Natalia, "Ma, I'm not sure I can do this."

Natalia put her hand to her son's face, "Yes you can. Just take a deep breath. It will be okay."

Rafe looked at Rick and Dr. Williams, "Okay, lets go," he said softly.

The three men left the waiting room and headed to the ICU. Rick stopped outside the door, putiing his hands on Rafe's shoulders, "It's okay. Just answer any questions she may have, and it will be fine."

Rafe nodded. He took a deep breath and exhaled as he pushed open the door to the ICU.

Chapter 8

Rafe slowly opened the door and walked into the ICU. Olivia had her eyes closed, and for a minute, Rafe thought she was sleeping.

"Rafe?" she whipsered as she opened her eyes.

Rafe moved to the foot of her bed, "I'm here Olivia."

"I just want you to know I don't blame you for what happened," she told Rafe, her voice hoarse from the tube being down her throat.

"I can't believe you did what you did. Especially after the way I've treated you," Rafe said as he hung his head a little.

"I couldn't let anything happen to cause you to go back to jail. It would have been too much for Natalia to take," Olivia said as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Olivia, I'm really sorry for the way I treated you. I was angry and hurt. I was wrong, about eveything. I would like for us to start over, if that's okay with you," Rafe said softly, looking at Olivia with tears in his eyes.

"I think I would like that," Olivia said as her eyes closed.

"I'm gonna go now. Ma's here and so is Ava. Do you want to see them?" Rafe asked.

Olivia didn't say anything for a moment. She opened her eyes, "Natalia's here?" she whispered.

"She's been here all night. Do you want me to get her?"

"I don't know."

"Look Ma told me what happened, about her not being able to see you at the BBQ. I think you two need to talk. She loves you. You know that right?"

"Tell her I'll see her for a few minutes," Olivia said softly.

"I'll just go tell her now. And Olivia thank you again, for everything," Rafe said, as he turned to leave, he bumped her foot with his arm. He stopped as soon as he had realized what had happened. His eyes met hers.

"I didn't feel that. Rafe, touch my foot again," Olivia said.

"Olivia, let me get the.." Rafe started.

"Rafe. Please," Olivia said her voice barely audible.

Rafe slowly put his hand on Olivia's foot, as his tears began to fall.

"Jesus, I see you touching me, but I can't feel it," Olivia said as she tried to move her legs.

"I can't move my legs. Rafe, I can't move my legs," Olivia said as tears started to fall.

Before Rafe could do anything, Rick and Dr. Williams came into the ICU.

Olivia looked at Rick, "Why can't I move my legs?"

"We're not sure. The bullet lodged between your vertebrae, and it was hard to tell if there was damage. This could be temporary," Rick said as he moved to her side.

"So you're telling me I'm paralyzed?" Olivia said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Yes Olivia, you are paralyzed from the waist down," Rick said as tears filled his eyes.

Rafe quietly slipped out of the ICU and ran to the waiting room. He ran straight to Natalia and Ava, taking both of them by the hand, "You both have to come with me now," Rafe said as he began to pull them down the hall.

Natalia and Ava both stopped, "Rafe, slow down son. What's wrong?"

Rafe stopped for a moment and Natalia saw the tears, "Olivia needs you and Ava. She knows she's paralyzed. Ma please, we need to be there."

"Oh God," Natalia saidas the three of them quickly headed to the ICU. Rick meet them outside the door, "We gave her a mild sedative. She's still awake, but calmer. Olivia knows she's paralyzed from the waist down. She's asked to see both you and Ava," Rick said as he looked at Nalalia. "She wants to see Natalia first."

Natalia nodded, as she headed towards the door to the ICU. She closed her eyes for a minute, saying a silent prayer, and entered the room. Olivia looked over at her as she walked in the door, their eyes locked.

Natalia walked over and sat in the chair next Olivia's bed, "Hey you," Natalia said as sat down, not breaking their gaze.

"Why?" Olivia asked with a gaze that pierced Natalia to her core.

Natlai placed her hand on top of Olivia's, "I thought I was pregnant and I was afriad to face you. The fear of what happen when I told my parents about Rafe took over. I went to the church to pray and Ray convinced me to go away, to sort things out. I was confused, not about my love for you, but about having another child, Frank's child, and I felt like I was being punished for loving you. I agreed and the reason I told Blake I couldn't see you was because I was ashamed. And I didn't know how you would feel about me having Frank's child," Natalia said a tear slid down her cheek.

"You thought you were pregnant, but you're not," Olivia whispered as tears filled her eyes.

"No I'm not. I took a home pregnancy test, and it came back positive. So Blake brought me here for a blood test, and it confirmed I was pregnant. I was on my way out of town when I got the call you had been shot. Once I got here, I found out they had mixed up the blood tests with another patients. I'm not pregnant."

"You were going to leave without a word," Olivia said as her eyes turned a deeper shade of green.

"I was wrong and I'm so sorry I hurt you. I will never leave you again," Natalia whispered.

"How can I trust that, Natalia? Especially now, that I can't walk."

"Olivia I'm not leaving you. It doesn't matter to me that you can't walk. I love you and I will be here to take care of you. We will get through this," Natalia said as reached up and touched Olivia's face.

"I can't do this. You say you want to be here. But how long will that last? How can you love me when I'm less than whole?" Olivia said as tears streamed down her face. She turned her head away from Natalia.

"Don't do this Olivia. Don't push me away, and don't turn away from me. I made a mistake. The bottom line is I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm sorry I wasn't at the BBQ, but I will not let you push me away," Natalia said. She took her hand and turned Olivia's face towards here. "I love you. You are a whole person. That will never change. We can get through this, we can face anything as long as we're together. It took all of this happening for me to realize this."

"How can you say you still love me? What kind of relationship would we have? We could never make love, and you would end up resenting me. I would rather end it now, than face that possibility. It's best if we just let each other go. I love you, I always will, but I can't watch the love we have for each other turn to resentment. Please go, Natalia," Olivia whispered.

Chapter 9

"I'm not leaving you, Olivia. There's nothing you can say or do that could every change the way I feel about you," Natalia said with tears in her eyes.

"You were willing to leave me, to leave us, because you thought you were pregnant. Is it such a stretch for me to think you would end up resenting me, after to having to take care of me. You wouldn't be able to take it and in the end you would leave any way. Everybody always leaves," Olivia said as her eyes flashed with anger.

"That's not fair. I took care of you after you had your heart transplant, and never once did it cross my mind to walk away from you," Natalia fired back.

"What about this is fair, Natalia? You thought you were pregnant, and you were on your way out of town. I got shot and you came running back. I'm paralyzed. So tell me what is fair about any of this?" Olivia paused for a moment, "And the only reason you didn't walk away from me after the transplant was because it was Gus's heart."

"In the beginning that was true," Natalia said. "And you're right none of this is fair. But I WILL not let you push me away. I love you, and I will fight for us, whether you do or not. I will go for now. I'm going home, to get some sleep, and a shower. But I will be back. This is not over by a long shot Olivia. We will get through this, and you will walk again. You're wrong about me Olivia. I will never resent you. And I have enough love for the both of us right now," Natalia said as she stood up. She leaned down and kissed Olivia on the forehead, and their eyes met. And Natalia saw the fear, the hurt, the pain and the love in Olivia's eyes. Natalia moved closer, and did the one thing she had wanted to do for months, she kissed Olivis'a full lips.

Olivia resisted at first, but then gave in and kissed Natalia as well.

As Natalia pulled away from the kiss, Olivia whispered, "As long as I've wanted that, it changes nothing," Olivia whispered.

"On the contrary, it changes everything, Olivia. I know you love me, and I will fight for us," Natalia whispered back. She stood up and headed to to the door. She turned and looked over her shoulder at Olivia, "I'll see you in a few hours," she told the older woman, as she walked out the door.

Ava and Rafe were waiting outside the ICU. Ava looked up ast Natalia walked out, "So how did it go?"

"She's trying to push me away, but I told her I wasn't going to let her. Then I kissed her. For the first time I kissed her," Natalia said.

Ava smiled, "I bet she loved that. I'm gonna go see her now."

"I'm gonna head home for a while, but I'll be back in a few hours," Natalia told Ava as she headed into ICU.

Rafe moved next to Natalia and put his arm around her, "You want me to drive you?"

"I would like that," Natalia said with a tired smile on her face.

"Do you mind if we make a stop on the way to the farmhouse?"

"No, not at all."

"Good, cause I thought we would stop by Frank's place, and get my stuff if it's okay with you. I would really like to come back home," Rafe said with a shy smile on his face.

Natalia pulled her son into a hug, " I would love for you to come home. And not that I'm complaining, but why now?"

"I figure you will need help with Olivia when you bring her home. And plus, I miss being there with you."

"You're that sure Olivia will be coming back to farmhouse?" Natalia asked.

"I know you, Ma. You never give up, and you love her, and even though she's pushing you away right now, she needs you and loves you. And while you're convincing her, I'll help you get the farmhouse ready."

Natalia smiled as she put her arm around Rafe's waist, "Lets go home son."

Olivia smiled as Ava walked into the ICU, "Hey baby."

Ava came closers and kissed Olivia on her forehead, "Hi Mom," she said as she sat down next Olivia's bed. She took Olivia's hand in hers, "You know if you wanted me to come for a visit, all you had to do was call," Ava said as a smile played across her face.

Olivia smiled, "You know me. I have to do everything the hard way."

Ava looked at Olivia for a moment, "Don't do this Mom."

"Do what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't push Natalia away. She loves you and I know you love her."

"I do love her, but it can't work now. She will have to take care of me for the rest of her life. And I would rather end this now, than have her be in a relationship with someone that's not whole. She would end up resenting me. I couldn't handle that," Olivia said sadly.

"So that's it. You're going to throw away you're chance at happiness because your paralyzed. Jesus, Mom. I really do think you underestimate Natalia. She's as stubborn as you are, maybe more. And before you say it, I know she was on her way out of town, but she came back when she knew you needed her. I'm not saying what she did was right, but you both deserve a chance to make this work, whether you're in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or not."

"Ava, please. I don't want this to be any harder than it already is," Olivia said as tears filled her eyes.

"Mom, let me ask you a question."

"Okay," Olivia said slowly.

"Natalia told me she kissed you, and I know it was the first time. So , my question is what did that kiss mean to you?" Ava asked with her eyebrow raised.

"Everything. It meant everything," Olivia whispered, remembering the feel of Natalia's lips on hers.