Title: The Cage Of Dreams
Author: Slashydutchie
Fandom: CROSSOVER: Tanz der Vampire/La Cage Aux Folles
Pairing/character: Graf von Krolock/Zaza
Rating: FRT
Prompt: to be in your embrace
Kink: forbidden affair, succumbing to desire
A/N: I blame the wonderful Steve Barton. I'm watching him as Zaza as I write and was planning to include Von Krolock no matter what. So yeah...
Albin wanted to scream, to release the usual high-pitched shriek that would present itself whenever a small rodent or insect showed up in the vicinity. The sound that would bring Georges to his side like a gallant knight, ready to fight all the dangers of the world for the man he loved.
But now, even as Georges was asleep beside him he could not make a single noise. All Albin could do was stare at the dark shadow by the window, willing himself to wake up from this dream.
Slowly Albin's eyes began to adjust to the dark and the contrast created by the permanent lights of the city outside, enabling him to quite clearly discern a man before the window. Surely this had to be some kind of dream. They lived above the club, there was no possible way a man could be there. Then why could he see him, as clear as he could see Georges beside him.
A pale man with long dark hair that was only slightly streaked with grey, eyes that seemed to hypnotize and rich clothing. The embroidery on his gilet could be clearly seen even from here, silver against the dark fabric. His trousers appeared to be woven from night itself, hugging the man's form. And his cape appeared to be rather uniquely lined with purple fabric rather than the more classical choices.
To be honest with himself, and Albin usually was when he wasn't getting himself worked up over something or other, the man was very attractive.
A long-fingered hand was beckoning him from beside the window and after casting another look on his sleeping lover Albin resigned himself to the fact that he apparently wouldn't wake from this dream any time soon and might as well go along with it.
He pushed the covers aside and got out of the bed, noticing with mild amusement that he was wearing his nice nightgown. He'd almost forgotten that Zaza had taken charge last night. It appeared the man by his window noticed too, judging from the widening of his eyes, but if the smile playing around his lips was any indication he wasn't bothered by it one bit. And still he beckoned.
Slowly, gracefully, Albin moved towards the window. He could feel the familiar sensations washing over him like they so often did, Zaza taking over a bit more with every sway of his hips.
"Hello there, stranger." Albin put a hand on the wall on either side of the window, almost posing for the handsome man on the other side of the glass. From this distance it was clear that the man truly was unnaturally pale and his eyes were every bit as mesmerizing as they'd seemed from a distance.
The man smiled, almost but not quite smirking, and cocked his head a little. Almost as if he were appraising, or rather appreciating, the sight before him.
"Aren't you going to invite me in?" he whispered, his voice a deep enticing baritone that seemed to be made of dark chocolate dipped in sex. It should be impossible to sound like that while speaking through a window, but in this dream it clearly wasn't.
Albin found himself biting his lip, turning his head slightly to almost but not quite glance back at the still sleeping form of Georges, but Zaza had already put her hand on the window's latch and before Albin was aware of it he'd opened the window.
"Please... do come in."