Me: Hello again good friends!

Fangirl: The plot bunny gave her an idea.

Me: Don't you love it?

Fangirl: It's kinda cute… kinda.

Me: Well I don't own Yu Gi Oh GX, and kinda?

Fangirl: Enjoy!

Judai was stuck, he didn't know what you where supposed to do. He couldn't get this homework business at all, so confusing! And it's not like his parents where home to help him.

"What's the matter Judai?" Yubel asked peering at what Judai was stuck on.

"Yubel can you do math?" Judai asked, his little eyes beaming, he couldn't believe he had forgotten she was there. Yubel could surely help him with his homework!

"Well I'll give it a try." Yubel replied, she really had no clue on what to do, but she couldn't just flat out tell Judai she couldn't help him, she had to try.

"Let me see that Judai?" She asked, holding out her hand to examine the math work. Judai smiled at Yubel and handed her the paper.

Yubel can help me! He thought. She has to be able to help me!

Yubel looked over the paper; I don't think I can help Judai. But I have to try. She thought.

"Ok Judai this says 2+3, so think about it, you have 2 apples" She started holding up two fingers, Judai simply nodded his head, his eyes beaming. "Then you get three more apples" She held three more fingers up. "How much apples do you have now?"

"Um…5, 5 apples, I know that!" Judai yelled. He looked at Yubel thoughtfully "But how does this help me with math?" He asked.

If it was anyone else, Yubel would have called them a retard, but it was Judai, and he was such a sweet kid, just a little on the slow side.

"Just write 5 on the paper next to 2+3 ok?" She asked handing Judai the paper.

"Ok Yubel!" Judai replied, writing on the paper.

"What about this one?" He asked again handing Yubel the paper.

"This says 5-3, so picture 5, duel monsters cards." Yubel started again hoping maybe duel monsters cards would click in Judai's head. "Then take 3 away, so how many duel monsters cards do you have now?"

"2 cards!" Judai shouted. He wrote the answer down on the paper. "But how does that help me with math?"

Yubel sighed; this was going to be a long, long night.