I hate you because I love you

I hate it when you go

Ohh that's so sweet

When some dude and

His dog are walking down the street

I hate you

Cus you got me nice clothes

Cus you say I gotta

Look nice, neat, and respectable

Threw out all my junk food

And say it's for my health

And all this crappy diet foods

got me spending all my wealth

that look on your face when you cuss

that look on your face when you say drop dead

I love it so much

That's why I poured the cereal on your head

I fight and argue

Just so you seethe

Why don't you get it

I do it so… you won't leave

To say I'm in love is crazy

But it is and always will be true

It's psychotic, but so are you

Cus you stick around too