The Boot

Chapter Thirty Eight


DISCLAIMER: "Emergency!" and its characters © Mark VII Productions, Inc. and Universal Studios. All rights reserved. No infringement of any copyrights or trademarks is intended or should be inferred. This is a work of fiction. This story is only written for entertainment. No financial gain is being realized from it. The story, itself, is the property of the author.

By time Johnny got to Scotty's truck his sprained wrist ached terribly, and his energy was waning. Tim Duntley helped him into the cab of the truck and pushed the door closed. He put the crutches into the bed as Scotty put Johnny's duffle in. The two men exchanged understanding looks. They both had enough experience with ceiling collapses to know the aches and pains that plagued a firefighter after the adrenaline rush that kept them going while on shift faded.

Tim leaned in the open window to wish Johnny well. "I hope you put some serious thought into the things we talked about in the squad on the way back here. I think you would be perfect for it." Tim purposely spoke in generalities. Johnny's thoughts about joining Rescue were not his to share.

Johnny looked at Tim with an unsure smile. "Yeah, I will."

Tim patted Johnny on the arm, "Well…Merry Christmas, Johnny."

"Merry Christmas," Johnny said with a deep yawn.

"Let's go Boot." Scotty shifted the truck into drive. "My mom's dressing is getting cold." He patted the wrapped dishes in the center of the truck seat.

Tim stepped back and watched the truck depart. Then he smiled. 'I think you already know what you want to do. You just need someone's approval first, and I'll bet Scotty is just the friend to give it.'He went back into the station whistling Jingle Bells and moving with a renewed bounce in his step.

When Scotty pulled his truck into the drive and put it in park he smiled over at his sleeping friend. Johnny had fallen asleep as soon as they pulled out of the station parking lot. "Well Boot, you wait here while I get the door open; then I'll help you with those crutches." He chuckled as he grabbed the covered dishes and slid quietly from behind the wheel softly closing the truck door.

Johnny awoke alone in the cab of Scotty's truck. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes wondering how long he'd been sitting out there asleep. He unbuckled the seatbelt and pushed the door open. 'Tim put the crutches in the back.' He turned in the seat and looked through the back window to see where the crutches were. "Well…here goes nothin'" He carefully stepped out of the truck on one foot while trying not to put any weight on his wrist. It was not an easy task.

He had almost made it when Scotty came around the front of the truck. "Ah hem, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Johnny's head shot up and his mouth hung open. "I..uh…what? What do you mean? I was just…" He waved his arm at the bed of the truck.

"Just what?" Scotty crossed his arms over his chest. "Trying to fall? To further injure your ankle? To break that sprained wrist. Now that would be great. How would I explain that to Cap?"

"I…I didn't…I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Johnny looked up at his friend with sad eyes. He would never want to do anything to cause his friend any trouble with Captain Jones.

Scotty had only been teasing Johnny, but the kid had taken it so seriously. "No problem. Let me just get the crutches for you." He moved around Johnny who was now supporting himself against the truck. "We'll get you inside and settled on the sofa, and then you're gonna taste some of the best dressing you'll ever put in your mouth."

Once settled with his foot propped up on the coffee table complete with an ice pack and his arm resting on a pillow, Johnny was treated to a plate full of Scotty's mother's Christmas dinner which he tore into like he hadn't eaten in days.

"I see there's nothing wrong with your appetite."

"This is really good." Johnny said with his mouth full. "You were right about the dressing."

"I told you."

"Yeah…yeah you did." Johnny smiled and took another big bite. After he cleaned his plate, placed it on the coffee table and reclined on the sofa, Johnny turned to Scotty, "Why did Dixie call you?"

"Because she said the doctor wouldn't let you go home alone."

"But I was going to bunk down at the station. He said that would be okay."

"Johnny, it's Christmas. She didn't want you to have to stay at the station. What if they got called out? Then you would have been there alone, and that wasn't the plan…was it?"

"Well…no, but why did she call you?" Johnny wouldn't let it drop.

"Because I asked her to call me the last time you were sick and didn't have a ride. Cap told her the same thing. Actually, he gets called anytime one of us is hurt on duty anyway…department rules. Headquarters informs him of any of his crew that might miss a shift due to an on the job injury. He got called from headquarters about the same time Dixie called me." Scotty knew Johnny would hate all the attention his minor injuries had brought on, but that's just how things in the department worked. "Cap called me at my Mom's after he talked to headquarters."

"He called you at your Mom's?" Johnny looked with a surprised look on his face. "It's just a couple of sprains."

"It's no big deal Johnny. Dixie called me at Mom's too. I gave them the number a long time ago as a second number for me. Besides Mom's my emergency contact. You know next of kin. We all have to have one on record at headquarters." Scotty picked up the empty plates and started toward the kitchen. "Just don't worry about it. I asked them to call me if you needed anyone. It's not that big of a deal. I've done the same for lots of guys."

"It is a big deal!" Johnny dropped his foot to the floor and scooted to the edge of the cushion. He looked around for the crutches.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm gonna go home."

Scotty moved back across the room and sat the dishes back on the coffee table. "No you're not. Now just relax kid. They called me, because you're my friend." He put his hands on Johnny's shoulders to prevent him from trying to get up. "I wanted them too."

Johnny up at Scotty; he could see the sincerity in his eyes. "O…okay." He relaxed back against the cushions. "I'll stay." Truthfully he was exhausted and terribly stiff and achy. "But, you can take me home in a little while."

Scotty didn't even comment about Johnny's last statement. Johnny had agreed to stay, and for now that was enough. He knew if he said anything else he might have another fight on his hands. He also knew that he didn't plan on taking Johnny back to his place until he was on his way back to the station for his next shift. He again picked up the dirty dishes and took them to the kitchen. When he returned to his recliner he noticed a very serious look on Johnny's face. "You still mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you." Johnny said quietly.

"Then what's got you looking so serious?"

"I was thinkin'…" Johnny started and then stopped again. Scotty sat down and waited for him to continue. "You know I got to drive the squad today." Johnny said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Well don't get any ideas about my engine." Scotty teased and they share a good laugh.

"It felt right."

Scotty sat up straighter. This was important. He and Cap had both hoped Johnny would decide to go for rescue and fill Joe's spot. "Yeah?"

Johnny looked up and smiled again. "Yeah…it did. I was thinking about talking to Cap about going out for rescue…but…"

"But what Johnny this is great news."

"Do you really think so?"

"Do I really think so? You're kidding right? I mean Cap and I have already talked about it. You remember that right?"


"Then why would you think otherwise. When are you going to tell him? We can call him right now." Scotty moved to get up.

"No!" Johnny said a little too loudly. "I mean…" He squirmed on the couch. "It's Christmas and all. I'll just talk to him at the station."

"Are you kidding me?" Scotty said through a huge smile. "This would be the best Christmas present ever! You should call him."

Johnny looked like he might be sick. "What if he's changed his mind? What if it isn't good news?"

"Johnny, you have got to stop doubting yourself. Do you remember the things we talked about the day I told you about the conversation Cap and I had about filling Joe's seat in the squad?"

"Some of it."

"Let me remind you. You're really good at being a fireman, Johnny. You've only been doing it for a short time, but there isn't a man on our shift that doesn't trust your instinct when it comes to reading a fire. You're a natural. When we all watched you running back into that house and out again carrying a boy that no one else could find it proved that you were in this because of your desire to help people. We've seen you squeeze into spaces no one else could even think about getting in, and watched you hang off a bridge holding on to that truck driver while his truck exploded above your head. Like I said the other day…you will be good at Rescue, and I assure you Cap agrees with me."

Johnny couldn't help the blush that moved up his neck and into his cheeks. "Thanks Scotty."

"So are you ready to call Cap?"

"Yeah…I'll call him."

"Well…" Scotty pointed to the table beside the couch. "…there's the phone."

Johnny laughed at his friend and reached for the phone pulling it into his lap. He sat there holding it for a few minutes. Even though Scotty said Cap would be pleased, Johnny still felt unsure.

Sensing Johnny's return to his insecure thoughts, Scotty prodded him again. "You do know the number don't you?"

"I know the number." He picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hello, Jones residence." A female voice answered.

"Um…excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you on Christmas day, but could I please speak with Captain Jones."

"Why sure you can. Hold on please."

Johnny could hear the phone being put down on a hard surface; then the female voice speaking in the distance. "Honey, there's a very young sounding man on the phone for you."

"Does he sound okay?" Ben asked his wife as he passed her on the way to the phone. A very young sounding man had to be Johnny calling to let him know what had happened earlier today. "Hello this is Captain Jones."

"Hey Cap…Merry Christmas…uh sorry to call you on Christmas…"

"That you John?"

"Yes sir."

"You all right? Headquarters said you were in a collapse."

"I'm okay. I sprained my wrist and ankle."

"So you'll be off next shift?"

Johnny sat up and Scotty could see alarm cross his features. He leaned closer trying to find out what had upset him so much. "What's wrong?"

Johnny glanced at him and shook his head. "No sir…I mean I don't know. Doc said stay on the crutches for a couple of days."

"That sounds about right. What about the concussion? You aren't at your place alone are you? You shouldn't be alone with a concussion."

"No sir, I'm at Scotty's."

"Good, good. He said he was going down to the station and try to get you to come home with him. I'm glad you agreed."

"Uh…Cap, I made a decision." Johnny paused. He only heard silence on the other end of the phone line. He held his breath and paled. Scotty moved beside him and gripped his shoulder in support. "I…uh…if you still think it's a good idea I'd like to try for rescue."

Captain Ben Jones struggled to maintain his professional composure, but failed considerably. "WooHoo! That 's the best news I've heard in a long time." His wife smiled and giggled at her normally in control husband. "I'll call headquarters first thing tomorrow morning and let them know I have a man for the job."

"No sir…please don't." Johnny spoke up quickly. "I mean…I would like to go down and apply first…I don't want any special treatment. I have to make it on my own. If I can't then I shouldn't be in that position."

"I can respect that. But once you're enrolled I will do what I can to expedite the training process. I need you in the squad as soon as possible. Fair enough?"

"Fair enough." Johnny smiled at Scotty. "So I'll go down tomorrow and sign up."

"Maybe you should wait until you can walk without the crutches. I mean you don't want them to get the wrong picture." Cap said.

"Oh…I didn't think of that. Okay, then I'll go down later this week." Johnny rubbed his head and pinched the bridge of his nose like he did when he had a headache. "Thanks Cap."

"No thank you Johnny. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." Johnny said and moved to hang up the phone. He stopped, raised it back to his ear and smiled. He could hear Cap telling his wife the good news before the line went dead. He looked over at Scotty and laughed. "I think he was happy."

"I'm sure he was. Now let's get you some Tylenol for that headache and see if there's a game on TV."

Johnny put the phone back on the table and reclined on the sofa. His head did ache, but he felt good. He had some really great new friends who were taking care of him. He knew what he wanted to do with his career, and that was a really nice feeling. Now all he had to do was go down to headquarters and sign up for Rescue training.

He had finished his probationary period with the Los Angeles County Fire Department. He wasn't a Boot any longer. He was a full-fledged fireman, and soon if all went as he hoped it did, he would be a Rescue Man.

"Here ya go Boot. Take these." Scotty handed him some Tylenol and a glass of milk.

"I'm not a Boot anymore." Johnny said as he sat up and downed the Tylenol and the milk.

"You'll always be a Boot to me." Scotty smiled and ruffled Johnny's hair.

The End

A/N: I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for reading "The Boot". It started out as an idea for a short one shot, but evolved into something so much more. It's hard to believe the first chapter was posted almost a year ago. It has been a labor of love for me. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I have plans to at some point in time work on Johnny's time training and working in Rescue leading up to my other story "Rescue Man", as well as finish my other stories. In the mean time if you want more of his life before the pilot "Wedsworth-Townsend Act" check out my story "Little Boy Lost" which is the prequel to "The Boot". I also want to thank everyone who left reviews. They are so helpful and supply fuel for the author. You guys are the BEST!


Ginger S