A/N: This has been in my head for a few days now and I can't shake it. It's going to be 2 chapters, one from Fiona's POV and one from Michael's. This obviously takes place after "Devil You Know," maybe a week or so after the end scene.

Still don't own them. Still would LOVE to. Thanks to the incredible Matt Nix for creating these characters so I can play with them from time to time.


I was curled up on my side on the bed in Michael's old room, his pillow hugged tight to my chest. Sam and Maddie had insisted I come here after spending so many days alone at Michael's loft. Michael hadn't slept in this bed in ages, yet the pillow and sheets still smelled like him. It was comforting and torturous all at the same time.

I wasn't the kind of person who needed someone. I could take care of myself better than most men and I'd proven that time and time again. Many times to Michael's frustration. But this time, with Michael completely off the radar, I found myself aching for his presence. Things had been so good for us, we'd been so in tune with each other since the whole O'Neill mess, and as much as I wanted to deny it, I had come to rely on his role in my life.

I dozed off, memories of recent moments we had shared rushing back as I inhaled his scent. Michael placing me on the sand after rescuing me from the water. Lounging on Maddie's sofa as Michael said, "We're no good at this." Michael repairing my stitches for the second time, followed quickly by me punching him in the jaw.

More than those big moments though, it was the little moments that came to the forefront of my mind. An almost kiss as we built a bug. A moment in a hotel room. Waking up wrapped in Michael's strong arms. I had really gotten used to that. I'd never tell him, but my kidnapping had left me a bit shaken and he had been my rock. We'd spent almost every night together; sex or no sex, and he had made me feel safe.

I allowed a few small tears to fall from my eyes. I'd lost count of the number of times that had happened since Michael ran off after Simon. I hadn't completely lost it though and to his credit, Sam always pretended not to notice. We were doing what we had to do to try to find Michael and if nothing else that required us to be on our game. Emotions just couldn't get in the way.

As the sun rose outside the window I heard Maddie walk down the hall to the kitchen. Poor Maddie. She loved her son so much and it had taken so long for him to return that love. And now he was gone. For who knows how long. She was holding it together though. I was actually proud of her; she handled the FBI agent so well.

I knew she would. We were completely different people but the one major thing we shared was our love for Michael. We could endure anything we had to in order to help Michael.

I pushed myself up off the bed, still hugging the pillow tightly to my chest, and headed into the kitchen. I had to get out of here and I wanted to do it before Sam was up. Maddie would understand. Sam would try to stop me. But I needed to be back in one of the last places Michael was before he disappeared. The windows had been fixed and there was nothing helpful there but I still needed to go back to the loft.

I walked into the kitchen and without a word Maddie handed me a yogurt and a spoon. Our morning ritual. And afternoon ritual. And, well, pretty much anytime we were thinking about Michael ritual. I shifted the pillow to my side as I ate. Neither of us spoke, Sam's snoring from down the hall the only sound in the house.

"Maddie, I…" I started to say.

"I know Fiona, you're going back to the loft," she replied before I could finish my sentence, "I understand. If I could actually do something I'd be going back there too. Just be careful."

I nodded, words Maddie had said back when Michael first returned from his helicopter ride with Management fresh in my mind. "You three need to stick together!" We had tried. And now Sam and I had to find Michael. Whatever it took.

"Go ahead honey; just make sure you let me know what's going on. I'll stall Sam for as long as I can."

"Thank you Maddie," I said, handing her Michael's pillow and heading outside to the latest car we'd managed to acquire.

I made my way to Michael's loft, taking a roundabout route to make sure I wasn't being followed (I wasn't) and spending a few minutes walking around outside to make sure nobody was watching (nobody was).

I entered the loft, part of me hoping beyond hope that Michael was somewhere inside. He had once returned here thinking I was gone, only to find me sitting on a stool waiting for him. If only I could have that same experience this time.

He wasn't there, of course.

I took a deep breath, dropping my bag on the table and looking around. I didn't know what to do, but being here made me feel like I was at least trying.

I walked over to the bed, looking under it for the hundredth time since Michael was taken, not sure what I was expecting to see. Maybe there was some kind of clue that I had missed.

There wasn't.

My thoughts turned to Michael's last few moments with Sam and me. The emotion in his voice as he told me he had to do this one on his own. The way he spoke my name and held my shoulders before walking away. I wondered where he was and what he was going through.

He wasn't in Miami, that much was certain. Sam and I had combed every corner of the area, coming up empty at every turn. We'd made use of whatever contacts we had—Barry, Agents Harris and Lane, even Jason Bly—but nobody could turn up even a speck of information on where Michael was. Which meant he was almost certainly out of the country.

I sat on the bed, thinking about all the times one of us had laid in it with some sort of injury. We'd taken care of each other, tending to wounds and doing whatever was necessary to nurse the other to health. Many sleepless nights had been spent sitting on the edge of the mattress, watching the other sleep. I'd give anything to have an injured Michael next to me right now.

I was tired. Exhausted. Though I'd dozed off for a while last night I hadn't slept well in days. I found Michael's T-shirt on the chair where I had left it. I slipped my own top off and pulled Michael's shirt over my head, wrapping my arms around myself as I inhaled his scent. I lay down on the bed and wrapped the blankets around me as tight as I could.

My sleep was very fitful as I dreamed of Michael alone in a dark room. He wasn't scared, that wouldn't be like Michael, but he was doing everything he could to figure a way out of the situation and back to…

I woke, wondering who Michael would want to come back to most. I hoped he was thinking of me but did I really know for sure that he was?

As I dozed off again I dreamed of the fights we'd had. Before O'Neill kidnapped me it seemed Michael and I were fighting all the time. He wanted to find a way back in. I wanted him. And I wanted him to want me. I woke with tears on my cheeks again.

My mind drifted to a TV show Maddie and I had watched the day before while Sam was out getting us dinner. A couple was having a fight, and the woman said, "There are a lot of men out there and they don't all have to want me but you should want me." It pained me to admit that I could speak those very words to Michael.

I pulled Michael's pillow to my chest. I'd slept with it so much recently that it was starting to lose his scent. He needed to come back. Soon.

I finally fell into a deep sleep, the blankets wrapped tight around me making me dream of being wrapped in Michael's arms. His touch seemed so real as he held me in my dreams, running his hands up and down my back while he whispered in my ear and pressed gentle kisses to my forehead, my cheeks, my eyelids, and the top of my head.

It just felt so right and for a few moments as I slept I forgot everything that had happened. It was just Michael and me enjoying being in each other's arms and relaxing for a change. It rarely happened but when it had it had been wonderful.

Just as Michael leaned in to kiss my lips in my dream I heard the chirping of my phone. It had to be Sam. I wanted to ignore it but I knew he'd keep calling if I didn't pick up. I made my way over to my phone, surprised to see, not Sam's number, but an unknown number.

Pressing the green button, I said, "Hello?"

All I could hear at first was static, but then suddenly the line cleared just enough for me to hear a faint, "Fi?"

It couldn't be.

It wasn't possible.

Was it?

"Michael? Is that you? Are you hurt? Where are you?" I asked, not really believing it could be him.

"Fi, I…" More static. "… need… Sam…" The phone kept cutting in and out.

"Michael, we're working on finding you, can you tell me anything to help us?"

"Fi…" And the line went dead.

I couldn't believe it. I was wide awake, my heart pounding a mile a minute.

At that moment Sam walked through the door.

"Sam, Michael just called me. I couldn't hear much but I know it was him!"

"What, are you sure Fi?"

"Of course Sam, I know Michael's voice when I hear it! We have work to do, we have to find him… and do it soon! I'm sure that phone call wasn't exactly authorized by Management."

"Well then, let's get to work Fi."


OK I know it's probably not likely Michael would be able to call Fi but like I said, it's an idea I've had in my mind.

Stay tuned for Chapter 2, from Michael's POV. And please let me know what you think.